Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 349 Hagrid's Transformation

Snape looked at Bellatrix expressionlessly and did not answer her question, but said: "You should not come here, Hogwarts is not safe."

Bellatrix shook her body wildly, picked up the wand, put it to her mouth and licked it, as if tasting something.

"I have received the gift from the master. I know that Hogwarts has a secret passage to the outside world. It is safe for me to come here."

She suddenly stared at Snape fiercely: "If anything goes wrong with me, it must be you who leaked the news!"

Snape said calmly and arrogantly: "Don't be joking, the master will not believe what you say.

This is Hogwarts, the safest place in the wizarding world in the UK. If you enter as a dark wizard, it will not be surprising at all if someone discovers you. "

He stared at Bellatrix without fear.

"If you really don't want to cause trouble to the master, you should be more cautious. Bella, don't hold me back. I have more important tasks assigned by the master."

Bellatrix stared at Snape for a while, then suddenly grinned, her body swaying like soft cotton.

She didn't take drugs, but her state was more terrifying than taking drugs.

It was a state of disorder, as if it could destroy everything at any time, and dedicate itself to the evil god.

Many people would lose control in this state, but Bella was clearly controlled by the state, but she had a clear will.

Obviously, this was Voldemort's work.

This is not surprising.

After all, Bellatrix is ​​a fanatical follower of Voldemort and is very powerful. Voldemort likes to leave some dirty work to Bellatrix that cannot be revealed.

So she knew far more than the average Death Eater and was closer to Voldemort.

Bellatrix laughed "haha": "Snape, you must remember what you once said.

You have to remember that anyone can betray the master, but you absolutely cannot. Your life was given by the master, haha, hahaha..."


The next day, Hermione mentioned yesterday's incident to her friends, and the more she thought about it, the more wrong she felt.

Hermione said: "I really heard it. There was a strange noise in the grocery store, which I have never seen before. Snape must have noticed it too, but he refused to let me go!"

Roan couldn't help but said: "Hermione, is it possible that going to the grocery store would be risky? Snape didn't want you to be in danger, so he scolded you to leave."

Hermione spread her hands, "Your guess makes sense, but that's Snape!

Do you think he would not let me inquire because he was worried about my safety?

Even if you use the excuse that he wants to take all the credit for my discovery, it feels more credible! "

Hermione turned to look at Harry, "Harry, what do you think?"

Harry: "I think your guess is more reliable, but what Ron said cannot be ruled out. He is a professor after all, and he doesn't want any students to be harmed."

Draco even said: "Although Professor Snape is not nice to you in class, he is still a professor.

I think he at least has the basic qualities of a Hogwarts professor, and it is impossible for him to treat the little wizard as cannon fodder for adventure. "

Lin Xia agreed with Draco.

Maybe they didn't suffer much from Snape's ridicule, so they felt more objectively towards him.

Lin Xia said: "How about this, we can ask after class is over?"

Hermione hesitated: "I don't think he will tell me the truth."

Lin Xia smiled: "But we can use this to test his attitude. If there is really no problem with that grocery store, then Snape will definitely not object to us exploring there from time to time."

Ron said in turn: "What if there is a problem in the grocery store and Snape doesn't tell us and secretly harms us?"

Lin Xia said lightly: "Then he is not worthy of being a professor at Hogwarts."

Today they have a lesson on Care of Magical Creatures.

The good news is that Hagrid finally learned how to protect himself with armor!

He can protect students in the classroom who are in danger or who are about to be in danger.

Even though he had learned guardian magic, Hagrid was not arrogant.

He still asked three outstanding students, Lin Xia, Hermione and Draco, to stand up and serve as class representatives for this course, keeping an eye on the students' progress.

If any danger does occur, they can rescue in time.

In this class, they will learn how to take care of Flobber caterpillars.

It’s just that everyone thinks this kind of learning is unnecessary.

Florob caterpillars have an X rating from the Ministry of Magic, which is the lowest rating, meaning they are quite harmless.

And anyone who has read books knows the habits of Flobber caterpillars.

This caterpillar is very quiet, likes to be alone, and can live well without human care.

Their only function is to thicken magic potions and increase their concentration.

Taking care of such low-level magical creatures and appointing three class representatives to protect the safety of students made it difficult for the little wizard to understand Hagrid.

This class was far less interesting than the previous class of communicating with hippogriffs.

During the break in this class, Lin Xia and Hermione specifically approached Hagrid and asked him what magical creatures he also took care of in addition to taking care of Flobber caterpillars.

Hagrid said matter-of-factly: "No, you just need to take care of the Flobber caterpillars."

Lin Xia raised her eyebrows: "Hagrid, you clearly know that these bugs can live well without any care at all. If we take care of them too carefully, we can easily feed them to death and urge them to die."

Hagrid's eyes rolled around and he said: "But it is necessary to learn low-level magical creatures. The wizarding world is not only high-level creatures, but also low-level ones have many effects.

Just like the Florob caterpillars that you look down upon, their mucus can be used to enhance the concentration of potions and is frequently used in potions.

If the little wizard learns how to care for them, he can rely on them to add more effectiveness to his potions. "

Hermione interjected: "You can talk about this characteristic in class later. There are already many wizards who are bored. If they lose interest, they won't like your class."

Hagrid was a little at a loss and subconsciously held his hand: "I know, I just... just want to make you safer."

Lin Xia: "Hagrid, you have learned how to protect yourself with armor. You can protect the little wizard at any time."

Hagrid: "But, but I..."

Hermione: "If you feel that you are not proficient enough, we can also help you, but you cannot treat wizards who like your class like this."

Hagrid looked at the two little witches. Their eyes were firm and they were really doing good for him.

This made Hagrid a little frustrated.

"I know, I know all this, but when I think of the injured little wizard, I feel guilty...

Although the little wizard didn't cause any trouble for me, and no one thinks I did anything wrong, that is also my responsibility in class, and I don't want you to get hurt at all. "

Lin Xia asked: "Even if the little wizard no longer likes your class?"

Hagrid wanted to say confidently, how could safety be more important than love?

But when he thought of those little wizards who liked magical animals and were disappointed with this class, Hagrid couldn't say anything.

"I, I..."

Lin Xia said: "Hagrid, think about it again, when you decided to become a professor at Hogwarts, what were your thoughts and what did you want to teach the students?

There are many professors at Hogwarts, and there are also wizards who only get paid and do nothing. Do you want to be such a professor? Can you gain the respect of students?

I'm very doubtful about this. "

Hagrid: "I, I..."

He felt even more depressed.

In the next lesson, Hagrid talked about the benefits of Flobber caterpillars, and the little wizard reluctantly became interested and took more careful care of these caterpillars and fed them vegetable leaves.

After all, these caterpillars can be used well and can increase the concentration of potions, so when their potions are sold, they can also increase the price.

However, I don’t know why, the more they take care of these caterpillars, the faster the caterpillars’ vitality decreases.

I was quite energetic at first, but became more and more listless later on.

There was a little wizard who had been observing his caterpillar. Suddenly he found that the caterpillar was motionless. He got excited and shouted loudly:

"Professor Hagrid, why does my caterpillar look like it's dying? I take care of it so carefully!"

Hagrid walked over and knew how the caterpillar died just by looking at it.

I was stuffed to death from eating too much.

Apparently the little wizard had been feeding it.

Not only this wizard's caterpillar, but other wizard's caterpillars also showed various symptoms, and their bodies seemed to be stiff and motionless.

The little wizard became anxious.

Hagrid looked at them one by one, but none of them said anything. He didn't know what to say.

Should we directly tell these little wizards that if you don’t take care of them, the caterpillars will live better?

Thinking of this, Hagrid looked at Lin Xia and Hermione again.

The two little wizards reminded him before, and he thought he couldn't make this mistake again.

Hagrid suddenly said loudly: "Little wizards, through taking care of Flobber caterpillars, I believe you have already made some guesses."

He clapped and tried to arouse the little wizard's interest: "Let me listen to your guesses. The wizard must summarize the characteristics of magical creatures through observation and see if you are right."

Hagrid used his most invincible move again: "As long as what he says is reasonable and reasonable, I will add 5 points to his college. Everyone has a share!"

"Extra points" is indeed a great move.

Many little wizards raised their hands, and even the cowardly Neville raised his hands enthusiastically.

Hagrid has always been paying attention to Neville, this little wizard who seems to be out of place with Gryffindor.

He knew that Neville was kind and brave, but he just lacked some confidence.

So Hagrid was the first to name Neville, "You answer."

Neville was clicked, and walked tremblingly to Hagrid, took a few deep breaths, and told what he found.

“I took care of the caterpillars religiously and I had a friend who kept them and he only fed them once and I fed them three times.

I thought that my care would make the caterpillars grow better, but this was not the case.

My friend only fed the caterpillars once, and his caterpillars are still full of energy, but my caterpillars are a little stiff, and I really want to smell rot from it.

Therefore, I think this kind of caterpillar cannot be taken care of frequently. It needs to be freed. If you don't care about it, it may live better! "

Neville stuttered out his conclusion.

As soon as these words came out, there was no applause from the little wizard, but a burst of whispers.

Neville felt very uneasy. Did he make a wrong observation?

Little did they know that after hearing Neville's summary, other little wizards were constantly reflecting on their care.

Before, they only thought that they did not take good care of the caterpillars, so they let the Flobber caterpillars die so quickly.

But now after hearing what Neville said, the little wizards recalled their care -

In fact, they were already careful enough, but they still died. Is it really their own problem?

Suddenly, Hermione applauded, and she showed with her actions that she agreed with Neville's point of view!

Harry and others also applauded immediately. Ron had not read the relevant books and did not know the characteristics of this caterpillar, but he felt that Neville's summary was right.

Ron said loudly: "No wonder my caterpillar died so quickly, it turned out that I paid too much attention to it!"

Other little wizards gradually believed his point of view and applauded.

But some Slytherin little wizards still didn't believe it. How could a bug die more the more it was cared for?

In addition to Neville, other little wizards came to the stage to express their views.

They all told how they took care of the caterpillars. Some fed them frequently, while others kept giving them water.

Some even made a nest for the caterpillars and moved them into it.

However, this way, the caterpillars died faster. The Flobberworm didn't even last for 10 minutes!

As the little wizards summarized more and more, everyone believed Neville's point of view more and more.

Finally, Hagrid made the final decision: "All the little wizards who came up to tell their experiences will get 5 points, and Neville, who was the first to come on stage and had the correct conclusion, will get an extra 20 points!"

The little wizards were all excited.

Hagrid blinked mischievously: "Yes, little wizards, your guess is correct. This class mainly tests your research and observation skills.

I think you will believe more in the conclusions you draw from your observations. If you want to better understand the characteristics of the Flobberworm, you might as well feed it yourself.

In the future, we will learn more interesting magical creatures, and it is very important to develop the habit of observation.

Remember: Even if the conclusions you draw are outrageous, please don't miss any details!"

This magical creature protection class ended successfully.

After the little wizards left, Lin Xia and others stayed and planned to discuss with Hagrid what to learn in the next class.

Hagrid swept away his previous timidity, and his eyes flashed with confidence. The success of the previous class gave him great courage.

The two little witches were right. Perhaps he should boldly teach the little wizards more knowledge.

Hagrid said: "The next class will study a special kind of insect. You will be interested because this kind of insect is likely to bring us wisdom."


Lin Xia's mind flashed several related magical creatures, but if it was a bug, it would probably be...

Hagrid smiled: "I believe some of you already know it. I will let you investigate it as an extracurricular homework.

When you go back, please tell other students to write a paper about the magical creatures related to wisdom."

At the same time.

It was still broad daylight, but the still gloomy and dilapidated Black Manor welcomed several special guests. (End of this chapter)

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