Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 16: Xiangshu, Breaking through the Bait Realm

Hufflepuff's common room is on the second floor, very close, but it has three exclusive elevators with yellow stars, while other houses only have two.

Hufflepuff is also the house with the largest population in the school. Take this new enrollment as an example, it divides up one-half of the students based on its strength.

Each magic elevator can accommodate fifty students, which is quite spacious. Lin Xia believes that if you are willing to squeeze in, it will not be a problem to accommodate a hundred students.

"Going through this corridor, you will first see the kitchen. There are a lot of house elves working hard in the kitchen, preparing food for all the people at Hogwarts. Stop!"

Blue stopped and pointed to the right side, the barrels piled up against the stone wall.

"Right here, you're going to count two rows up from the bottom, find the middle barrel, and hit it in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff, like I do."

Lin Xia watched curiously, and a regular "dong dong" sound came. The barrel quickly opened automatically, revealing the ginger channel behind it.

"This is our Hufflepuff common room. It is shared by seven grades. We have specially divided the territory for each grade. But you don't have to be too rigid. Seniors and sisters are always welcome to run around."

Prefect Blue winked at the freshmen and said friendly.

Lin Xia walked in and came to a very warm lounge.

On the wooden fireplace, there is a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff, the founder of the college. She is smiling and raising a small golden cup with two ears to toast the students.

The picture frames on the wall are decorated with several dancing badgers, which look very naive.

Looking around, low ceilings, honey-colored wooden tables and chairs, yellow and black decorations, and colorful magical plants complement each other.

Lin Xia passed by the cactus that waved hello to her, as well as many ivy and ferns, which seemed to hang from the ceiling and gently brushed her cheek.

There are also many round windows here, and you can see the twinkling starry sky outside. Lin Xia came to one of the windows and looked down, her eyes flashing slightly.

She could see the grassland and the main entrance of Hogwarts from the window. She noticed that there were many tall adult wizards coming in and out of the Hogwarts entrance hall.

She remembered this scene in her mind and followed the large group to the dormitory behind the lounge.

There are nine doors in total, and there is a board hanging on each door, which reads in crooked handwriting: first grade, second grade...seventh grade.

Blue reminded: "You'd better write down the appearance of the grade gate. These words are very naughty. They will visit the door often. There are often junior students who walk into the dormitories of the upper grades and are fascinated and dizzy."


Pushing open the first-grade door, the little wizard opened his eyes wide and marveled, as if they had entered a dense forest!

Countless plants grew wildly in the forest, and small animals lived in the trees. Some heard the noise and hid behind the trees, sticking out their little heads to look at them curiously.

The only regret is that there are no stars here.

Blue said proudly: "Our Hufflepuff bedrooms are more outstanding than any other house. The boys' area is on the left and the girls' area is on the right. Don't try to fish in troubled waters. There are barriers here to distinguish gender."

“You are free to choose how you want to live, and if you like living in a building, you can live in the building and make friends.

If you want to experience wild camping, you can also live in a tree house, which is a favorite place for badgers. You can live alone, just write your name on the tree. "

Blue clapped his hands and said, "Okay, freshmen, go pick your rooms and go to sleep quickly. As a friendly reminder, you will have your first class tomorrow afternoon.

As for the content of the course, I will not reveal it directly to you, but you can find it in the forest, where we have placed some gifts for you. Oh, and remember, no large pets are allowed here. "

The freshmen cheered and poured into the forest. Everything here is amazing!

Draco grabbed Lin Xia and said eagerly: "I want to live alone, I want to transform my tree house into a Slytherin style, and then keep snakes as pets!"

Lin Xia denied it ruthlessly, "No, Draco, you need to live together more and learn more about how to behave from your roommates. Otherwise, next time you see Harry, do you still want to know him?"

She said seriously: "I generally won't interfere with your decision, but when you decide to enter Hufflepuff, don't forget the loyal, honest and hard-working nature of badgers. We are hard-working Hufflepuffs." .

If you can't understand, I suggest you write to your father as soon as possible and ask him to change schools for you as a school director. "

Draco lowered his head and said nothing.

Lin Xia walked to the girls' dormitory. As for her, she would definitely live alone in the tree house.

She needs a more private space to facilitate her practice.

The forest was huge, but the real estate was easy to confirm. Just at the edge of the entrance, the tall dormitory buildings made her feel like she had returned to modern society.

Turning around and looking into the distance, the trees seemed to be copied from the same mold. Some students had already found the tree house they wanted.

Lin Xia walked toward the trees and was about to look for it when the compass in her mind started to rotate slightly and stopped at the column of "Physiognomy".

She was a little surprised. Physiognomy can also tell trees?

The next moment, in Lin Xia's eyes, those trees all had different colors of mist, generally white mist, with occasional yellow, green, and purple mist.

White air is an ordinary tree, yellow air is better than ordinary trees, trees with green air are not suitable for living, and trees with purple air are boutique tree houses.

Lin Xia was about to walk towards a tree with purple air, which was a bit far away. When passing a tree, a golden light flashed in the corner of her eyes.

She immediately turned her head to look, but at this time, the ability brought by "physiognomy" disappeared.

Lin Xia followed the direction in her memory, walked to a place, and opened the trees in that area one by one.

Soon, she found the tree house with golden air, which was very easy to identify.

This tree house is very boutique. Unlike ordinary tree houses, which are very simple, the living room, kitchen, bedroom... here are all very exquisite, like a small duplex villa.

Lin Xia thought that judging from the layout of the house alone, it can be called a boutique, but it is far from reaching the "extraordinary" quality of gold. This tree house should have other unusual places.

After confirming that the bedding was very clean, Lin Xia took a stance and played Ba Duan Jin.

Ancient martial arts can stimulate the potential of the human body. Her parents believed that this was a body-building method brought by her ancestral blood, so they all followed her to practice.

Facts have proved that boxing is not only good for health, but also very useful for fighting against enemies.

The "Nine Heavens Mysterious Yang Secret Record" started to work spontaneously, and the energy was concentrated in the stomach, which gradually wore away the dragon tendons in the stomach.

The power of the dragon tendons flowed through the whole body along the technique, and the blood gradually began to heat up, boil, and boil.

Under Lin Xia's control, the power of the dragon tendons was pushed to every corner of the body with the help of blood circulation, and quietly dissipated in the tendons.

The food realm is mainly about consolidating the foundation and laying a deep foundation. The first level of the "Nine Heavens Mysterious Yang Secret Record" does not have any lethal moves.

However, the improvement of physical qualifications brought by the technique also accelerated her wizard qualifications.

Originally, her wizard qualifications, after many magic riots brought by practice, were already better than those of ordinary little wizards.

After being beaten by the power of dragon tendons recently, and eating a lot of magic food today, after she practiced, the food turned into surging magic power and rushed into her body. After the accumulation of power, it was released--


There seemed to be a slight sound in her mind, and the key to one-third of the food realm was broken!

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