Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 023: The First Transfiguration Lesson (For Flowers)

The other students whispered, Artel found a seat in the front, Hermione sat next to him, Neville looked at it, and sat down on the empty seat on the other side of Artel.

As the time for class is getting closer, more and more people are in the classroom.

Soon, it's time for class.

There were already students whispering about Professor McGonagall's late arrival.

Artel calmly looked at the transfiguration textbook, while Hermione was still working out how to turn a match into a needle.

After about five minutes, the door to the classroom was pushed open, and the noisy classroom fell silent. Everyone turned around and found that it was Ron and Harry who came in.

So the classroom was lively again.

"Fortunately, Professor McGonagall is late too!"

Ron let out a happy bark and pulled Harry to find a seat, but he only took a few steps when he saw the cat on the desk jump down and become Professor McGonagall.


Ron shook his head with a wry smile and praised:

"This one is really clever."


Harry wanted to apologize, but was interrupted by Professor McGonagall.

"Maybe I should turn the two of you into pocket watches so at least one of you can come to class on time!"

"Sorry, we got lost, those stairs..."

"Then I think you should be turned into a map! Now, go to your seats!"

Professor McGonagall said solemnly, returned to the podium, nodded to Artel, Hermione and Neville, and then began to lecture.

To Hermione's surprise, today's class really turned matches into needles. Professor McGonagall explained a lot of theories and precautions, and began to let the little wizards try.

"This is really what you dreamed of? Do you really know how to predict? It wasn't that Professor McGonagall told you in advance, right? Also, how do you know it's Professor McGonagall?"

Hermione took the opportunity to ask Artel a question.

"Of course, I said I can do prophecy...Professor McGonagall turned into an identical cat when she went to my house, which startled my uncle. Isn't that how she made your parents believe in magic?"

Hermione suddenly realized, then shook her head and said:

"Professor McGonagall turned my dad's dental equipment into a little pig..."


A cough came from the side, and Professor McGonagall looked at Artel and said:

"Mr. Shelby, Miss Granger, seeing you chatting so happily, maybe you two have been able to successfully cast Transfiguration?"


Artel nodded, tapping his wand on the match.

The small match immediately began to deform, and finally turned into a hollow gold needle that looked very delicate and precious.


Professor McGonagall opened his mouth and finally could only sigh.

"Artel, maybe you are more talented in Transfiguration. The style of this golden needle is really beautiful. In that case, Slytherin will add 10 points!"

The Slytherin students applauded, and even Malfoy's face unconsciously showed a smile. Of course, this smile disappeared immediately, and turned into a sense of powerlessness.

"So, Miss Granger, how about you?"

Hermione nodded nervously.

She had been studying for more than half an hour at breakfast time, and Artel had explained some points to her, so she was still a little confident, and under everyone's attention, Hermione pointed her wand at the match.

"The match turns into a needle!"

(The spell of the Transfiguration Spell is not explicitly stated, there should be a lot of them. The spell of the mouse that turns into a snuffbox is Miceto Snuffboxes in the final exam question of the first grade, so the author guesses that the spell of the Transfiguration Spell should be X to Y)

Hermione's wand glowed a little, and the match began to change shape, culminating in a bright silver needle.

"Great! Hermione, you've earned five points for Gryffindor!"

Professor McGonagall looked at her approvingly, Hermione smiled happily, and she gave Artel a delighted look.

Artel was thinking at this moment, how to get Harry and Ron to take the five points back.

This is the end of a transfiguration class. Except for Artel and Hermione, no one has managed to turn a match into a needle. Demolitionist Seamus also blew up a desk, but Professor McGonagall did not deduct his points.

After the morning class was over, Hermione took Artel to the library.

She found a book with about a few hundred pages and read it with relish, while Artel looked at the library and had a vague idea in her heart.

He figured out how to build momentum for the characters of the Lord of the Rings.

Soon it was time for lunch, and Artel and Hermione went to the Great Hall.

There were already quite a few people enjoying their lunch. Artel sat in Gryffindor's seat this time. After all, Professor McGonagall spoke in person, and it was the same wherever he ate.

Harry and Ron greeted Artel cordially. Even though he is a little snake, smart people can see that Professor McGonagall likes him very much.

Artel's lunch was pork chops, fried sausage, and bacon pie and pasta, while Hermione's lunch was a pumpkin pie, a green salad, and a fruit sandwich.

In front of Ron and Harry was a large plate of grilled chicken wings, which Artel found they were happy to eat.

While eating, there were a few owl calls from outside, and then a group of owls flew in with all kinds of parchment letters.

"The mail is here!"

Ron looked happy because he saw his own owl.

(Ask for flowers and evaluation votes, and the owner of the book will vote, thank you!)*

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