Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 119 Lockhart’s Follow-up

"I really doubt whether Lockhart's deeds are true or false. It seems that what he wrote is very true, but he behaved like a clown in class today."

As Ryan walked down the corridor, Hermione kept talking about the Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson this afternoon.

It can be seen that the little girl is very dissatisfied with the class this afternoon.

"He couldn't even cast a decent spell, and what's even worse is that the elf took away his wand so easily. Alas, I suddenly felt that Professor Quirrell is better."

Well, Hermione actually started to miss Professor Quirrell, which shows how disappointed she is in Professor Lockhart.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from the front.

A group of little wizards were lying on the window, pointing below, and constantly talking to the little wizards around them.

Lean and Hermione looked in the direction they were pointing and saw Lockhart looking for his wand in the grass downstairs.

"Hell, I really don't know why Professor Dumbledore would find such a person to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I heard that the professors in the previous few years were pretty good. Why did he become so terrible when I enrolled?"

Seeing Lockhart, Hermione whispered in Lean's ear again.

Rean glanced at Hermione secretly and thought to himself: If the savior had not enrolled in school, then the story probably would not have developed like this.

But at this time, Lean also hated Lockhart, because Hermione had been whispering in his ears for a long time.

The two came to the restaurant one after another. When they reached the door, Hermione stopped talking and entered the restaurant first.

Lean breathed a sigh of relief quietly, thankful for the great time that flowed to dinner time.

Opening the door, the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant hit your face.

The little wizards were all talking to their friends about Lockhart messing up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon.

However, Lockhart still has many fans that he has accumulated over the years. One party is the young wizard who took the class today, the other party is the young wizard who firmly believes that Lockhart is a powerful wizard, and the last party is here The little wizard wavering between the two sides.

The three little wizards had a heated exchange in the restaurant.

I don't know if it was because he was afraid of meeting Lockhart, but not a single professor showed up at the faculty table today.

Rean sat down at the Slytherin table, and Xx and Beaver immediately leaned over.

"Hey, Lean, I heard that Professor Lockhart messed up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class today, is it true?" Kes sat down on Lean's left side and asked.

"By the way, there is also Miss Granger. I heard that she was so powerful that she killed all the elves in Cornwall with a single petrification spell."

Immediately afterwards, Beaver also sat down on Lean's right side and looked at Lean with the same curiosity.

"Damn it, can't you guys take a break?" Rean took a sip of tea and complained to Kes and Beaver.

"Damn it, do you know how long Hermione has been talking about this? From the end of get out of class until now! My ears are almost calloused."

"So these things are all true?"

"This is really... big news."

Beaver and Max looked very excited, and each of them started talking.

"I said, you are in fifth grade this year. With Lockhart's behavior, I think your Defense Against the Dark Arts exam in the O.W.L exam may be bad." Lean reminded.

"Damn, I almost forgot about this." Fowo slapped the table, attracting the attention of several young wizards around him.

"Biff, what are you doing?" A little wizard asked curiously when he saw Bifur banging the table.

Bifur walked over and told the little wizard about the situation.

The little wizard also suddenly realized it, and then started talking to the next wizard. One passed to two, and the other to three. In a short time, the entire fifth grade students knew about the situation.

These little wizards instantly became angry with each other. After all, this was a major event related to their future.

Cutting off someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. This thing that blocks someone's future can be described as a blood feud.

For a time, Lockhart's reputation was once again bad. But the little witches were still willing to continue to excuse Lockhart.

After all, today is just the first class. After all the little wizards have taken a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they probably won't think so.

But Li En still thought wrong. At this young girl's age, strength was not important to them at all.

Being handsome is the most important thing.

So a week later, even though all the young wizards had experienced the extremely bad Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lockhart still had a lot of reputation among the students.

Most of them were little witches and wizards who didn't like Lockhart, a slutty man.

And Hermione became increasingly disgusted with Lockhart, who spoke exaggeratedly and liked to express himself, so much so that no girl in the dormitory was willing to talk to her, even though there was not much to say between the girls and Hermione.

As a result, Hermione pestered Ryan even more.

"Ryan, how do you plan to refine the potion?" Hermione asked curiously. This was discussed during the summer vacation.

"I have to go to Professor Snape to approve a note and apply for a classroom to be used as our laboratory. I think this is necessary."

Lean said that verbally, but in fact he hadn't gone to Snape yet.

Hermione nodded, didn't say much, and continued to flip through the book in her hand.

"Powerful Potion"

This is the book where Hermione found the Polyjuice Potion in the original novel.

The two stayed in the library until closing and then left the library.

Once back in the Slytherin common room, Rean heard Malfoy's voice.

"Hahaha, you haven't seen how ridiculous the expressions on the faces of the Gryffindor team are today." Malfoy's face was twisted, and he recounted today in front of several young wizards who had just entered school. What happened on the Quidditch pitch in the afternoon.

"And that Weasley, hell, is Weasley really a member of the twenty-eight pure-blood families? Why can't any member of the family even be issued a decent wand?"

"Poor Weasley, he cast a spell with a broken wand and actually hit himself. He will probably have to stay in the school hospital for a day or two now. How pitiful."

Malfoy looked worried, but the smile on his lips gave him away.

Looking at the adoring looks of several young wizards, Malfoy felt great.

Rean glanced at Malfoy and went directly into his dormitory. As long as Malfoy doesn't mess with him, he won't be idle looking for trouble.

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