Before the people of the wizarding world had recovered from the news that Harry Potter was the Dark Lord's Horcrux, a new piece of news attracted all their attention.

Peter York actually challenged Voldemort to a duel!

And the duel location is chosen by Voldemort!!!

Everyone in the magic world was shocked by this news! Voldemort has long become an indelible nightmare in the hearts of the people of the wizarding world. They never thought that someone would take the initiative to challenge Voldemort!

As the largest media newspaper in the wizarding world today,"The Quibbler", under the operation of the Fred brothers and the Hogsmeade Ministry of Magic, has successively published Peter's duel challenge letters to Voldemort.

The Weasley twins, fearing that the world would be in chaos, personally wrote the content of the duel invitation. In a tone that would make Voldemort so angry that he would directly give them Avatar, they expressed contemptuously that they hoped Voldemort would accept the challenge instead of hiding like a tortoise. Get up like this.

Peter put down the newspaper in his hand 900 times, looked at the twins who were looking for praise, and asked very speechlessly:"Are you sure this is an invitation to a duel and not just to make Voldemort angry to death? And you are not afraid that Voldemort will come to you directly if he is angry. Settling accounts?"

The twins looked proud, and Fred said with a smile:"Hey, we are afraid that he will not dare to accept the challenge, so we just stimulate him."

George also looked unconcerned and leaned on Peter's shoulder with a playful expression."Besides, don't we have Peter, the great god here? We don't need to be afraid of that guy Voldemort!""

"If he really dares to come out, wouldn't that be exactly what we want! Anyway, we just want him to show up proactively, so as not to hide like a rat in a ditch and find no one."

Looking at the confident looks of the two brothers, Peter also smiled,"Okay, then I'll leave the duel invitation (afbf) to you. Try to force Voldemort out, and then I will have a duel with him."

When the twins heard this, their eyes shone, they patted their chests and promised:"Don't worry, Peter, we will definitely publicize this matter to everyone. Unless that guy wants to hide in the gutter and be a rat for the rest of his life, otherwise he has to accept it. Your challenge!"

As he said, the two of them squeezed over together and lay on Peter. Fred said:"Peter, when you duel with Voldemort, you must let us watch!"

"That is, the duel between the two most powerful people in the world, the Dark Lord and the Phoenix Kid! We can’t miss such a famous scene!"George agreed.

Peter looked at the two people playing tricks in a funny way, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised,"Do you have such confidence in me? You know it's a life-and-death duel, aren't you afraid that Voldemort will attack you? The twins shook their heads and said with trusting expressions on their faces:"We have a magical boy like you here!" How could something happen!

Then two big faces came over and said with a playful smile:"When the time comes for you to duel with Voldemort, how about the two of us cheering you up?""

Peter pushed away the two thick faces with a look of disgust, and was speechless,"Why don't you give the cheerleaders a live broadcast, and then find a live commentator like Quidditch?"

When the twins heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up and they gave each other a high-five,"This is a good idea! Why didn't we think of that!"

"The duel between the Dark Lord and Peter the Phoenix is ​​the most powerful duel in history! No one wants to miss such a wonderful scene! At that time, we can make a live broadcast, and then people who want to watch can pay a viewing fee........"

"How about one gold galleung per person?"

"Will it be too expensive?"

"Why is it expensive? This is no ordinary duel! The duel between Voldemort and Peter, the two strongest men, is enough to be recorded in the history of magic! If you ask me, the price is too low!"

"Hehe, brother, you are right, we are still too kind! We are willing to sacrifice our interests for the benefit of everyone! Hey, talking too much brings tears to my eyes!"

"Yes, we are so kind. Watching the gold galleons flowing out of our pockets makes our hearts ache!"

Fred and George whispered together, with heartbroken expressions on their faces as they talked, as if they had missed a lot of gold galleons.

Peter looked at them with speechless contempt. He was indeed the best at making money. Sly brothers? Even a duel related to the final situation of the magic world can be related to money! I really don't know how their brains grow?

He quickly interrupted the two brothers' thinking that was getting more and more crooked. ,"Okay, you should hurry up and settle the duel challenge first. Don't let the publicity be in place by then, and Voldemort will be funny before he receives the letter. The two brothers regained their minds a little, stood up and assured confidently:"Don't worry Peter, we will definitely handle this matter. Even if Voldemort hides in the ditch, we can let him know about it!" Don't be afraid that he won't come out!"

"Yes, we will publicize this matter to ensure that every wizard in the magical world knows about it! Even magical creatures are no exception!".

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