Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 96: The Black Snake Witch, Braun's New Life

"There's no good talent.

Braun said disappointedly.

It's basically all white talent.

The only blue ~ talent that is a little interesting is the challenger.

[Challenger (blue): Lose two points when choosing a talent]

"Chicken ribs! Just pick one − ”

Braun chose the challenger talent and then started a new life simulation again.

[After selecting the talent, start the simulation now——]

As soon as the electronic tone fell, Braun felt that his eyes were dark.

Slumped in a chair.

[At the age of zero, you were born.]

It's a boy and your parents like you a lot. 】

[At the age of one, you have a serious illness. 】

[At the age of two, you died.] 】

[The simulation ends, because the host does not reach the age of ten this simulation has no consumption]

Braun wakes up.

I couldn't help but gasp a few times.

"What just happened? 35

[Detected that the host identity has officially become a wizard, in order to make the host feel more immersive, the simulator has been upgraded.] 】

Braun breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the simulator's explanation.

It's okay if it's okay.

Now it's just turning text into video, and the difference is not big.

"That simulation without consumption?"

[Because the host has not survived for ten years, the host's simulation this time has no cooldown time]

"So I can do another simulation?"

[That's right! Do you want to start the simulation? 】


[Please choose three talents: "herbal mastery", "hunger tolerance", "lack of one", "wizarding talent...]

"Good! My [Pharmacist] talent can be replaced!

Braun said in surprise.

This time the talent [Herbal Mastery] is a red talent.

This means that you can continue to study Potions again.

"Choose [Herbal Mastery] [Hunger Tolerance] [Whimsy]"

[Select Talent to complete.] The current talent is detailed below

Herbal Mastery (Red): You have an extraordinary instinct for herbs and are always able to make good use of the surrounding plants when you are injured.

Hunger tolerance (white): Tolerance for hunger makes it easier for you to survive.

Whimsical (blue): You can always have some weird ideas. 】

【The simulation officially begins! 】 】

Braun's eyes darkened.

Consciousness appeared outside a log cabin.

Exotic buildings and sculptures with a touch of primitiveness and quaintness.

Before he could take a closer look.

Then I heard a burst of cries.

Seeing her Braun can understand that this is the protagonist of his Sims.

It's just that this time the protagonist is a Zulu, which is somewhat unexpected to him.

It seems that the people selected in the wizard simulator are not necessarily fixed.

[Zero years old, you were born a girl.

Your parents are a little disappointed.

Because what is missing in the tribe are strong male warriors. 】

[One year old, you're growing. 】

[Two years old, you're growing...]


Braun frowned, only to see the scene change rapidly.

It's like speeding up.

In the blink of an eye, the baby had grown into a girl.

[At the age of eleven, you suddenly burst out with a powerful force to kill an African elephant during an elephant hunt.

Instead of being afraid of you, the people look at you with adoration in their eyes.

Your parents weep with joy and take you to the largest tent in the tribe.

This is a tent for tribal sacrifices.

The sacrifice is an old lady covered in tattoos who examines you and decides to take you as an apprentice.

You also know the name of your tribe at this moment, Ukurukuru. 】

[At the age of twelve, under the guidance of the old priest, you learned not only those difficult knowledge but also a lot of knowledge of sacrifice and witchcraft.

You're interested in these]

[At the age of eighteen, because of the death of the old sacrifice, you have become the new sacrifice of the tribe at this time.

Because of your closeness to plants and the use of a witchcraft that summons the black snake, you are called the Black Snake Witch by the surrounding tribes. 】

[In the same year, you married the most powerful warrior of the tribe. 】

[Fifty years old, you have four children.

But you feel sorry that none of them have the same talent to become sacrifices as you.

Unable to communicate with the great god Ossa. 】

[Fifty-one years old, because of your strength, your tribe has become the most powerful tribe around.]

But you're not happy.

Because it hasn't rained for three years. You know that if there is no rain, your tribe will perish. You're worried about that]

[In the same year, you really couldn't bear the pleading of your eldest son.

and the harsh living environment.

Finally you decide to take your tribe with you.

With your reputation.

You took the tribe through dozens of tribes in the steppe without danger.

There was only one conflict.

To defend your majesty you killed the opposing patriarch.

And take away the most beautiful woman of the tribe and make her the wife of your eldest son]

[At the age of fifty-two, you have come to a new steppe. The water and plants here are abundant and food is abundant. You have decided to settle here with the tribe. 】

[Fifty-three years old, I don't know why you found that your magic began to decline.

It seems that even the divine connection that could communicate with you has become weaker and weaker.

This makes you panic. 】


[Fifty-nine, although you can still use magic, now you are no longer able to exert the power of as before.

You find a different way to start transforming all kinds of beasts with the bloodlines of various beasts.

At the same time, he made many magical poisons with his knowledge of herbalism.

You also begin to consciously cultivate your successors. 】


"At sixty-three, you noticed some changes. Some strangely dressed and blond people began to appear in this ancient land. You are acutely aware of the danger.

These white men set out to attack your tribe one night.

They used something capable of sending out huge explosions to inflict heavy losses on the tribe's warriors. But with the help of your poison and modified beasts.

You resisted. But your daughter-in-law and granddaughter died in the night raid.

0.....begging for flowers....

Your son has also become a waste that can no longer bear heirs for the family.

Angry and starting to unite with the surrounding tribes to attack these invaders you have a great success. The aggressors were repulsed. 】

[At sixty-four, those white men reappeared.

Originally, you thought of attacking them according to the previous method.

But you find a group of people with small sticks and big robes.

Keen you feel a peculiar power from them.

You know it's magic! 】

[In the same year, your tribe was breached. Those with small sticks join forces to defeat you. You're dead...]

[This simulation is over. Do you have a talent for curing? 】


【Replace? 】

"No! Cured 'Herbal Mastery' talent!

[Talent has solidified! ] Simulation time: sixty-four years.

Looking forward to your next simulation! 】

Braun didn't heed the hint that followed.

Instead, I began to feel the changes in my heart.

First of all, a lot of knowledge of refining poisons and antidotes appeared in his mind.

There are also some strange and weird refining methods that are similar to the current potion refining.

"Alas, it's a pity.

Most of the witchcraft of the Black Snake Witch is some witchcraft that communicates and prays to the gods. You can't believe in their god yourself.

As for other witchcraft, although the power is not bad, the conditions are too harsh.

Compare to the English witchcraft he studied.

Witchcraft in the distant Black Continent. Or that the witchcraft of the tribe where the black snake witch is located is more of some cursed witchcraft.

For example, a witchcraft called "eternal fear".

To achieve this witchcraft, you first need to collect the blood hair and scaffold of the person being cast.

Then set up a magic array depicted by wolf blood on the night of the full moon.

Summon the dream of the demon of fear to invade the target.

The invaded person will then have nightmares until the demon of fear takes away his soul.

Although it has various powerful effects such as being unable to be broken.

But the conditions of use are harsh.

Is it bad to collect blood hair and directly use a spell to solve the other party?

There is also an evil witchcraft called the Kurukuru puppet.

If you want to use it, you must first find a child with a congenital IQ defect.

Then he was constantly fed special herbs.

Exercise his body.

Finally, he transplanted part of his body tissue into the puppet's body.

Then the other person will obey you.

The puppets created in this way not only have powerful attack power.

It also has the property of not being afraid of death.

Braun is dazzled by all kinds of strange witchcraft.

Although he will not learn these things, it also has great reference significance.

Be able to give him some inspiration.

"Black Snake Witch. If it weren't for the loss of the patron saint of the sacrificial witchcraft communication tribe, she might be comparable to Merlin!99

Braun, who has simulated Merlin's life, is not until how strong he is.

If it is not carried away by love, it will not be sealed.

And even if it is sealed, it can live to three hundred years old without eating or drinking, which is simply beyond the human species.

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