Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 33: Seize the scarf and sacrifice (please read on!)

Chapter 33: Seize the scarf, sacrifice

There are few wizards who follow Quirrell in the senior grades. Most of them are juniors who have not learned many spells, so it is easy to deal with them.

However, those young wizards seemed to be controlled by aliens. As they fell, they all drew out their wands in unison.

Flashing lights gathered from the tips of their wands, condensing but not emitting, constantly drawing magic power from the young wizards.

Quirrell's face flashed with horror, and he recognized the spell - the Howling Curse!

This is a counter-spell specifically designed to break the "anti-interference spell". It is a super-large spell used as an alarm system. Once an intruder breaks in, a sharp whistle will be heard.

The condensed magic power is too strong, and the anti-interference spell will definitely be broken!

Quirrell only had time to bend down and protect his scarf that was almost swept away by the sound waves. When the anti-interference spell was broken, he fired at all the little wizards:


The strong scream rang out, and the whole Hogwarts could hear it. The little wizards on other floors couldn't help but look up or down where the sound came from.

Only the little wizards in the common room were guarded by a super-large protective spell and heard nothing.

Quirrel hurriedly left the seventh floor and walked to the third floor. His office was on the third floor, and he had to leave the scene as soon as possible.

The movable staircase seemed to assist him at this moment, and the road was extremely smooth.

When he was about to reach the third floor, suddenly, there was a cat squatting at the entrance of the stairs.

It was a skinny cat with dark gray fur, named Mrs. Norris, whose eyes were like its owner Filch, bulging like light bulbs.

When Quirrell saw it, his heart skipped a beat.

This cat often patrols the corridor alone. If you break the rules in front of it, even if one toe is out of line, it will quickly run to find Filch.

Within two minutes, Filch will come running over with a chuckle.

Quirrell calmed down and shook his head, pointing his wand at Mrs. Norris, and forced a smile: "I am a professor, not a student."

He didn't want to attack a cat. This cat was not scary, but the scary thing was that squib Filch, he would definitely make a big fuss for a dead cat!

If Dumbledore was asked to investigate, his whereabouts would most likely be exposed.

Quirrell slowly passed Mrs. Norris and was about to reach the third floor, but the next second, the cat's shrill scream rang out.

Quirrell staggered, and the sound felt no weaker than the howling.

"Stupid cat, you forced me to do it!"

Quirrell turned around quickly and pointed his wand at it, but soon, he heard a dense sound of footsteps, the sound was heavy, far from what a student could do.


Mrs. Norris's hair exploded and she continued to scream.

Quirrell didn't dare to do anything, but hurried up to the fourth floor and rushed into the nearest room.

"You idiot, you can't even deal with a cat. You are not worthy of being a Death Eater. If it weren't for the fact that you are my most loyal servant, I would never choose you!"

Just after resolving the crisis, Quirrell's head hissed and strange words came out.

"Master, the wizards are definitely coming. I can't deal with everyone. They are too strong!"

"Idiot, what are you still doing? Get out of this room quickly. The cat must have seen you!"

If he didn't need Quirrell's body, he would have wanted to give Quirrell an Avada Kedavra right now.

"Meow!" Another shrill scream came, and Quirrell's heart tightened, and he turned his head to look.

What came forward was a heavy blow from the cat, which pounced on his face accurately, and its claws grabbed his temple fiercely. It suddenly jumped forward, leaving several deep scratches, and jumped on top of his head.

Quirrell didn't even know what the cat that attacked him looked like, he only remembered that it had orange-yellow hair.

"Stupid, get the cat off your head!"

The cat's sharp claws scratched at the back of his head fiercely, and soon broke through the protection of the scarf, and the scarf was almost torn by it.

"Get down, get down!"

Quirrot panicked and waved his hands to cover the scarf, but the cat's claws embedded in his palm were too painful, so he quickly put his hands down.

The scarf was quickly scratched to the ground by the cat, and it didn't even look at the back of Quirrell's head, bit the scarf and ran to the door.

"No, come back!" Quirrell pulled out his wand, and his head suddenly felt dizzy and painful, and he couldn't remember what spell to use for a while.

When he remembered, the hateful fat cat had already run away.

"Fool, idiot! Quickly use Transfiguration to conjure a scarf, do you want to go out like this?!"

On the seventh floor of Hogwarts, the professors looked at a large number of fainted students with serious expressions, summoned the prefects, and asked them to identify them one by one.

Professor McGonagall said seriously: "These are all students who came in through self-sorting, and the Sorting Hat cannot detect their abnormalities."

Snape snorted coldly, "It's useless. Even if the Sorting Hat is used to screen them out, as long as they have long-term contact with these students, other normal students will also accept the alien aura. If you ask me, these students should not be admitted."

Professor Flitwick disagreed and said: "They didn't do anything wrong, did they?

And when the alien aura didn't break out, they didn't know they were aliens. Even if the alien aura broke out, they didn't do anything bad."

Professor Sprout sighed: "I hope there will be progress in St. Goman's soon. If it goes on like this, it will be easy to have problems."

When the professors were about to leave the meeting, Professor Quirrell hurried over, holding his scarf.

Professor Snape said coldly: "Professor Quirrell, I'm afraid you can't even run away with your speed. I'm really curious about how you avoided ferocious beasts in the forest before."


On the other side, in an abandoned classroom on the fifth floor, the orange cat just came to the door, and the door opened automatically.

The cat walked in and jumped into Lin Xia's arms.

Lin Xia put the scarf in its mouth into a small leather bag and gently stroked its fur.

"Daisy, sweet cream and sunshine, turn this fat big cat back to its original color."

"Meow~" The chubby big orange cat slowly shook its tail and licked her hand with a rough tongue, and its fur gradually became brighter and whiter.

Lin Xia looked at it with her amber eyes, a smile flashed across her face, and she stretched out her palm: "Fairy Bai, you did a good job."

Fairy Bai tilted her head, put away her sharp nails, and patted her hand with her soft pads.

Lin Xia quickly left the abandoned empty classroom. This place with a magical mirror was not necessarily safe.

Returning to the golden wooden house, Lin Xia summoned the scales of fate.

A rusty bronze scale appeared in front of Lin Xia.

The rust seemed to have faded a little, but it was not very obvious.

Lin Xia had a feeling that when she was practicing, the scales of fate also absorbed some magic power and slowly restored itself, but this method was too slow.

She was looking forward to what new functions the scales of fate would have when the rust disappeared.


Qiluo's scarf slowly floated up and was placed on the right end of the scales of fate. Lin Xia was about to stand on the right end. At this time, the little white cat jumped up and stood on the right end of the scale.

At this time, Fairy Bai is no longer the same as before. With the hidden blood and the power fed back by Lin Xia through the soul imprint, she looks more majestic and spiritual.

She sits on the scale gracefully, licking her pink paws slowly and leisurely.

The scale of fate swings quickly, and the rise and fall are completed in a moment.

The right end of Fairy Bai falls heavily, lifting the scarf on the left end.

The scarf shatters and disappears in an instant, and the power is fed back to Lin Xia, and then fed back to Fairy Bai through Lin Xia, and both sides gain benefits.

However, this is not the end.

The scale of fate shakes and spews out bursts of black mist.

Soon, the black mist dissipates, and a small black diamond stays on the scale.

Those who follow this chapter will get rich this year!

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