Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 343: Investigating nursery rhymes, Trelawney's list

At first, only a small group of wizards sang this nursery rhyme.

As everyone sang it in their respective common rooms, and after more young wizards knew about it, this nursery rhyme quickly became popular in Hogwarts at a viral speed.

Everyone from first grade to senior class has heard of it.

Because the melody is very simple and catchy, you can sing it almost after hearing it once.

So in the next month, Lin Xia could hear someone singing this nursery rhyme wherever she walked in the corridor.

Another night patrol.

This time Lin Xia chose the time period from nine to ten o'clock in the evening, and she did not meet Hermione.

She estimated that Hermione chose to patrol a higher floor and instead met the partner she met on the first patrol - Rosa.

After seeing Lin Xia, this Ravenclaw senior's eyes immediately became bright and she was extremely surprised.

It seems that during this period, the friends she met were all very unreliable, so much so that she missed Lin Xia and Hermione she met before.

Rosa said enthusiastically: "Lin Xia, I'm glad to meet you. I heard a lot about you in school.

It has been rumored recently that you will be awarded the Wizengamot Medal for Distinguished Youth. Is this true? "

Lin Xia shook his head and said calmly: "I haven't received any news yet. I don't know where this rumor came from. Can you tell me who spread it?"

Rosa's eyes flashed slightly: "I just listened to the discussion casually. If you didn't receive the news, it seems that this rumor is not true."

She quickly changed the topic and said nonchalantly: "In the past half month, I have met different partners, and they are really eye-opening to me!

Although they are all top students, there are still people who forget the number of patrols. They have to patrol three times, but he made it twice.

Some people are even late and have no sense of time!

I have to praise Professor McGonagall for her strictness. She gave every outstanding student who was late a demerit. Not only did she have to complete the patrol mission she had already accepted, but she also received no contribution points. "

Lin Xia said: "There are no rules, and Professor McGonagall did the right thing."

The patrol mission hadn't started yet, so Rosa took her and chatted for a while, mostly talking about trivial things that had happened recently.

Lin Xia listened patiently.

Not knowing what she thought of, she suddenly asked: "Senior Rosa, do you feel that the recent patrols have become safer?

In the past, I occasionally heard or saw some supernatural events, but none of them happened recently. "

Rosa was reminded by her, thought about it carefully, and nodded: "There has been nothing major recently. My little lion has not recorded a single supernatural event. At most, he has caught a few little wizards who sneaked in at night. ”

Lin Xia said: "I thought this was just my illusion. After all, we only chose earlier patrol times and have not tried late at night or early in the morning."

Lin Xia did try, but when facing Rosa, she chose not to say anything.

Rosa said cheerfully: "This is so simple. I just ask my classmates. They specially choose the early morning time to patrol and encounter more supernatural incidents. If it is really safe recently, then they will definitely do something. aware."

Lin Xia asked curiously: "What do you mean... When they used to patrol early in the morning, did they often encounter supernatural incidents?"

Rosa hesitated and said, "There is actually nothing to hide. Patrols before 12 o'clock are safe, so the contribution points given are very low.

But after 12 o'clock, patrolling becomes a bit dangerous. At that time, unless the professor is very busy, there will be a professor sitting in every corridor. "

Lin Xia: "Will the professor personally lead the students on patrol?"

Rosa shook her head: "No, the professor will choose to stay in one place and watch the students silently to prevent accidents.

During our current patrol hours, the professor can still stay in the office, but in the early morning, the professor must also go out on patrol. This is a requirement of Hogwarts. "

Lin Xia thought to herself, no wonder she always felt a sense of peeping when she went on patrol early in the morning.

But she looked for a long time and couldn't find where the sense of voyeurism came from.

I'm afraid it was the teacher secretly watching her silently.

While Lin Xia was patrolling, a weekly teacher meeting was also taking place in a mysterious space in Hogwarts.

Some professors came in person, while others came just as phantoms. If they couldn't arrive in time, they could only use phantoms instead.

The function of the phantom is only to be able to hear and see, without any attack power.

As long as there is a slight vibration in the surrounding magic, the shadow will disappear quickly, so the use of magic is absolutely not allowed in the meeting, no matter how excited everyone is.

If Lin Xia were here, she would be surprised to find——

She met only a few dozen teachers at Hogwarts, but there must have been more than a hundred teachers holding a teacher meeting here!

There were many teachers whom she had never met before.

This kind of teacher can only be encountered when taking some special courses. What's more, they only participate in the daily defense and maintenance of Hogwarts and do not participate in teaching.

In this meeting, Dumbledore and Barbling also appeared, both as phantoms.

At the same time, their shadows usually only listen to reports and rarely make decisions.

Dumbledore has delegated most of the school's affairs to McGonagall, the vice-principal of Hogwarts and the secret leader.

This time, it was Professor Sprout's turn to chair the meeting.

She followed the procedure, first knocked on the table, and asked one question after another, and the professor kept answering.

Finally coming to the final question, Sprout asked, "Did anything noteworthy happen last week?"

Snape's cold voice sounded, with a look of arrogance and condescension, as if listening to him was a great honor.

“Some little wizards sang a nursery rhyme in my class, and I felt that that nursery rhyme had a special effect.

We need to strictly investigate the origin of this nursery rhyme. This may be a premeditated abnormal incident. The nursery rhyme may be some kind of large-scale infection that wants to pollute Hogwarts from the inside. "

Another professor immediately retorted, "Snape, I heard that nursery rhyme too.

In my opinion, this nursery rhyme does no harm. On the contrary, it can bring some benefits to the school.

That's why I let the little wizard sing in my class. "

Snape said coldly: "Aliens can disguise themselves. Who knows if it is disguised as a large-scale strange event?"

He glanced at everyone present and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Everyone here must know how lethal nursery rhymes are. Through word of mouth, they can turn something that is not true into reality.

Just because of that damn nursery rhyme, a lot of our people died when they first arrived in the evil world! "

Professor McGonagall looked at Snape, "So what do you think?"

Snape said without hesitation: "Little wizards must be prohibited from singing nursery rhymes. I think this nursery rhyme is very risky."

Professor McGonagall frowned: "In my opinion, this nursery rhyme is harmless, and it can also bring positive effects to Hogwarts, but your worries are also justified... So be it, Trelaw. ”

Professor McGonagall suddenly looked at the professor in red robes and said, "When you are in good condition, could you please divine for us whether this nursery rhyme will bring good or bad to Hogwarts?"

Trelawney was in a daze.

In the past, she never spoke in professor meetings and was a quiet wallflower.

Even though they are both school professors, some people regard her as a devil; some people do not believe in her divination at all and think she is cheating; some people regard her as a god...

Trelawney couldn't be bothered to deal with professors who didn't understand her.

This time she was accidentally called by McGonagall. She was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I am happy to serve Hogwarts, but -"

She spoke in a long voice and said with some embarrassment: "Before doing divination, I have to make a lot of preparations, and those materials are quite..."

Her words were slurred.

Professor McGonagall understood and said, "You make a list to Hogwarts, and the school will reimburse you."

Trelawney agreed very readily this time, "Thank you, Professor McGonagall, and thank you to Hogwarts for your generosity."

Before the meeting ended, Trelawny couldn't wait to take out the parchment and quill, and wrote down a list of the items he needed.

She didn't hear what was said in the next meeting at all. She only knew that she needed delicious coriander and wheat beer, a beautiful crystal ball, a scarf that she had loved for a long time, and glasses that could bring special effects...

She even wrote down the wool socks she needed!

After the meeting, when Snape passed by Trelawney, he glanced at her, snorted heavily, and left.

He didn't believe Trelawney's divination at all!

It would be better for him to believe in Trelawney's divination than to let him believe that dirty Lupine would teach his students well.

It is worth mentioning.

As a temporary professor who only joined Hogwarts this year, Lupine has not been made a regular professor, so he does not have to attend the weekly teacher meetings.

After the crowd had almost dispersed, Professor McGonagall walked up to Trelawney and took a look at the list she had made.

Hundreds of required items have been written down.

However, they are all small things based on personal needs.

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but frowned and said solemnly, "Professor Trelawney."

Trelawney raised his head blankly and adjusted the frames that could magnify his eyes several times, "What's the matter, Professor McGonagall?"

Mag: "I received feedback from students that the tables and chairs in the Divination classroom are too old. Maybe you can ask the school to purchase a new batch."

Trelawney said "Oh", lowered his head indifferently and continued writing the list.

“No, those tables and chairs are just fine if they are usable, and being old will only give them the charm of time.

The older the object, the more capable it is of divination. I often listen to their voices in these ancient objects. "

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Sure enough, from her youth to now, she had never had any interest in Trelawney's divination.

I couldn't understand it before and I can't understand it now.

Here, Lin Xia ended her patrol.

There was no danger during this patrol. Before leaving, she took a special look at the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office and did not see Hagrid.

The office was empty, not even Professor Lupin was there.

This is a bit strange.

As the little wizard gets to know Lupine better, he discovers that Professor Lupine loves his office very much.

If he is not in class, you can basically find him as soon as he comes to the office.

same moment.

Lupin and Hagrid have arrived at the Forbidden Forest.

The Forbidden Forest at night is very dangerous, like a beast quietly baring its fangs in the dark.

The Forbidden Forest is silent during the day.

The Forbidden Forest at night comes alive, deep and more aggressive.

As soon as Lupin stepped into the Forbidden Forest, he felt that he was surrounded by countless needle-like malice, all of which pierced his eyebrows!

The hair on his body exploded instantly, and he couldn't help wanting to transform into his original appearance to fight against this malice.

Hagrid immediately patted his shoulder, "Lupin, don't forget the purpose of your coming here this time. You are going to fight your instincts, not to fight with the creatures in the Forbidden Forest."

After being patted by Hagrid, Lupin woke up instead, and the scarlet in his eyes slowly faded away.

He looked up at Hagrid and said calmly: "Thank you, Hagrid.

The Forbidden Forest protects you, and you protect me. You patted me just now, and I feel much better now."

Hagrid smiled: "You also successfully taught me how to protect myself with armor, which is a greater favor."

He glanced around and quickly chose a higher slope.

"Let's go there, it's closer to the moon."

Lupin came to the hillside, the moonlight fell brightly on him, and his body was constantly changing.

Gradually stretching, stretching more, stretching again, and the hair became more...


One after another loud wolf howls resounded throughout the Forbidden Forest, and some crows were awakened and flew away croaking.

The next day, Lin Xia went to the castle to run early in the morning. At this time, the weather was getting colder, and the early sky made the air still filled with a white mist.

But Lin Xia was not the only one running in the castle. Some college Quidditch teams had already started morning training.

"Good morning, George and Fred, it's rare to see you doing special training so early."

George curled his lips: "I should stay in a warm bed, not suffer this torture."

Fred: "Wood came to wake us up early in the morning and threatened us that if we didn't participate in the special training, he would immediately find new players to replace us."

Lin Xia raised his eyebrows: "Does Gryffindor have so many players as candidates?"

George shrugged: "Yes, so we are just cooperating with Wood, he obviously can't leave us."

Fred: "Wood wants a college cup very much, this may be his last chance, we want to help him."

Lin Xia asked: "By the way, did you hear any sound last night?"

George and Fred looked at each other and asked in unison: "What sound?"

Lin Xia said lightly: "Wolf howl, I seem to hear the sound of a wolf howling." (End of this chapter)

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