Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 88 Garlic Essence Professor Quirrell

But in the end, it was still unable to resist the temptation. Be prepared to listen to Braun.

Cuthbert Binns is very old, even older than the four founders of the academy.

He was already very old when Hogwarts was founded.

And it was very famous in the field of magical history at that time.

It can be said that the presence of experts.

He is not so much a researcher of history as an eyewitness.

He had personally experienced ancient wizard wars, goblin rebellions, secrecy laws, etc.

It was because of this that he was invited by the founder at the time to teach the history of magic.

And his classes were often warmly welcomed by the students of the time.

Until one day Cuthbert Binns fell asleep in front of the fire in the faculty dormitory.

When he woke up to prepare for class, he found himself dead.

But that didn't stop Cuthbert Binns' passion for teaching, and he still taught his students.

It scared the students out.

But there's also a theory that Cuthbert Binns didn't know he was dead..."

"Of course I knew I was dead..."

Cuthbert Binns, who was reading the script in an emotionless voice, suddenly stopped lecturing and looked at Braun with some interest in his eyes.

"Bin, Cuthbert Binns!35

Ronald stammered in reply.

This was the first time he had met Cuthbert Binns and said anything other than textbooks.

The other little wizards who were napping also woke up.

I don't know what happened 05.

"You speak very well, Mr. Foley.

There is no exaggeration or disparagement, just a few facts.

I like this, it is in line with the objectivity required for historical research.

Which Foley are you?

Foley the Dark Wizard or Foley the same potion maker?35

"Foley who makes potions. Sir!"

Braun replied respectfully.

Although the professor in front of him is just a ghost, he is also a wise man who can be called a living fossil.

And it seems that he still knows the ancestors of his own family.

"Foley who made potions?

Oh yes it's a bit like that.

I know your ancestors and have a good relationship with him.

If you have time, you can come and talk to me?"

"I'd love sir!35

Cuthbert Binns nodded in response to Braun.

Then he continued to lecture in a boring tone just now.

As if it wasn't him who had just spoken.

The little wizards looked at Braun in amazement.

But soon they couldn't stand Cuthbert Binns' emotionless hypnosis and became lethargic again.

The History of Magic lesson is over.

Cuthbert Binns didn't stop at all.

The black-gray body passing through the blackboard does not leave here for an extra minute.

"Phew! It's finally over!

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

The history of magic lesson was too long and difficult for him.

The only advantage is that Cuthbert Binns doesn't do much homework.

This is the only consolation for him.

"Braun lent me your notes to see." "

"Copying homework is not a good habit! Ronald。 ”

Looking at Braun, who casually handed over the textbook.

Hermione said with some dissatisfaction.

"We're just referring to it!"

"That's right, Hermione, Ronald and I are just for reference. 35

Harry also said with joy.

Like Ronald, he couldn't help but doze off as soon as he took the Charms class.

Needless to say, the notes were definitely not memorized.

The Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is huge.

This is so that students can learn various ways to protect themselves through practical exercises.

In the beginning, the professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts were popular.

It's just that Voldemort's curse makes the class dangerous.

No Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher can get a good end.

This also makes it more and more difficult to find a professor at Hogwarts.

So much so that to this day.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class became almost like a joke.

Frequent teacher changes prevent students from learning knowledge more systematically.

This is also an important reason why these Hogwarts students have poor combat awareness today.

"Please... Please turn the book to page five... Me, what we're going to talk about today is after encountering vampires in the wild.

Me, what should we do.

Quirrell stood on the podium and stammered as he let the students open the book, looking nervous and timid.

But even with him, the students still don't sell him much face.

"Sir! As...... If you can, can you tell us if your turban is to prevent vampires from biting your neck?"

Malfoy scoffed loudly.

"Oh, oh."

Quirrell was a little nervous and afraid to say anything.

However, he kept covering his turban with his hands, as if he was afraid that he would fall off.

"Garlic! Garlic protects against vampires ... Because, because vampires don't like that smell very much...

Similarly, the same blood lollipop can make vampires give up biting you.

They, they just love that smell of blood. 35

For some unknown reason, Professor Quirrell ignored Malfoy's words and continued to lecture.

But it was slightly better than just now, and it didn't stutter so much.

But the hand covering the turban apparently did not loosen.

"How does Professor Quirrell feel a little cowardly?"

Sabini flipped through his textbook boredly.

Grab a quill and draw a beard on the illustrated character above.

Because of the notes he lent Ronald in the morning, Braun was severely counted down by Hermione.

Deciding to ignore him for a lesson, Braun ran back to his Slytherin.

"I don't know, my mother told me that Professor Quirrell used to study very well.

She also said that Professor Quirrell acted as our professor and she was very relieved that.

Daphne, who was equally bored, twirled the quill in her hand.

"It's so dark in this room!

I really don't understand why Defense Against the Dark Arts class pulled up all the curtains.

Blaise Zambini

Wrinkled and sour eyes are clearly dissatisfied with this gloomy environment:

"I think Professor Quirrell must be a vampire!

Otherwise, how would you like this environment?"

"That's impossible, after all, Professor Quirrell's garlic smells too strong.

I dare say that even the most hungry vampire would not eat a wizard like Professor Quirrell!

Maybe he was marinated with garlic. ”

Listening to the words of the classmates around him, Braun felt a little bored.

Of course he knew why, of course because of Voldemort in the back of Quirrell's head.

"I don't know if Voldemort will die of garlic smelling on Quirrell all day."

Braun thought to himself.

But when I think of it, Voldemort has no nose.

I don't think I can smell it.

“ Braun, Braun”

"Huh? What's wrong?

"The professor called you!

Daphne whispered.


Braun looked up at Quirrell on the podium who was looking at him.

I couldn't help but feel a little strange in my heart.

I was honest in Quirrell's class, and I had never skipped like any other.

For fear of attracting Voldemort's attention.

"What's wrong? Professor Quirrell?"

"Foley, Mr. Foley. Please answer about werewolves, werewolves. "5

"Of course, sir.

Werewolves are more dangerous than vampires, not only because they transform into enemies and attack the humans around them on the night of the full moon.

The most important thing is that compared to vampires, after being bitten by a werewolf, you will become a werewolf after being infected.

887 Therefore, after encountering werewolves in the wild, you must run away in time and do not go up with them. ""

"Very, very nice sir! Slytherin plus, plus five points.

I, I heard that one of your potions in your family is very useful!

Perhaps in the future, it will also be a way to hinder werewolves.

Braun was stunned.

"Could it be that Voldemort is eyeing the alienation potion?"

"Okay, okay, sit down. I'm just mentioning it in passing. 35

Braun nodded.

But I always feel that there is something wrong with the way this garlic essence looks at himself.

I couldn't help but become vigilant in my heart.

Quirrell is not so easy to deal with.

Don't look at him now with a weak kidney and lewd man.

He was also an honor student back then and Voldemort could possess and bless him.

A first-grade wizard like himself can't beat it.

"It seems that I have waited to figure it out.

This old silver coin! Why don't you stare at yourself?

Don't know the trouble of going to the protagonist group?"

A Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson ends with Quirrell's stammering and the laughter of the young wizards.

After returning to the dormitory to finish the book.

Braun came to the library as usual.

There were not many people in the library at this time.

Only a few upperclassmen were frowning through the materials for the OWL exam.

Mrs. Pince stood not far away, her eyes wide and constantly scanning the students around her.

As soon as someone makes a slightly louder noise, she glares viciously.

Or waving a chicken feather duster and asking him to go out.

Braun removed the book Snape had recommended to him from the shelf.

I took the book and found a corner and sat down.

I watched it with relish.

Dinner is usually served until 6 p.m.

So many young wizards take advantage of the afternoon to finish classes and before dinner to go to the library to write homework.

It didn't take long for the library to be full.

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