Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 90 Two Thousand Light Wheels and Duel Champion Professor Flitwick

The next morning.

Malfoy looked at Harry and Ronald eating at the Gryffindor table.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

He was very pleased with his strategy yesterday.

Before going to bed, I expected Harry Potter and Ronald to be caught by Filch.

With Filch's temper, these two men would definitely be punished for cleaning the castle or going to the school infirmary to clean the night pot.

But they didn't expect them to be sitting at Gryffindor's table, although their expressions looked a little tired.

But apparently, his plan yesterday did not succeed.

Indignantly sitting at the table, he picked up a sandwich and bit it down as if venting.

Apparently he wasn't in a good mood.

But Harry and Ronald looked tired but excited.

Last night's experience scared them though. But after the experience, there is a sense of excitement.

The only downside is that the excitement can't be shared with others.

"You found Ronald. The big dog had a trap door under him.

"Trap doors? Maybe it's guarding something."

Ronald replied vaguely as he ate.

"Are you saying this has something to do with Gringotts stuff?"

Hagrid says that thing is confidential!

And it will only be safe if it is placed at Hogwarts. ”


The two men discussed fiercely, but the only thing that could be sure was that the thing was only two inches in size.

I don't know anything else.

As for Hermione?

She is now very disgusted with these two classmates 890, who always like to mess around and don't like to follow the rules.

Especially yesterday because the two almost caused Braun to die in the mouth of the three-headed dog.

So she had already decided not to talk to them.

Watching the discussion between the two with cold eyes, silently eating the food in front of him.

For Hermione ignore them.

They feel good.

To be honest, if it weren't for Braun, they wouldn't have wanted to play with this little witch who always thinks she likes to command others.

It was another Tuesday a week later.

"Flutter! Flutter!

With the sound of wings waving.

Owls flew in from outside the auditorium.

Brought everyone's packages in.

Braun had finished eating by this time.

I left in a hurry because there was no package.

He didn't want to eat breakfast stained with owl feathers.

"Oh! Oh, my God! What is it?"

Ronald watched as several owls joined forces to throw a large slender package on the table.

As soon as the owls threw them on the table, they knocked over a lot of things, causing the little wizards to scream.

"Harry your package.

And a text message. 35

Ronald handed the letter to Harry.

The envelope is made of off-white paper without signature.

The letter inside was written in nice olive ink:

"Don't open the package, it's a new broom inside.

I don't want anyone else to know.

so as not to be exposed.

Make good use of it Harry.

Professor McGonagall.

Harry couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

Looking up at the Faculty (AFDB) seat, Professor McGonagall was smiling and nodding to himself.

He couldn't wait to share it, but because of Professor McGonagall's advice, he could only hide it in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

"Look! 35

Ronald took Harry's letter:

"Two thousand in one light wheel? It's not cheap!

It seems that Professor McGonagall is really optimistic about you!

I used to ride the light wheel 1999.

It was a great feeling. ”

'Lightwheel 1999?'

"It's the previous generation of two thousand light wheels. Braun said he wanted to give it to me but I was afraid it would be too precious to take it. ”

Ronald said with a hint of remorse in his tone.

As if he could do it all over again, he wouldn't give up the broom.

"Since Professor McGonagall doesn't want people to know, let's go quickly, or someone will have to come and ask later."

Look at the curious eyes of those around you

Harry nodded appreciatively.

Two people hurriedly left the auditorium with their packages. Be prepared to take advantage of the time before the first class to find a place where no one is and take it apart.

But when they walked through the foyer, they were stopped by Malfoy and the others.

"Get out of the way Malfoy!"

Harry said with some anger.

Although they thought last week had been a great adventure, that didn't mean they were grateful to Malfoy.

On the contrary, I became more and more disgusted with him.

"Don't let it!"

Malfoy grabbed the package from Harry's hand and touched it.

"A flying broom?"

Malfoy's expression was tinged with resentful irritation and a little anger.

He had known for a long time that Harry had become a Quidditch player.

So it's not a surprise that Harry can have a broom.

The only thing that upset him was Harry's ability to become a Quidditch player.

And his own, who thought he was no worse than him, failed to succeed.

Threw the broom back.


"A broken broom! What if you become a Quidditch player?"

Ronald couldn't bear it:

"This is not a broken broom! This is the light wheel of two thousand!

The latest broom! I guess you haven't seen Malfoy either, right?

The last hundred galleons all lost to Braun, and I shouldn't have the money to buy them, right?"

Malfoy responded unflinchingly:

"So what? It's just a hundred galleons!

As for this broom ... Hum! Whenever I want my dad will buy it for me! Unlike you Weasley.

I guess you haven't touched a high-class broom much.

Maybe you and your brothers need a broom from branch to branch, poor devil!

Ronald's face flushed angrily, and before he could answer, he saw Braun walk out from the side, followed by Professor Flitwick.

"Of course he doesn't need to praise branch by branch. Ronald has a broom and a light wheel!


Malfoy scoffed unceremoniously.

"Alright gentlemen! I guess now is not the time for quarrels.

Classes are coming soon. ”

Flitwick screamed waving his arms.

"Of course Professor Flitwick. But someone sent Harry a broom! I remember that Quidditch players were not allowed to carry brooms without permission.

"Is it? A broom! Professor McGonagall mentioned to me, what model?

"Two thousand professors of the light wheel."

Seeing that Professor Flitwick was not angry, Harry's tense face also relaxed.

As if sensing Malfoy's ugly expression, Harry continued:

"Thanks to Mr. Malfoy! Otherwise, Professor McGonagall would not have chosen me as a Quidditch player. And this broom is also thanks to him.

Professor Flitwick looked a little confused:

"Okay, hurry up and send the broom back. Mr. Malfoy said that flying brooms should not be used casually in the hallway. Remember not to be late for class. 35

"We got the professor."

The two squeezed Crabbe and Goyle on the stairs and ran upstairs laughing at Malfoy's ugly face.

"Let's go, Braun, and tell me what you think. I find it interesting. 35

"Good professor!

Braun replied respectfully without even looking at Malfoy, who had an ugly face.

Professor Flitwick's office is also next to the Charms professor.

It's just compared to Snape's formalin-soaked specimens.

Professor Flitwick's office is filled with various badges of honor and group photos.

In addition, there are a variety of books.

Noticing Braun's gaze, Professor Flitwick said proudly:

"Those are the trophies I won when I was young in dueling competitions.

The room was a little messy.

Professor Flitwick waved his wand to tidy up.

"Want coffee or tea?

I think a little wizard your age prefers Cocoa. 99

Professor Flitwick winked interestingly.

Wave your wand.

A cup of hot cocoa with a rich aroma appeared in front of Braun and him.

"Very tasty professor."

Braun took a sip of admiration.

Then he voiced his doubts without delay.

"It's such a professor. When I released the Fluorescence Spell, I found that the Fluorescence Spell didn't just emit light but also temperature and heat. 95

Saying that, the tip of Braun's wand lit up with a white cloud of light.

As he ramps up the output of his magic.

The fluorescent spell became more and more shiny and finally broke away from the wand and turned into a suspended light cluster.

"Very full of magic! Braun。

Mr. Foley first encouraged and continued:

"That's right. In fact, the magic lamp in the magical world uses this principle of the fluorescent spell.

Combine with some spars that can store mana through the Fluorescence Spell.

Make a magic lamp that can be used for a long time. If you want to learn..."

"No, Professor Flitwick."

Braun interrupted Professor Flitwick:

"I mean, can the light and heat of the fluorescent spell be used as an aggressive means?

Is it an attack spell like 'smashing bones'?"

"Oh? Talk about it. ”

Professor Flitwick was not the slightest bit angry at the interruption but marveled at Braun's idea.

It's like Professor McGonagall's love of Transfiguration.

Professor Flitwick is the same for Charms lessons.

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