Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 71: Terrifying Alienation! Thriller! (Thank you very much for your monthly pass tips)

But at present, it is also very good.

"By the way, since everyone doesn't trust my son very much.

Then let him explain it to you.

“ Braun?”

He patted his son on the back and motioned for him to step forward.

Braun took a deep breath:

"Hello everyone, just now my teacher, Mr. Snape, has explained the effects of the potion.

Next, let me tell you about the use of medicines. Do you have any questions? It's okay to ask. 55

Braun looked at everyone expectantly, but who knew that everyone looked at me and I looked at me ∼ you didn't speak.

Seeing that no one was talking, Arthur-Weasley asked:

"I would like to ask how alienated plants ensure that they do not attack their users.

Braun smiled:

"That's a good question, alienation potions don't look like other potions because of the different users and environments.

It has more uniqueness.

And the solution is blood.

Wizards can add a drop of their own blood to the potion after purchase.

Because of the peculiarities of potions, plants created by alienation potions added to blood naturally protect wizards with the same aura.

It's not unlimited, though.

Because of the progress of the research.

Currently in our study can only increase a person's blood.

Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when using it to avoid hurting your peers.

With Arthur S. Weasley took the lead.

Everyone also began to ask questions.

Braun answers these questions.

"What question would you like to ask this gentleman?"

The question was asked by a somewhat elderly wizard.

The appearance is also more terrifying, and one leg is replaced by a magic wooden leg.

There was also a dripping fake cigarette in his eyes.

At this moment he said hoarsely:

"I want to see his true fighting power!

And not what defense!

The best defense for me is offense!

Braun was stunned, but then smiled:

"Of course, I think that the next experiment my father will conduct for you will turn your understanding upside down.

The space here is not very large.

I think, the garden is just right.

And it couldn't be better to enjoy a perfect show on such a beautiful night.

The crowd, of course, will not object.

They all walked out of the hall into the garden.

At this moment, the garden has been arranged for a special isolation area at some time.

"This is..."

Some wizards frowned and obviously didn't know what this was for.

But soon their doubts were solved.

I saw Mr. Foley walk in with a smile on his face.

With a clap of their hands, the two house-elves used their magic to move a huge iron cage inside.

And everyone who saw the iron cage gasped one after another.

"Merlin! This is a werewolf..."

"Fenrir Greyback!

The scariest werewolf! A criminal wanted for decades by the Ministry of Magic!"

The wizard who recognized the werewolf whispered at this moment.

There were exclamations from the crowd, and Fenrir, who looked at the wolf-headed man in the cage, was both disgusted and frightened.

Seeing the panicked expressions of everyone, Mr. Foley was very satisfied.

With some fanatical introduction:

"As you can see!

Fenrir Greyback!

The most insidious and cunning werewolf in the wizarding world!

Love to eat human flesh!

Bites many little wizards.

And today!

I will use him to introduce you to you!

The invention of my dear son!

Alienation potion is crimson!

This is an alienation potion that has become more powerful.

His use must match this thing in my hand, the seed of alienation.

Originally, this experiment was for some guy who was not inferior in words, but it's a pity ...

He said and looked at Sack Parkinson in the crowd.

The other party trembled with fright.

"Okay, let's witness it now!

Let's meet a great change together!

Everyone was a little puzzled by Mr. Foley's somewhat morbid and crazy appearance at the moment.

But they surprisingly didn't ask, but waited quietly to see what they wanted to do.

Received instructions from Mr. Foley.

The house-elf opened the cage in an instant.

And Fenrir Greyback of the wolf-headed man inside.

It was a roar.

Rushed out in an instant.

He was brought over by Foley's shameless means.

Originally, he was drinking in a tavern.

I was drinking to the fullest, and suddenly I felt as if my magic power was blocked.

Then he fainted.

The last thing I heard was the murmur of my own subordinates:

"I didn't expect Dawfenrir to be so valuable.

Ten thousand gold galleons!

The Foley family is really atmospheric...

When he woke up again, he was locked in a cage.

And through the conversations of those people, he also understood that the reason why he was arrested was to be used as an experimental object.

How could he not be angry at this, who was sinister and cunning?

At the moment, his only thought was to grab the wizard of Damn it in front of him and force him to leave.

In the face of the murderous Fenrir, Mr. Foley did not care.

Throw out the alienated seed in your hand and stand quietly in place.

"Oh my God!

Foley isn't scared silly!

Hide! Run!"

"You won't just be killed!55."

Seeing that Mr. Foley did not dodge some wizards, he couldn't help but scream.

Some witches even closed their eyes in fear.

And Sack Parkinson was excited.

Praying that the man in front of Damn it was killed by a werewolf.


Screams came.

Let some timid wizards can't help but tremble.

But it was not Mr. Foley who screamed, but Fenrir Greyback.

I saw that Mr. Foley was still standing in place.

It's just that there are more blood-red plants in front of him.

He was excitedly waving his spiky vines.

And Fenrir, who had a fierce look in his eyes, fell not far away.

There was also faint blood oozing from the body.

"As you can see.

The seed of alienation.

A plant specially cultivated by our Foley family.

With its cooperation with the alienation agent, the resulting combat power is so powerful.

Of course, everyone may be a little unconvinced, after all, the werewolf's most powerful moment is when he transforms.

Strong magic resistance.

Agile speed.

Strong flesh.

All this makes wizards like nightmares.

But I'm telling you that's not the case!

And the reason why I chose today and extended the banquet to one day is also for this moment.

Look at that! Moon...... Appeared!"

With the words of Mr. Foley.

Fingal, lying on the ground, also began to change at this moment.

The wolf's head became more and more huge.

The body also began to gradually grow gray-black hair.

The palm of the hand turned into a wolf's claw, and the wound on the body gradually recovered and disappeared.

The body size has also become more than three meters tall.

"Oh oh..."

Fenrir stood up and whistled at the moon.

Some wizards who were close couldn't help but step back.

At this moment, Mr. Foley's face also began to take on a little seriousness.

Quietly, he poured three bottles of potions into the vine.

But on the surface, he still looks relaxed:

"That's it, guys.

The full body of a werewolf.

Powerful and impressive.

But unfortunately they lose consciousness during the full moon.

Fenrir, of course, also found this little bug that sighed.

Although his consciousness is already a little blurry at the moment.

But he still remembered that the wizard in front of him was the person he wanted to kill the most.

With a roar, he rushed up like a gust of wind.


The blood-colored vine waved its tentacles, pumping the approaching werewolf to a kick.

Multiple evolutions and the help of three bottles of alienation potions have made it extremely powerful at this moment.

The werewolf's heart was also flooded with crisis.

If it had been before, he might not have hesitated to escape.

But at the moment, he lost his mind, and he was already carried away by anger.

Frantically tearing and grappling against the vines that hurt you.

For a while, wolf hair and broken plant fragments flew around.

As time goes on, the vines gradually begin to fall into the downwind.

"There is a limit to the time of the alienation seed, but as long as you have enough alienation potions, you can fight indefinitely!"

After speaking, he poured out all the ten bottles of medicine in his hand.

I saw that the vines that originally looked weak were like chicken blood.

The size has also become more huge, like a cluster of demon snakes under the light of the moon.

Fingal, on the other hand, barely held on for a moment before he was entangled in vines.

I can't exert the slightest strength.

"Just like this, as long as you have enough potions you can easily defeat a powerful werewolf. Of course, the best show is yet to come!" 5

Looking at the wizards with shocked faces, Mr. Foley explained triumphantly.

0.....ask for flowers...

Then an order was given to the alienated seed in his mind.

Then he raised his arms and shouted:

"Look! Great evolutionary moment!99

I saw that after the vine got the order for Foley to appear, he instantly tensed Fingal's body.

Let him not move in the slightest.

Then a vine that is very different from the others sticks out.

Its color is even more bright red, as if it has been soaked in blood.

Slowly reach for the top of Fingal's head.

Fingal, who seemed to have expected something at this moment, exerted all his strength, but it had no effect on the vine who had been added ten bottles of potions by Mr. Foley.

And the other wizards seemed to have expected something.

Minister of Magic Mirison Barnold hurriedly said:

"Foley! That's it for the demo!

But it was as if Mr. Foley hadn't heard.

At this time, the Minister of Magic was a little anxious:

"Foley! Albert Foley I now order you in the name of Minister of Magic!

Now let go of Fen..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a series of screams.

I saw that the blood-colored vine pierced through the skull like a javelin into Fingal's heavenly spirit cover.

Then it is sucked up like a syringe.

And at the moment Fingal is not dead.

The strong vitality given to him by the werewolf keeps him alive at the moment.

It's just that I can only let out a series of screams.

This scream made the wizards present couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

But fortunately, the screaming did not last long.

A moment later.

Fenrir stopped screaming, as if he was asleep.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Foley had stopped for fear of the majesty of the Minister of Magic.

But then they saw a scene that made them even more terrifying.

The vines that penetrated into Fenrir's head were as if they had drunk their fill, and slowly pulled out.

And with the withdrawal of the vine.

The originally plump Fenrir gradually deflated.

It's like a deflated balloon.

Wait until the vine is fully poked out.

Only a complete wolf skin was left in place.

Only one hole is left on the top of the head.

Even the bones inside have disappeared.

And after absorbing Fenrir, the vine even grew a little more.

Even the appearance has changed slightly.

Not to mention the dark red color, some of the originally sparse thorns have become denser.

Look at the changing vines. Mr. Foley had some surprise in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Minister.

You said it too late and I couldn't control it.

Mr. Foley said in a somewhat helpless tone.

Millicent Barnold had a breath in her eyes and said in a cold voice:

"Albert Foley!

You are committing a crime now!

I was even able to put you in Azkaban. ”

Mr. Foley's tone is not humble or arrogant, but also carries some threats:

"Mr. Minister.

I'm sorry, but I think I'm just acting in self-defense.

And I killed a sinful werewolf.

I think there should be many wizards in the wizarding world who have been persecuted by him.

Or relatives or children.

And the most interesting thing is that I heard that the Ministry of Magic once took him in.

But in order to hunt down a certain fugitive and release it again ...

This news..."


The Minister of Magic flatly denied.

However, the tone softened a lot:

"Master Foley, I feel that the alienation potion and this... The seed of alienation is too dangerous.

Should be handed over to the Ministry of Magic I think this is..."

Mr. Foley scoffed:

"Millicent Barnold, you should ask my friends about this.

See if they are willing to divide the potion or give you the recipe.


Millicent Barnold was stunned.

I saw a few people coming out of the crowd.

"Ollivander, Greengrass, Weasley..."

One after another, wizarding families that were famous in the wizarding world of England and even in Europe stood up.

Seeing that the Minister of Magic was a little angry.

The head of the Greengrass family said without humility or arrogance:

"I'm sorry, Minister.

The Alienation Potion is held by us families.

So I'm sorry I can't give it to the Ministry of Magic.

As for whether it's black magic or not... I think we have our own judgment.

Although the tone is calm but threatening.

Obviously not afraid of the Minister of Magic in front of him.

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