Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 76 Ban Ban is going to die. (Does anyone else watch it?) If there are words, give a flower t

The front of the train is written the number of the train.

"Hogwarts Express!"

"Hurry up Braun, or there will be no good location in a while."

Ronald hurriedly urged.

"Okay, let's~ let's go up quickly." "

Looking at the somewhat gloomy sky, Braun felt - it was as if it was going to rain.

So he hurriedly pushed the cart to the cart.

Because it came earlier.

So there are still a lot of places on the car.

"Braun, would you like to come and sit with us?"

The Fred George brothers poked their heads out of the carriage.

"No, I'd better find my peers."

Braun wanted to agree, but saw the dark Zulu in the box and changed his mind.

My ears can't help but think of Mr. Foley's words:


I really don't know what the Ministry of Magic thinks!

Those people are some scum pigs!

Stupid they will not know profound and wonderful magic even if they evolve for hundreds of years!

And now my son is studying with them?

Merlin! I remember when I was a kid they were all used to test drugs!"

The ancestral portraits on the walls were eager to hear Mr. Foley's shout:

"That's right! The best tester!"

"Strong bodies allow them to allow me to do more experiments!"

"No wisdom!

But it can be raised to collect medicine!39

"The best ingredient to trade with Otherworld Bio!"


Braun was in a trance.

Then he stopped listening to the two brothers and walked straight to the back of the carriage.

"How is this? Ronald?

Braun pointed to an empty carriage.

"Very good.

The two put away their luggage and sat down.

They came early and it was cloudy so the sky was still dark.

"Let's have breakfast. Ronald! I'm a little hungry. 39

Braun rubbed his stomach.


Jerry followed suit.

"Oh, let's eat then.

Ronald pulled out a lunch box.

"It's a beef sandwich again.

Ronald was a little disappointed.

"My most hated canned beef sandwich.

"It's okay, we can eat this together."

Braun took out a somewhat girlish lunch box.

"Fried fish. French fries also have pork pies. Why are the two of us different?"

Ronald looked blankly at his sandwich and then at Braun's sumptuous meal.

Obviously somewhat unacceptable.

"Hey! We are the same. ”

Braun pulled out a beef sandwich and took a bite.

"That one was made for me by Ginny!"

"Shet! Braun! Ginny is my own sister.

And when did she learn to cook?"

"It's summer vacation, and Ginny has been learning from Aunt Molly.

It's just that it will be more difficult for her to cook without a wand.

Don't you know that Ginnicole is your own sister?

Braun asked rhetorically.

"Oh me, of course I know. 35

Ronald had red ears and a little fluttering eyes.

Braun knew he was lying at first glance.

Divide two by three, eat the sandwich in your hand.

"How about you give you half of the fish for all the fries?55

Seeing that Braun didn't pestered to ask.

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief:

"Of course, do you still eat sandwiches? I'll change the pie with you?


After exchanging food, Braun and Ronald ate happily.

"I really didn't expect Ginny's food to be so delicious!"

Ronald praised as she ate fried fish.

Braun swept all the leftover fish bones in front of Jerry.

The purple-skinned toad first screamed in dissatisfaction, but saw that Braun did not respond.

Still reluctantly ate the bones.

"Braun, is it okay for Jerry to eat these? Can toads really eat these things?39

Braun waved his hand nonchalantly:

"It's okay, Jerry eats everything! None of the potions are poisonous. If it really dies...

I will make it into a specimen with grief. 99

Ronald looked at Jerry beside Braun with some sympathy.

"Hello guys, can you sit here?" There is no place in other places. ”

The little wizard with eyes just now said as he pushed his luggage in the corridor.

"Of course, sit here."

Ronald enthusiastically pulled him over.

"Hello, my name is Harry· Potter!

After sitting down, the little wizard introduced himself.

“ Harry?

Ronald was shocked.

"You're Harry Potter?

Harry wasn't surprised by Ronald's shock. He had already met many wizards who were surprised to hear his name.

"What do you mean?"

"Scar, the scar left by the one who defeated the mysterious man.

Ronald said in a low voice.

It seemed that he was afraid that others would find out and looked left and right.

"Oh, this?"

Harry lifted the hair in front of his forehead indifferently.

Braun leaned over to take a look.

He was also curious about the scar.

"That's right! It's so cool! It really surprised me. ”

Ronald exclaimed in a low voice.

Gradually, the train started.

With the sound of a whistle.

The view outside the window also began to change.


Scabbers, who had been hiding in Ronald's arms and sleeping, crawled out when they were woken up.

After seeing Harry, I couldn't help but look a little anxious.

"Scabber calm! Are you hungry?"

Holding the rat, Ronald kept comforting.

"Bastard to the ground!"

Braun waved his wand to make the agitated rat faint.

"What are you doing Braun?35

Ronald asked with some anger in his tone.

"Ronald, I'm here for the good of spotting."

"For the sake of Scabbing?"

Ronald was a little puzzled, obviously not seeing anything good about the unknown baffles of life and death at the moment.

Braun said seriously:

"Yes, I used the Coma Charm to get Scabber to sleep."

"That means Scabber is not dead?"

"Of course not. But Ronald I have bad news for you. That is, if not dead, the scabbers are fast. 99

"Great! I mean terrible. What's wrong with him?"

"As far as I know, rats are in heat if they start to be restless.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Ronald interrupted.

"Listen to me, of course it's good for young mice, but it's not the same for Scabbing.

0.....Asking for flowers·

He's too old.

To mate, rats must first beat other competitors.

Do you think Scabber is so old enough to beat other mice?

Maybe it was directly bitten to death by other rats. ""

Ronald was shocked when he heard this:

Braun, what should I do about this? I know you have a way.

Braun's expression was a little embarrassed:

"Of course there is a way, but it may have to make Scabber suffer some guilt.

But there are benefits.

After that, not only will the light spot not want to mate and the life will become longer and the mental head will be better. ”

At this moment, Ronald was already a little dizzy:

"You say! As long as it can save Spot's life.

"I need to do a minor operation to do this and then this..."

Braun whispered in front of Ronald's ear.

Seeing Ronald hesitate after hearing this.

Braun added another fire:

"Well, since you don't want to, forget it.

Let Scabbers end their lives in pain. ""

Ronald's eyes instantly became firm:

.... 0

"All right! Do as you say. ”

Ronald solemnly put the rat in Braun's hand.

Braun was overjoyed but unmoved.

"Well, without further ado. Start now.

Then take out large and small things from your suitcase.

"What are you doing here?"

Harry· Potter looked in the clouds.

"You'll know in a minute.

Braun smiled mysteriously.

"Bastard to the ground!"

Another coma spell was added to Scabbers.

That's when it was secured.

“ Braun!99

"What's wrong?"


"Don't worry, my knife is very fast!

And smearing him with anesthetic potions doesn't hurt a little!99

Then pick up the knife that cuts the herbs and slide them in the middle.

Then use tweezers to pinch out two meatballs.

"It's pretty big."

Braun was amazed.

"Hey! Jerry! Shut up!" 5

As soon as the words fell, I saw two meatballs enter Jerry's stomach.

Then the other party croaked and jumped to the side as if nothing was wrong.

"Well, Ronald. This is also good in case the spots will be sad to see it, don't you say?99

Ronald nodded a little dullly.

"Doesn't this thing cut? It won't affect the life of spots. ”

"Probably not. I'm not so sure either. ”

Braun hesitated to look in the direction Ronald was pointing.

"Then cut it all!

Prevent further problems!

Looking at Ronald with a determined look.

Braun couldn't help but shiver.

Ronald! I'd like to call you the hardest!

Then the hand kept cutting directly.

Then, needless to say, it was eaten into Jerry's stomach again.

I tidied up the spots with tweezers.

Then sprinkle with a blood clotting agent.

It didn't take long for the original bloody location to form a scar.

It doesn't seem to be long before it looks like it has never been.

Almost half an hour passed.

Braun used a knife to scrape the clotting agent off the surface.

"Look! Isn't there even a scar!

The two little boys looked convinced.

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