Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 138 Three Dark Magic Items

In reality, Lockhart hid these items himself.

As early as the day when the screening contract was decided, Professor McGonagall notified all professors and asked them to free up their Saturdays.

Because various clubs formed by professors usually hold activities on weekends, informing them in advance allows them to adjust in advance. For example, Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Club adjusted its activity time from Saturday evening to Sunday morning.

After Lockhart heard this, he went to the homes of several "friends" through the fireplace in the office, asked them to borrow some of their collection of dark magic items, the kind that no one else knew about, and let them have a good sleep. Sleep.

The day before the screening, the professors received a notification from Professor McGonagall and learned about the area they would be responsible for inspecting.

Lockhart hid these things in advance.

Lockhart has recently discovered that his secret is about to be exposed, so he wants to make such a show to make himself mysterious again.

What is real is virtual, and what is virtual is real.

"Everyone, I have also heard about what happened in the contract before, but fortunately, several injured young wizards were diagnosed by Madam Pomfrey and it was determined that they could be saved in the end."

Before Lockhart could finish speaking, the little wizard below started making a fuss.

"So David is also saved?"

"I know Madam Pomfrey's medical skills are very good. I broke my leg before, and just a bottle of potion made me recover, even though the potion was very difficult to drink."

"Last time I heard that David was difficult to recover, I was sad for a long time."

Lockhart looked at the commotion of the little wizards in the audience, grinned, and showed a bright smile.

"Okay, children, please be quiet," Lockhart shouted, pressing down with his hands.

But I didn't suppress it. The individual voices of the little wizards were very small, but the combined voices of so many little wizards were loud. In addition, the restaurant was relatively empty and there were voices of ghosts nearby, so Lockhart's voice was completely lost in the sea of ​​sound.

"Please be quiet, thank you." Dumbledore's voice rang in the ears of every young wizard, making the restaurant instantly quiet.

Lockhart naturally heard the sound. He turned around and smiled at Dumbledore on the staff table, and Dumbledore smiled back.

But Snape looked at Lockhart as if he were watching a clown's performance. Professors McGonagall and Sprout had disgust on their faces. Professor Flitwick lowered his head, making it difficult to see the expression on his face. .

Professor Trelawney kept drinking sherry, and the other professors were whispering to each other, not talking to Lockhart at all.

The smile on Lockhart's face faltered slightly, but he quickly adjusted himself.

"Okay, kids, after a day of unremitting efforts, I finally found the culprit."

The little wizards held their breath and concentrated, fearing that they would miss something.

Lean also looked at Lockhart intently. He felt that in such a big scene, at least Lockhart had to come up with something real. Otherwise, the seventh-year wizard would be able to expose his scam without the professors taking action. .

"Look, everyone, it's these three things." Lockhart raised the three strange-shaped objects in his hand.

A skull pendant, the skull's eyes are still shining with green light; a blood-red lion plug-in, which can be placed on the top of the wand handle as a decoration; an emerald earring, which looks weird and strange.

The little wizards were obviously shocked. These three things were obviously not good things at first sight.

"This pendant can control people's hearts, this plug-in can make your wand cast the petrification spell, and this earring can cast the disembodiment spell. My idea is this, a little wizard is bewitched by the pendant, and then he keeps using the petrification spell. Then he released the petrification spell to attack his enemies, and then used the disembodiment spell on his earrings to calmly leave the scene."

After Lockhart finished speaking, he felt that his statement was extremely rigorous.

After Lien saw the three objects, he felt relieved. The straw bag was still the same straw bag.

At first glance, these three items are not simple dark magic items. They are not things that can be found in Hogwarts at all. Then there is only one situation. This is brought in by a little wizard from outside. But then again, this thing is not something ordinary people can come up with.

But the little wizards didn't think so much. They had already gathered together to discuss who had enmity with David and Colin.

Mrs. Norris was not part of the discussion at all, and the entire Hogwarts witches and wizards disliked the cat and its owner.

If Mrs. Norris is considered, then the whole of Hogwarts is a suspect.

While everyone was discussing, they kept moving towards the Slytherin table.

After a while, the young wizards who knew what they were talking about said the preciousness of the three items, and the young wizards also understood that only pure-blood families could get these things.

"Ryan, who do you think it could be?" Kes's face was a little solemn. Now Slytherin's reputation would be even worse among the other three houses.

Although they didn't care, this matter was different now.

Attacked classmates and used dark magic items.

Nowadays, the Ministry of Magic is very strict in checking dark magic items. If you take it out and use it now, wouldn't you hit the muzzle yourself?

"I think what Professor Lockhart said is very problematic." Lean said quietly, "The petrification spell released by that plug-in is not something that even Professor Dumbledore cannot break."

"What!" Kes was startled. "You mean, Professor Lockhart is cheating?"

"You have been taking the class for almost a semester. Don't you think that the strength shown by this professor is somewhat inconsistent with what is written in his book? Although he can find excuses every time, he is not a professor who always pulls the strings like this. The look of a wizard with lots of adventures.”

"Actually, I had my doubts, but everyone always said he was very powerful."

"Kes, a person can achieve something only by firming up his own beliefs. You can't believe what others say. We are wizards, even if 1+1=2, we can also say 1+1=3, as long as You are strong enough."

"I know, Lean." Kes nodded, knowing that Lean was right.

Even though Dumbledore is sitting on the faculty bench and smiling kindly, the old man can ask Fudge to step down at any time if he wants.

Some of the little wizards were convinced of the result, while others had objections. There was a quarrel in the restaurant for a while.

Lockhart smiled slightly, turned around and placed the thing in front of Dumbledore.

"Mr. Principal, how do you think this should be handled?"

"Lockhart, what I want to say is that my strength is not bad enough to break a petrification spell." Dumbledore criticized mercilessly.

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