Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 129 Framing from Voldemort

"Okay, Mr. Riddle." Rean smiled and bent towards Voldemort.

When Voldemort saw Rean starting to follow the ritual standards, he smiled happily and bowed to Rean.

Then the two began to distance themselves from each other with their backs to each other.

"Avada Kedavra."

At the moment he turned around, Voldemort raised his wand and shouted. A green light lit up from the tip of Voldemort's wand, illuminating every corner of the staircase.

Rean lifted it up, and a wall of earth rose from the ground, blocking Voldemort's death curse. And Lien's earth wall also shattered into clods of earth and merged into the ground.

The flat ground made it difficult to tell that a wall of earth had just been raised here.

"Haha, that's interesting." Voldemort laughed coldly, but he never thought that this death curse could kill Rean.

"The more interesting thing is yet to come, Mr. Riddle." Rean looked at Voldemort and said coldly.

The first time he let the basilisk deal with him, this time he dealt with him directly. No matter who it is, they will get angry if they are attacked repeatedly.

"Really?" Voldemort also smiled. He didn't believe that the little guy in front of him could have any back-up plans.

But the next scene made Voldemort open his eyes wide.

A dark light kept jumping in Lean's hand, and the most terrifying thing was that Voldemort felt a hint of fear from that light.

"Damn it." Voldemort cursed in his heart, but on the surface he still had the same calm expression.

Li En turned his hand around, and the black light seemed to have mass, falling from Li En's hand and reaching the ground almost instantly.

As soon as the black light touched the ground, it immediately turned into a puddle of water-like substance and began to spread on the ground.

Voldemort looked at the black substance that was about to spread to his feet, and with a thought, he was ready to turn himself into black mist. But the black matter spread too fast. Before Voldemort was ready to turn into black mist, it had already spread to Voldemort's feet.

The black substance spread rapidly up Voldemort's feet, and at this moment, Voldemort turned into a black mist, floated to the side, and condensed into a human form again.

And a large piece of his black robe has been corroded away.

"Avada Kedavra." Voldemort. No more nonsense, he directly greeted with a life-killing curse.

"Magic Shield" Lien held up the shield and directly resisted the life-killing curse. Then, he started his own spell storm.

Ice vertebrae, fireballs, vines, earth thorns, etc., although the damage is not high, they are better because they consume less mana and are released quickly. In such a small space, they can suppress the enemy. Most importantly, most of them also have control effects.

Voldemort released an iron armor spell, trying to resist Rean's spell. But after coming into contact, he discovered that there were abnormalities in these spells. The slowness of the ice pick, the burning of the fireball, etc., all made him realize that he had underestimated the little wizard in front of him who was only in the second grade.

Although Voldemort. It was very strange that Lien came from these spells, but it was obvious that the situation in front of him was not suitable for reminiscing, and Lien would definitely not tell him.

"Split apart", "Thunderbolt Explosion", "Avada Kedavra"

Isn't it just magic suppression? Who can't do it? Voldemort thought so.

Lien also gave up his original low-level spells and began to use some powerful spells while hiding. Because apart from giving Voldemort some abnormal status, those spells couldn't even break Voldemort's Iron Armor Curse.

But the place is only so big. No matter how hard both sides hide, it is impossible to completely avoid the other side's spells. So in just a few minutes, Rean and Voldemort were covered in scars.

At this time, Filch came to this staircase swaying and sobbing softly.

"It seems that we won't be able to fight today, boy. I hope you like the gift I gave you." As he said that, Voldemort's black robe instantly turned into fly ash, revealing the face of Voldemort's parasitic little wizard.

David Cardir, a Muggle wizard, fifth year, from Gryffindor.

David's body clearly began to stiffen, and his complexion turned from pale to gray. Everything looked similar to Mrs. Norris's condition.

The potholes on the ground originally caused by the spell explosion were filled in this moment, and everything became exactly the same as before Lien arrived.

Voldemort turned into a mist and floated next to David. He looked at Lean with a pair of scarlet eyes. He didn't even see him open his mouth, but heard his voice.

"Boy, enjoy the treasure I left for you."

After saying that, Voldemort disappeared in front of Lean.

"I knew it! I knew the murderer would definitely show up again!" Filch looked at Lean's figure and shouted excitedly.

He rushed towards Li En, trying to catch Li En. But Li En would just follow his wishes and hide himself with the Disguise Curse.

"Where have you gone, where have you gone? You are here, I know, the Disillusionment Curse, I know!" Seeing Lean disappear, Filch could no longer hold his heart strings, and began to go crazy, constantly He waved his arms around randomly, hoping to catch Rean.

"Ah, another poor thing. My Loris, it is like this too." When he saw David lying on the ground, Filch slowly sat down on the ground and began to cry slowly.

Rean looked at the crying Filch, shook his head, and went back to the Slytherin lounge.

Not long after Lean lay down, he was woken up by the Slytherin prefect.

After Filch finished crying, he immediately found Professor Flitwick who was on night watch. After Professor Flitwick heard the news, he rushed over immediately, followed by Dumbledore, Snape and others.

Lockhart is there too.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore quickly notified the prefects and asked them to count the number of people in their own colleges to prevent any young wizards from wandering outside at night.

The next morning, Lean came outside the restaurant, glanced at the academic style casually, and his eyes suddenly widened.

The school spirit of Slytherin became the second, the first became Hufflepuff, and the third was Ravenclaw. As for the last Gryffindor, it was really pitiful, with only eleven gems left in the jar.

"Ryan, have you heard that another little wizard has been petrified? And according to Professor Dumbledore, the chance of the injured little wizard waking up this time is very small."

As soon as Lean sat down at the dining table, Kes came over to him.

"And I heard from Filch that he saw the murderer last night and is currently discussing with Principal Dumbledore to identify all the students in the school."

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