Hogwarts starts with stealing power

Chapter 48 Extraordinary Talent

Professor McGonagall came to the Great Hall in person. You should know that professors usually don’t eat in the Great Hall because they are afraid that students will feel uncomfortable.

The Gryffindor students shrank back, thinking that the professor was here to criticize them for being too noisy when eating.

Who would have thought that Professor McGonagall would pass by Gryffindor and come to Hufflepuff, "Lin Xia."

Lin Xia looked up blankly, "Professor, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Professor McGonagall: "Come to my office after dinner. I have something to tell you. Oh, by the way, Professor Sprout is also in my office."

She just said this calmly and left, but Lin Xia didn't dare to let the professor wait, so she stood up and left with her.

As soon as Lin Xia and Professor McGonagall left, the little wizards from other colleges started to discuss.

The Slytherin table was the loudest, with several young wizards shouting, "Lin Xia must have done something wrong, so she's always being called by the professor!"

Someone whispered, "But after Professor Snape called Lin Xia, she didn't get deducted points."

"After Professor Sprout called Lin Xia, it seems that he introduced her to a good part-time job, and she got benefits."

The three Slytherin students were angry and their faces flushed, "This time, she will definitely get into trouble!"

Draco glared at the group of people, but this time he didn't point his wand at them, but at the dishes in front of them.

"Oolong out of the hole!"

"Ahhh, there's a snake!"

A snake suddenly appeared in the bowls of the three people. It was a small snake, not poisonous, and it kept twisting and rolling on the dining table.

The three Slytherin students were so scared that they fell to the ground.

And Draco had put away his wand and left the scene quickly.

Hermione frowned when she saw this scene.


Professor Sprout was also in Professor McGonagall's office, and the two looked at Lin Xia seriously.

This made Lin Xia a little confused, as she didn't seem to have done anything against the school rules.

Could it be that the two professors discovered that she was absent from the history of magic?

Professor Sprout was the first to say, "Lin Xia, you have developed a new method for making wands, why didn't you tell me?"

Professor McGonagall nodded, "Yes, it's a good thing that Ollivander sent a letter to remind me, otherwise I would have forgotten to apply for the excellent student subsidy for you."

Dumbledore was away, and as the vice-president, she managed the administration of Hogwarts on his behalf. Students who applied to become "excellent students" needed to be approved by her.

Lin Xia was confused, "Ah? Aren't there no scholarships for first-year students?"

Professor McGonagall shook her head: "It's true that there are no scholarships for first-year students, but the conditions are more stringent than those for other grades.

But at the same time, if you can apply for an outstanding student scholarship in the first year, the scholarship can be superimposed with the scholarships for other grades, but professors generally don't talk about first-year scholarships because the conditions are too difficult to meet."

Professor Sprout told Lin Xia about the outstanding student system at Hogwarts.

From the second year, the division of outstanding students is very clear.

As the grade gets higher, the talented students and the untalented students are clearly distinguished.

But the first year is different. Everyone has just come into contact with magic and stands at the same starting line.

Even if some little wizards are excellent in every subject, that level of excellence is too superficial.

It can be caught up in just one summer or winter vacation.

So if the first year wants to become an outstanding student and get a scholarship, the little wizard must prove that he has extraordinary talents that are different from other little wizards.

Lin Xia developed a new wand in her first year. If she can't be an excellent student, who else can be an excellent student?

Professor McGonagall's rigid face showed a trace of smile, "Lin Xia, Hogwarts hasn't had a talented little wizard in the first year for a long time.

Originally, if outsiders wanted to borrow Hogwarts to hold a press conference, they had to go through many procedures. Usually, only outstanding alumni or excellent students could borrow it.

Wait until your paper is published and then submit an application. The school will not block you in this regard. By the way, I suggest that this news be spread to give other little wizards a stimulus."

Less than a month after the start of school, Professor McGonagall was already fed up with the laziness of the little wizards.

Lin Xia thought about it and replied, "Let the school arrange everything."

Of course, she still wanted to keep a low profile, but the school had already offered benefits. If she didn't cooperate, it would be a bit unreasonable.

And she believed that the two professors would not harm her.

However, after Lin Xia left the office, she waited for Professor Sprout to come out in the corridor and told her about her concerns.

For example, will you be too prominent and cause other wizards to hate you?

Professor Sprout shook his head and said affirmatively: "Don't worry, Hogwarts is the safest place. Nothing will happen to you in Hogwarts. As for things outside, Hogwarts will help you deal with them all."

She gave Lin Xia a reassurance: "If you are really worried, the school can come forward and say that you have researched it in school and received some guidance from teachers."

She didn't know what she was thinking of, and said meaningfully: "Lin Xia, if you have any extraordinary talents, just use them. Hogwarts can cover you. Now is the best era in the wizarding world."

Lin Xia's eyes moved, "Teacher, did something happen in the outside world?"

Professor Sprout refused to say anything more, and only said: "The more powerful the talents you show, the more the school will value you."

In the evening, students from the four major colleges took astronomy classes together.

This was a large class, with thousands of people on the top of the Hogwarts tower, using telescopes to observe the starry sky, learning the names of stars and the orbits of planets.

They had astronomy classes three times a week, and the teacher was Professor Sinistra.

A professor who liked to run around with a star pendant, she made no secret of her love for astronomy and astrology.

It was said that she often regretted that she had no potential for divination, so she always mixed with the divination teacher, hoping to learn some prophetic magic.

"Lin Xia!"

Hermione found her in the crowd, thanks to the fact that Hufflepuff students did not like to run around, and they hugged too obviously.

Of course, Hermione felt that each Hufflepuff was holding a drink cup with a Q-version badger in his hand, which was more conspicuous.

She asked worriedly: "You were called away by Professor McGonagall at noon. Did something happen? Can I help you?"

During the afternoon class, the badgers had asked her in turn, and Lin Xia explained tirelessly, and this time was the same.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing that the professor is looking for me. You will know in a few days." Lin Xia smiled and winked at her.

Lin Xia asked Draco about the "excellent students", but he didn't know, so she asked the "know-it-all" lady in front of her.

"Hermione, do you know what an excellent student is?"

Hermione said without thinking: "Of course I know, it's mentioned in "A History of the School"."

She quickly recited the names of many excellent students and also said some of the criteria for Hogwarts to select excellent students, but not completely.

Lin Xia noticed that Hermione repeated "extraordinary talents" several times.

"So, what exactly does extraordinary talent mean?" she asked.

Hermione was a little stuck for a while.



(ps: There will be an update at 10:30 pm. It is very important to follow up on that chapter. It determines whether you can advance to the next round. I hope everyone can follow up! If you can advance, I promise: 20 chapters will be updated when it is put on the shelves!)

Please follow up on that chapter updated at 10:30 pm!

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