Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 123 Becoming the Dark Magician of Drama Class

Lockhart strode into the classroom, looked at the little wizard below, showed his signature smile, and received a wave of admiration from the little witch.

"I know that you are all doubting my strength after the last class, so today I will let you see my true power. I will restore the scenes during my adventure for you, so that you can have a good experience See those dangerous situations." Lockhart said with a smile to the little wizard below.

"Professor, are you in this classroom?" A little witch below raised her hand and asked, looking a little worried.

"Yes, that's right, my good girl." Lockhart winked at the little witch who spoke, and the little witch's face turned rosy.

"But, Professor, isn't this very dangerous?" the little witch stuttered, and it was obvious that Lockhart's smile was quite damaging to the little witch.

In fact, the little witch thought that Lockhart wanted to release real magical creatures recorded in the book in the classroom, such as the trolls in "Walking with Trolls", so the little witch asked this question.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm here, I know a lot about how to deal with these monsters." Lockhart said with a smile, as if he had everything under control.

The little wizards in the audience also gave Lockhart a burst of exclamations at the right time, satisfying Lockhart's desire to perform.

But whether these exclamations are booing or sincere praise is a matter of debate.

"Of course, I also need an assistant to help me complete this task." Lockhart glanced below, trying to find an honest-looking young wizard to complete this scene.

Granger? Lockhart saw Hermione sitting with Lean and shook his head.

Judging from Hermione's performance in the last class, Lockhart is really afraid that it is not impossible for Hermione to cast a petrification spell on him during the performance.

So ignore it decisively.

Zell? Lockhart hesitated, then ignored it. I heard that he has a good relationship with Snape, so it’s better not to look for him.

Potter? Lockhart looked at Harry.

This is a good choice. Lockhart believes that if Harry is chosen, the headline tomorrow will be the performance between him and Potter.

But the moment Lockhart saw Neville, he realized that this was the best choice.

"Mr. Longbottom, can you be my assistant?" Lockhart smiled at Neville, looking very bright.

Neville had kept his head down, not daring to look at Lockhart, just to avoid being called out by Lockhart.

But unexpectedly, Lockhart still clicked on him.

"Teach...Professor, I...I may...not be qualified." Neville stood up and said softly.

Seamus can testify to this, because as Neville's seatmate, he couldn't even hear what Neville was saying.

"What?" Lockhart watched Neville's lips move, but didn't hear Neville speak, so he asked subconsciously.

"Okay, buddy, come on up. Please trust my skills, I will give you an unforgettable lesson." Lockhart said, waving to Neville.

Neville was even more frightened when he heard what Lockhart said.

He slowly walked out of his seat and walked towards the podium with small steps. But Lockhart suddenly took a step forward and pulled Neville to the podium.

"Okay, children, now I will lead you into the plot described in my book. Please take out the book "Walking with Trolls" and turn to page 127."

Lockhart raised a book on the podium. The portrait of Lockhart on the cover smiled at the little wizards, showing his white teeth.

The little wizards found this book from the pile of books in front of them and spread it out on the table. However, no one wanted to read the book at the moment. Everyone was staring at Lockhart.

"Okay, Mr. Longbottom, please stand over here and pretend that you are a troll. Remember to show some of the troll's signature moves..."

Neville followed Lockhart's instructions, moving his body bit by bit until Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

"Look, children, I subdued the troll so easily that day." Lockhart raised his wand, pointed it at Neville, and muttered something.

"Of course, the spell I use is my own creation and I cannot teach it to you. But I can promise you that if any of you can get an O in the final exam, then I will consider it." Lockhart said. Holding the wand, he turned his head and said to the little wizard in the audience.

However, his wand accidentally poked Neville and touched Neville's ticklish flesh.

Neville suddenly started dancing, which is a normal reaction of the human body.

But Lockhart didn't pay attention. He was still bragging about his adventures to the little witches below, completely unaware of Neville's actions.


A crisp sound interrupted Lockhart's story.

It turned out that Neville accidentally reached Lockhart with his wave, and Lockhart fell to the ground.

Lockhart's wand came out of his hand again and flew out of the window.

"Damn it!" Lockhart cursed.

But he quickly realized something was wrong and quickly remedied: "I mean, this kind of situation is also very common. You know, in wild adventures, anything can happen, so we must not take it lightly. Of course, this This time is just to set an example for you, but I would not do this in my usual adventures."

"After all, I have walked with trolls and vampires..."

Lockhart kept bragging about his greatness on the podium, while Neville was trembling on the side. He was praying that Lockhart would not complain to Professor McGonagall.


Lean heard Hermione sigh deeply.

"I finally understand why you are so worried." Hermione leaned slightly and whispered.


"If this continues, I suspect that this generation of young wizards may not even be able to use the most basic 'Expelliarmus', let alone that there is a basilisk in the castle." Hermione said worriedly.

"Okay, you just need to know about this, don't talk about it casually." Rean said. He didn't want to make it known to everyone yet, lest Voldemort's remnant soul be destroyed.

"Okay, kids, that's it for our class. I can see that you all like my class. We'll see you next week."

With that, Lockhart ran outside the classroom to find his wand.

The little wizards at Hogwarts once again saw Professor Lockhart looking for his wand in the grass downstairs.

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