Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 29: The cuckoo takes over the magpie's nest

After Lin Xia's many experiments, all that could be conjured in the laboratory were ordinary items, and magic power could not be converted into items related to magic power.

A laboratory can only be a laboratory. It is impossible to transform it into another place for hiding things, a place for cooking, etc.

But this also made Lin Xia very satisfied.

The magic in the laboratory is much stronger than that in the outside world, and it is completely confidential. In the future, she can not only do experiments here, but also practice, getting twice the result with half the effort.

The only bad thing is that it's not big enough.

But as long as she doesn't pile up all the materials here, it doesn't matter.

After placing out the tools for studying wands one by one, and making some additional utensils for mixing potions, Lin Xia left the laboratory.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

When I go to work at Professor Spraw's place tomorrow and pick up some magic plants, I can start the experiment.

When she was making scabies potion, she always felt that sulfur could be combined with scabies potion, but she lacked specific experiments.

As for the method of making a new wand, she had already prepared a draft and was waiting to reveal it bit by bit when exchanging letters with Ollivander, so as to provide evidence for the Ministry of Magic's subsequent investigation.

When I fell asleep at night, the fortune-telling compass in my mind moved slightly, but it stopped at the "Dream Reading" column.

Lin Xia came to a dark and damp place, like an underground dungeon. There were only a few scattered people around, everyone wearing heavy hats to cover their faces.

A tall dark-skinned woman appeared in front of her. She looked very haggard and disheveled, but her beautiful facial features could be vaguely seen.

She stretched out her wand and knocked on the window, spitting out a spell, and a bottle of potion automatically appeared in the window.

Lin Xia saw her quickly drink the bottle of potion and turn into another woman in the blink of an eye!

This is definitely Polyjuice Potion!

As soon as the scene turned, the woman had arrived at a snow-white building that towered high above the surrounding shops. Next to the smooth and shiny bronze door, stood a goblin wearing a scarlet uniform with gold and a pair of pure gold singlets. glasses.

The woman walked in, and the goblin bowed slightly to her.

After passing the bronze gate, a second gate appeared, but this gate was silver with warnings written on it.

The woman passed the second door again with other people's faces in front of her.

The picture suddenly became wider. It was a living room covered with marble. Hundreds of goblins were sitting on a row of high stools. Some were weighing coins with copper scales, some were inspecting gems with eyepieces, and some were using eyepieces to inspect gems. Register information on the ledger...

There are countless doors in the hall, some are open on the ground, some are suspended in the air, or some are open on the ground. People are coming and going around, which is dazzling.

The woman walked toward one of the doors calmly.

The scene changed again, and the woman had arrived at a secret warehouse in a small car.

Suddenly, Lin Xia's heart tightened. She actually saw Hufflepuff's golden cup from the secret vault!

The reason why she was so sure was because the woman specifically picked up the golden cup and looked at it for a long time. She held it to her face with an expression of infatuation and kissed the golden cup.

This cup is exactly the same as the golden cup she saw in the portrait!

The scene changed again, and the woman had appeared in another secret warehouse. She seemed to want to take something, but she disturbed the sleeping fire dragon.

Amid a ferocious dragon roar, the woman fled quickly. The last thing Lin Xia saw was the door gradually fading away——

713 underground vault.

His vision suddenly turned dark.

I wonder if the bonus brought by the new skill furnace is too powerful, which makes Zhiming Luopan also become active.

Lin Xia then had a second dream.

This dream is very familiar, because the place where the dream is located is Hogwarts!

She also knew the person who appeared in the dream, another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor - Quirrell.

Quirrell was sitting in the office, his expression suddenly became painful, and he prayed: "Master, please don't torture me, I will do as you ask."

While banging his head on the table again, he cried until his nose came out.

As if a cold wind blew by, Lin Xia heard a hoarse, cold voice like a snake-like reptile.

"Quirrell, my most loyal servant, it's time to sacrifice everything for me."

"The day after tomorrow, I want you to go to the Forbidden Forest. I need to drink the blood of unicorns to restore my strength."

Quirrell banged his head in pain and accidentally knocked off a corner of his scarf. Lin Xia saw a strange, sunken and blurred human eye.

As soon as she saw that eye, a strong desire to get it surged in her heart.

Every part of her body was craving for it, sacrificing it!

Lin Xia woke up suddenly, lowered her head and looked at the scale of fate on her wrist.

As you stroke it, the tattoo becomes slightly hot.

Thinking that the rust on the Scale of Destiny had faded after two sacrifices, Lin Xia had a hunch that the face behind Quilo's head would be of great use to the Scale of Destiny.

The balance of destiny and the compass of destiny are closely related to herself, and they will remind her every time.

"In the wizarding world, dreams are a mysterious power. There are precognitive dreams, warning dreams, and divination dreams... It's hard to say the former dream, but the latter one."

Lin Xia was not sure, "Send Caimeng?"

She thought for a while, took out the parchment and drew a sketch of the tall dark-skinned witch, and wrote a few words:

【Lestrange's Treasury】

She always felt that this woman looked familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere.

The next day, early in the morning.

Although she had two dreams last night, Lin Xia slept well. The golden wooden house also has the function of recovering from fatigue, and she woke up energetic the next day.

She ran around the outside of Hogwarts Castle, pulling Draco over, and Draco pulled his roommate over.

His roommate thought it would be cool to run laps, so he pulled other Hufflepuff students over.

After a while, many of the early Hufflepuffs were pulled out to play.

As they jogged slowly, they discussed what they would have for breakfast in the morning.

Lin Xia's physical fitness was better than before. After letting go and running for three laps, Draco only ran one lap.

In this regard, Draco is still the fastest among the little wizards.

He panted and said: "Lin Xia, does the inheritance of Eastern Warlocks make you so physically strong? I think you should go to Gryffindor. You are as strong as a lion!"

Lin Xia smiled and said, "Draco, if you want to learn, I can teach you, but you need to make an oath not to tell anyone."

Draco has some emotions, he has also learned some fighting skills, and can barely compete with ordinary adults.

But compared to Lin Xia, he could only be beaten severely.

"Is it really possible? Doesn't it say that the inheritance of Eastern Warlocks can only be passed on to those of the same bloodline?"

Lin Xia shook his head: "Some of them are not necessary, and practicing the exercises is very demanding. Not everyone is suitable for practicing. You can consider it."

In her previous life, she had read all the secret books in the family, and it was not difficult to choose one that suited Draco.

Kung Fu is precious, but it also depends on where it is used. As Draco is one of her own, the more powerful he is, the more helpful he will be to her.

Lin Xia never thought that he could make a name for himself in the wizarding world alone.

The wizarding world is too mysterious, even wizards who have lived for centuries have seen the scenery that she has not seen in the previous life. In this life, she wants to climb to the highest peak to see it.

Please follow up on reading these days, please follow up on reading tomorrow, please! I'm so urgent, brothers, sisters, brothers, sisters, handsome guys and beauties! ! Everyone who reads my book will get rich this year! ! ps: Let the child stand on the pk stage for once (crying bitterly)

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