Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 67: The Weasleys and Floo Powder (First Order!!)

One of the most famous is the Floo powder.

Invented by wizard Ignetta Wismith.

Guarded by more than a dozen of the world's largest wizarding families.

Not even the ministries of magic of various countries have the right to meddle.

And the location is extremely secretive, although all English wizards know that the company licensed to produce floo powder is located in Diagon Alley.

But no wizard ever found it.

Arthur S. Weasley was puzzled that Albert had found him.

Instead, Albert Foley explains:

"Of course, I know Arthur.

But Arthur, you have a lot of family.

I think there are no more Weasley relatives in English wizarding than in England. 39

Arthur S. Weasley suddenly said:

"So you were fighting this idea."

"But I have to tell you first, I can't command them. Your abacus has failed. ”

"Of course, I never expected that. Rather..."

Mr. Foley approached Arthur S. Weasley whispered in his ear.

Mr. Weasley shrugged:

"Well, since you want to.

Pick up the pen and sign the contract.

When Arthur S. Weasley walked downstairs dressed.

I found my wife and children sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Eight Seven Three"

One by one, they were careful not to let the dresses on their bodies be stained with sauce.

These dresses were subjected to thermostatic and drying spells.

So once it gets dirty, it is difficult to clean it with a cleaning charm.

Thankfully, they just ate sandwiches.

Saw the husband come down.

Mrs. Weasley half complained:

"Hurry up and eat, everyone is waiting for you."

Also, eat less.

Millie prepared breakfast over there.

Mr. Weasley nodded as he ate his sandwich.

Wait until Mr. Weasley finishes eating.

Molly S. Weasley sorted out the family's clothes again.

After checking the protective spells in the house.

Like his own family, he put his hand on a huge old tire.

A few goblins not far away looked at the excitement curiously.

I want to know what these wizards are going to do.

Perhaps it was because they thought it was funny that they stood there dumbfounded, and one by one they called their companions.

Some of the daring ones even ran over to see it up close.

"Get away! You goblin. ”

Ronald shouted at the approaching goblin.

But the goblins were obviously not so afraid of him, but instead laughed and laughed.

"Okay, Ronald don't go over. We have no time to waste.

I saw my youngest son and wanted to run over.

Mrs. Weasley hurriedly scolded.

Arthur S. Weasley looked at his pocket watch again.

Put your own foot on the tire.


"Ready! Kids!39

The voice just fell.

Everyone disappeared in place with a thud.

Startled the approaching goblins.

Shouted and ran away into the distance.

And the goblins who stayed in the distance laughed loudly at these frightened hapless eggs.

Mocking their embarrassment.

On a hillside outside the village of Forlì.

Braun was bored and waiting with Dom.

Just as he was holding the grass roots.

When I was lying comfortably on the hillside, I was startled by a bang.

When I stood up, I saw that a pile of red hair appeared here in the originally empty place next to me.

"Cousin Braun!"

Ginny ran over and grabbed Braun's arm very affectionately.

"Hi Ginny! Seriously, you're so beautiful today!"

Braun praised.

Ginny blushed and whispered thank you.

"Braun, your dad told me you invented a new potion yourself? What a smart kid!99

Molly S. Weasley touched Braun's head.

Obviously very happy about his nephew.

"Just a trivial achievement, Aunt Molly. By the way, let's go.

Mom prepared breakfast for us. There's still a whole bunch of things to do and that today. ""

"That's right. There are indeed a lot of things today.

Fred! George! You carry the portkey, which is the punishment you gave yesterday for stuffing spiders in Ronald's pants.

Remember to be careful not to be seen by Muggles when using the Flotation Charm, which is not far from Muggle villages.

"Okay, Mom."

Fred and George crested their heads.

"Then let's go first?"

Braun inquired.

"Of course, Braun, leave them both alone, it's punishment for both of them.

Let's go over first.

Molly S. Weasley replied to Braun.

So, a group of people walked in front of them talking and laughing.

Not far behind, Fred and George pretended to move tires bitterly.

"Braun, the new robe you gave me is so comfortable!

Ronald whispered to Braun.

"Is it? That's good. I thought you wouldn't like that.

"Of course, of course I like it.

It's just that the only bad thing is that you gave me the same gift as Percy. Are you too lazy to pick?"


Haha this is all you can see.

Braun scratched his head as if embarrassed.

Of course, he didn't give the robe or anything.

It should have been sent by his mother.

If only he had given Dalí's fist set to Ronald.

Thinking of this, it seems that the boxing is still in his room?

Forget it, give it as a gift for next Christmas.

"Cousin! Don't listen to him, Ronald was happy when he got the robe.

Call you his best friend.


Ronald called out his sister's name with some embarrassment.

But Ginny wasn't afraid of him.

On the contrary, he looked proud.

"By the way, I like the wizard chess you gave me, Ronald. But I don't know much, you can teach me later. 99

Braun saw that Ronald was a little angry and deliberately changed the subject.

Sure enough, as soon as Ronald heard this, he instantly forgot about his anger and said with a little excitement:

"Really? Braun?

You don't know wizard chess?

I mean, no problem! I'd love to teach you!

Although he tried his best to pretend to be calm, the smile that almost reached the base of his ears was enough to show the excitement in his heart.

After all, if his mother used Braun to educate him, he could refute it by teaching Braun to play wizarding chess.

Of course, that's just a thought.

In fact, he did not dare to do so.

The hillside is not far from Foley Manor.

So the crowd soon arrived.

The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the castle is the beautiful gardens.

A group of beautiful flower fairies are flying among the flowers.

"It's so pretty....."

Envy flashed under Ginny's eyes.

"This is the flower fairy that moved in January this year.

Originally, I thought they were just staying here for the time being, but I didn't expect to make their home here.

Braun explained to Ginny.

"Settled? Didn't flower fairies migrate with the flower season?"

"Now there are fewer wild flower fields.

Basically ruined by Muggles.

So some flower fairies have also changed their biochemical habits. 35

Ginny's mood was a little low, and it was clear that Braun's words touched her a little:

"Let's go inside. Mom prepared a lot of delicious food!

"Molly! Arthur, here you are! Let's go eat first.

Dobby! You guys stop and take a break. Wait a while and continue the arrangement. ""

Mr. Foley, who was directing the house-elves to set up the hall, saw it.

When the Weasleys arrived, they said hello.

"Albert has been busy for a long time."

"yes, there are too many things.

If it weren't for their help, I wouldn't know when to arrange it if I used magic alone.

But it's already about it.

Next up are the ingredients, but I've borrowed a batch of house-elves from Hogwarts.

Dealing with tomorrow's banquet is no problem.

The main reason for you to come in advance is to help me arrange the position of the invitees and determine the list in case I miss anything.

Have eaten.

Bill and the Weasleys went to help.

George Ronald and Braun's younger children were kicked out of the castle and left to play on their own.

Braun and they felt very comfortable lying on the grass and blowing the mountain breeze.

"Braun, I heard that you invented potions yourself?"

George, who was lying on Braun's side, spoke.

"Well, yes, but just luck. If it weren't for my father's financial support. I probably won't succeed either.

"Oh, I envy you.

Freed said a little lost.

"We're also trying to invent something, but unfortunately we have too little money. 35

Hearing Fred's words, Braun was a little surprised.

I never thought that now the 3.1 brothers had already begun to invent.

"What did you invent?"

Braun asked with some curiosity.

Speaking of his proud works.

George and Fred got excited:

"Look at what we call it truancy sugar. 99

George added:

"Your nostrils bleed after eating.

Not really bleeding, of course, but a red snot-like liquid. 99

While speaking, it seemed that he was afraid that Braun did not understand too much.

Stuffed a piece of white nougat into his mouth.

It didn't take long for a bright red liquid to start coming out of George's nose.

"How? Isn't that interesting?35

George said while bleeding from a fake nose.

"Using the shell of a discolored giant snail?

No, that animal is too expensive and toxic.

Sneeze blades and phoenix flowers?"

At this time, Fred and George were a little surprised:

Fred said a little lost:

"Hey! This is a recipe that we have been thinking about for a long time!

That's what you said?"

George is also a little lost:

"Fred, I don't think we're suitable for joke props.

Otherwise, the formula will be guessed at once.

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