Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 140 The Duel of the Little Wizards

Malfoy's character is obvious to everyone. With his style, it would not be too easy to offend the freshmen in one semester.

This also caused first-year wizards to feel disgusted whenever they saw Malfoy. Now they suddenly heard that someone beat Malfoy when they entered school, and they suddenly felt much better.

After Malfoy and Harry took their positions, Lockhart began to act as referee.


"Expelliarmus!" As soon as Lockhart finished speaking, Malfoy immediately cast a disarming spell.

Although Malfoy was a terrible person, he still had the teachings of the pure-blood family, especially in terms of magic. Without strong strength, it would be impossible to guard this huge family property.

The spell was cast so quickly that before Harry could react, his wand was knocked down.

There is a reason for this. In this life, Harry has devoted himself to Quidditch, and even his studies were only forced to pass by Professor McGonagall. As for practicing magic spells, that is even more impossible.

Harry Potter was born a Quidditch man and died a Quidditch ghost.

"Draco Malfoy wins." Lockhart, who acted as the referee, spoke.

Snape stood on the edge of the table and nodded with satisfaction. As long as Harry was embarrassed, he would be happy.

"Scarhead, are these the bold words you released?" Malfoy laughed, his pale face becoming even paler under the light, and he looked without a trace of blood.

Harry turned his head and looked at the wand he had dropped on the ground, gritted his teeth, picked it up and said to Malfoy, "Come again."

"Okay, if you want to play, I'll play with you." Malfoy shook his body and smiled cynically.

Lockhart looked at the two people in the stands, and then at the young wizards below the stage who had died down, and decided to let them continue.

When the little wizards saw Harry's defeat, they suddenly realized that there could only be one winner among the two, which quickly extinguished their desire for expression. Everyone wants to be a winner, but unfortunately, where there are winners there are losers.



This time, it was Harry who took the lead, and Malfoy's body danced on the stage involuntarily. After all, he was born into a pure-blood noble. Malfoy's dancing skills were quite good. Coupled with the beam of light from the crystal lamp, it really felt like watching a dance in a theater.

"Hahaha." The little wizards in the audience burst into laughter, Harry grinned, and the Weasley brothers whistled twice.

"The curse stops!" Snape lifted the curse for Malfoy. His expression was ugly, and the little wizard in the audience wisely kept his mouth shut.

"Potter!" Malfoy roared angrily, his pale face now turning red.

"Oolong came out of the hole."

A black streak emerged from the tip of Malfoy's wand and fell to the ground. It looked around and kept spitting out snake letters.

"Go, kill him!" Malfoy roared.

The black snake followed Malfoy's instructions and swam forward slowly. Harry was a little scared. The snake in front of him reminded him of the time he was locked in the stairwell by Uncle Vernon when he returned to the amusement park.

"Hiss~" A cold voice came from Harry's mouth.

The classroom was unusually quiet at this moment, so everyone heard the sound from Harry's mouth.

Snape slowly took his hands away from his chest and leaned forward, his eyes widened and he looked surprised.

He recognized it, it was Parseltongue, and its last owner was Voldemort.

"Stop the curse!" Snape hit the black snake on the ground with a curse. The black snake instantly began to burn like burning paper, and finally turned into fly ash and disappeared into the air.

As soon as the black snake disappeared, Harry immediately stopped speaking Parseltongue. But even so, the little wizards still heard the voice.

There were so many young wizards, many of whom liked to read miscellaneous books, and they immediately recognized that Harry was speaking the legendary Parseltongue. According to records, Slytherin was a Parseltongue.

For a moment, the little wizards looked at Harry strangely. Harry had previously argued that he was not the heir, but now that his talent for parseltongue was revealed, his previous defense seemed like a cover-up.

"Ahem, you two are occupying the stage as long as you want, why don't you get off quickly and make some room for others." Snape glanced at the two of them and said coldly.

When Malfoy heard this, he glared at Harry with a provocative expression, and then walked off the stage. Goyle and Crabbe in the audience immediately made room for him, and then gathered around him fawningly, asking about the situation of the first battle, and kept saying that the second battle was just Harry's move in advance. Otherwise Master Malfoy could not have failed and so on.

Malfoy raised his head and said, "Oh, I'll just say it, otherwise how could I lose."

Goyle and Crabbe nodded.

On the other side, when Harry came to the audience, he also encountered the same situation. The little wizards around him all took a step back, revealing a large vacuum. Only Ron was still beside him.

Ron kept praising Harry for the second battle, and said that Malfoy had taken action in advance in the first battle, otherwise Harry would not have lost.

Harry felt a little happy after hearing this, thinking to himself that he also had a talent for dueling.

"Okay, who wants to come up and try?" Lockhart shook his blond hair and looked at the little wizard in the audience with a smile.

After experiencing this battle, the little wizards gave up the idea of ​​going on stage. Because they discovered that there was something worse than failing in a duel, and that was dancing on the stage.

What's more, they might grow huge front teeth, or have a constant runny nose, or even spit out slugs from their mouths.

The little wizards thought about the spells they had mastered, and sadly found that they were the most proficient in these spells.

This also means that there is a high probability that their opponents have also mastered these magic spells. After thinking about the miserable situation after being tricked, the little wizards are even more afraid to go on stage.

Lockhart asked three times in succession, but found that no little wizard came up. He looked at the Weasley twins, wanting the two living treasures to come up and demonstrate, but unfortunately, the twin brothers never fought among themselves!

"Okay, okay, then our duel club can unfortunately end here." Lockhart stood on the stage, with no trace of regret on his smiling face.

Snape had left long after Harry stepped down, and Lean guessed that he went to the principal's office.

Hermione was a little disappointed. Just now she wanted to go up and have a duel with Lean to see his strength, but was stopped by Lean's eyes.

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