Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 341: Practicing the Patronus Spell

The news that "Lin Xia has two research inventions that will be published in academic journals" blew through Hogwarts like a whirlwind.

Young wizards of the same age as Lin Xia, or wizards a few years older, are already used to it.

This outstanding top student holds a press conference every semester, which has almost become a traditional practice at Hogwarts.

But under the influence of this news, the first-year wizard who had just joined the school admired Lin Xia very much.

They were chattering in the corridor and discussing who was the most powerful student in Hogwarts!

Unexpectedly, it was the Slytherin students who spoke the most for Lin Xia.

Students in this college believe that Lin Xia is the most powerful student in Hogwarts in the past 50 years. Even Harry Potter, who was able to defeat the Dark Lord as a child, cannot compare to Lin Xia.

The reason given by the Slytherin students is also very simple: because Lin Xia is smart enough.

They believe that intelligence is the weapon against all dark forces.

As long as you are smart enough, you can do a lot of research like Lin Xia that will be helpful to the wizarding world.

Lin Xia has the intelligence to study wisdom, which is different from the intelligence Ravenclaw pursues.

The intelligence of Ravenclaws is the intelligence that understands all knowledge. They will explore many mysteries, but they will not take the initiative to create these mysteries.

Therefore, Slytherin's first-year wizard believes that Lin Xia's intelligence is far better than that of Ravenclaw. It is not a rigid intelligence, but a vitality and vitality!

I don't know if the freshmen of this year's Slytherin class are particularly good at cheating. They are obviously not in the same house, but under the influence of their parents, they particularly respect Lin Xia, causing the first-year students to focus on Lin Xia.

Even the new students in Gryffindor, where Harry originally had the most influence, thought Lin Xia was better than Harry.

"Hey, Lin Xia, congratulations on becoming a hot new topic recently. Many young wizards have come to inquire about you recently. Any news about you has been sold like crazy!"

The Weasley twins came to the door, and George and Fred supported Lin Xia in harmony.

They came here because they wanted to find out more information about Lin Xia. It was best to reveal some exclusive information to them so that they could sell it secretly.

Relying on their experience of working with Lin Xia so many times, the twins believe that Lin Xia is not a stingy person. Anyway, if the news is sold, they will give Lin Xia a commission.

What the twins wanted most was the exact date Lin Xia held the press conference.

The previous year, they had made a similar bet and made a large sum of gold galleons.

And this time, there are fresh lambs joining the battlefield, and they will definitely be able to make a small profit.

However, regarding this piece of information, Lin Xia shook her head helplessly.

"I would like to tell you, but I can't...because even I can't determine when I can hold a press conference."

George: "At your rate, you will hold a press conference the next week after it is confirmed that your academic paper can be published in the journal. Did something happen in the middle?"

Fred asked perceptively, "We'd be happy to pay for this defense."

Lin Xia smiled slightly: "If it's just my business, then I can hold a press conference at any time.

But because these two research inventions are somewhat important, the school decided to host the press conference in person for me, and the school would decide the time. "

The Weasley twins' ears stood up. Just two short sentences revealed enough information.

In the final analysis, they only knew that Lin Xia had two academic papers that were about to be published, but they did not know what kind of papers they were.

The news of the paper's publication was revealed, but the content of the paper was not disclosed at all. It did not seem to be closely related to students.

George shrugged, a little disappointed: "I thought I could get some interesting news from you."

Fred: "But we didn't expect that this news was more difficult than we thought. We couldn't digest it, so you were unwilling to disclose it."

Seeing that the Weasley twins were about to leave, Lin Xia's expression changed, she stopped them and asked tentatively: "Are you two still going out at night recently?"

The Weasley twins looked at each other and didn't answer for a moment.

Lin Xia was certain that their silence had already told her the answer.

Lin Xia thought for a while and said, "Did you know that outstanding students can take on tasks, and the most frequent ones recently are patrol tasks?"

The Weasley twins were not top students.

Even if some secrets involving outstanding students were told through Lin Xia's mouth, the two of them would not be able to hear them due to certain rules.

But obviously the twins heard what she said and fell silent again.

Lin Xia raised her eyebrows slightly. Originally it was just an idea, but this time she became really interested.

"Since you can know the tasks of outstanding students, some people must have revealed to you the situation that the wizarding world is about to face, no... I should say the severe situation it is facing now."

George was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by Lin Xia.

She shook her head and said, "You don't have to ask me what it is specifically. Even I don't know very well. I just follow the instructions given by the professor."

She changed the subject, "I think you might try to take on some tasks. With your abilities, you are no worse than the excellent students in the senior grades."

George's eyes widened, and he spoke quickly: "Aren't these tasks only for you excellent students?"

Fred added: "I have thought about whether to bring back an excellent student. Although this title is dispensable to me, my parents will be very happy when they know it.

It's just that the professors at Hogwarts are too rigid. They don't believe that we can do it well, even if our magic is excellent."

This sounds a bit shameless. Who would brag about themselves?

But Lin Xia believes it.

She saw the power of the Weasley twins in the last school year's trip to the Chamber of Secrets. It is indeed not inferior to ordinary graduates.

Considering their current age, they can definitely enter the category of excellent students.

It's just that Hogwarts' selection of excellent students, no matter how clear it is, allows wizards to have many partial subjects and only focus on one direction...

But it will never allow students who like to break the rules to become excellent students!

Lin Xia didn't know why the twins were so keen on playing pranks at school, but since the last school year, she could notice that the twins rarely took the initiative to attack others with pranks.

So she gave a message.

"There is a shortage of excellent students and too many patrol tasks. The professor will consider letting some ordinary students do the tasks. I think you can try it."

After saying this, she felt a little relieved, as if some shackles that bound her were broken.

Lin Xia once again confirmed that the Weasley twins could play an important role in what happened next.

Although even she herself didn't know what big thing would happen.

George and Fred looked at each other, and both of them saw a sense of eagerness in their eyes.

To be honest, they go on night tours every day, and their invisibility is enough to hide from those patrolling excellent students.

They have had a feeling of "I can do it too" more than once. After all, where is the night tour?

If you can get an official identity and get some rewards, wouldn't it be better?

What's more, other people would be afraid of some strange incidents during the patrol, but they didn't have to worry at all because they had that piece of paper.

The two of them quickly made a decision and said at the same time: "Thank you, Lin Xia, this news is very important to us, we owe you a favor."

Lin Xia smiled: "We are friends, aren't we?"

George and Fred nodded immediately: "Yes, we are friends forever!"

Lin Xia kindly reminded: "I suggest you make a strategy in advance and launch an offensive against a professor to make him agree to you.

If you really can't find a professor, you can come to me and I will introduce you to Professor Sprout."

Although she knew that ordinary students could not get involved in the mission, and most of the strict conditions mentioned by Professor McGonagall were designed for Harry.

But this does not mean that only Harry can pass the requirements.

At the same time, at the British Ministry of Magic.

A special application was placed in front of Dumbledore's desk.

Dumbledore took off his crescent-shaped glasses and looked at the application with his deep blue eyes. He saw that the first thing written on it was——

[McGreg: Regarding the application of Lin Xia, an outstanding student of Hogwarts, for the Wizengamot Outstanding Youth Medal, please make the following explanation...]

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

He knew what McGreg meant, and he knew better than McGreg how positive the two studies of Lin Xia were for the wizarding world.

Although it cannot have an impact on the high-end combat power, the strength of the bottom wizards and the environment at the bottom can be greatly improved!

Once the environment is improved, more high-level wizards can be produced than in the past.

In the long run, Lin Xia's research can at least increase the total number of high-level wizards by 10% more than now.

It is not that many places cannot produce high-level wizards, but that the areas where they are located are seriously infected by the evil god's whispers.

They are equivalent to living in a polluted area since childhood, and naturally they will be very limited as they grow up.

Lin Xia's voiced protection is a means to purify the polluted area.

Although it is low-level, it is practical and can be widely promoted.

"But... the person I want to arrange is obviously not her, why can she be favored by the goddess of wisdom?"

Dumbledore murmured to himself.

Is it true that as the Researchers Association said, research is a talent, and he does not have that talent, so he cannot join?

Dumbledore thought about it and decided to go to a place first.


In Hogwarts, Lin Xia and Draco decided to learn the "Patronus Charm".

Dean Sprout was right. Hogwarts is now surrounded by Dementors, and Dementors are obviously very interested in the two of them. They have to learn protection methods as soon as possible.

And from what the dean said, as long as the Patronus Charm can summon a complete animal, then in addition to repelling Dementors, there are other uses.

They have heard a lot of knowledge since they were young, and they quickly judged that the Patronus Charm has more uses than they imagined.

Perhaps it is a direction they have never thought of!

So Lin Xia and Draco couldn't wait to practice the Patronus Charm, and Harry, Hermione and Ron who followed them were also forced to listen to a lot of news about the Patronus Charm.

When they came to their senses, they already had their wands in their hands, and waved them out according to Lin Xia's waving posture.

Lin Xia found an empty classroom and planned to choose the Patronus Charm by herself first. If she couldn't choose it by herself, she would seek help from the professor.

"One, two, three - one, two, three - one, two, three!"

They chanted the slogans one by one, and soon they did the same action more than 50 times, forming some muscle memory.

Then, as the book said, think about happy things in your mind, and this happy emotion will slowly spread and expand, and finally fill the whole mind.

Then, try to wave this expanding emotion out with the wand.

"Patronus Charm!"

Ron shouted and roared, feeling that all his emotions were waved out. He opened his eyes and saw that his wand emitted a wisp of light smoke, and there was no silver-white light.

On the contrary, everyone else was staring at the classroom ceiling in amazement.

Ron's magic just now was clearly a scorching ray!

A red light shone from his wand!

He poked a hole in the ceiling!

Hermione walked to the bottom, looked up, and said seriously: "It's a bit deep. The power of this laser beam is quite strong.

Fortunately, Hogwarts is a magic school. When the energy is transmitted upward, it has offset your magic power. By tomorrow, the ceiling should be automatically restored."

Lin Xia looked at Ron: "Ron, I clearly taught you the Patronus Charm, why did you cast a scorching ray?"

Ron's eyes flashed with confusion, "Ah? I don't know, I cast a happy emotion!"

Harry couldn't help but say: "Ron, have you noticed that you often use some spells that don't match.

It's obviously this posture, but it's another kind of spell that is fired."

Ron shook his head. Generally, he took the initiative to use spells, unless he was practicing, otherwise he would come to a critical moment. At that time, he would just cast it out and it would be over. He wouldn't pay attention to whether it was used correctly.

As long as it can be fired, any spell is fine.

Hermione also said: "I noticed this situation, and at first I thought there was something wrong with your wand.

But your wand was customized for you by Mr. Ollivander himself, so it's not the wand's fault. Could it be one of your talents?"

Ron scratched his head: "Really? I think it's okay. Are you exaggerating?"

Lin Xia: "Anyone who has seen the spell you just cast will not think this is an exaggeration." (End of this chapter)

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