Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 148 Chatting on the train

A few people got on the train and sat down in a random compartment. Juana was sitting with a few friends this time and did not follow.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked eagerly as soon as she sat down.

Nowadays she is also on good terms with Max and Beaver.

"I heard that Mr. Savior also found it when he went to the kitchen to find something to eat last night. I don't know the specific situation, but it is certain that the first person to report the crime was Mr. Potter." Kes shared his story with the big guys. The news he heard.

"How come someone knew about what happened in the castle so quickly?"

"It's not just that we know it now. Last night, many young wizards received letters from their classmates who were staying at school, describing this matter in detail."

Beaver took out a piece of letter paper and spread it on the table.

After several people picked it up and read it one by one, they fell into silence.

The injured little wizard's condition was even more serious this time. Not only was he petrified, but his body's vitality was severely reduced. Professor Dumbledore has asked Professor Snape to start developing potions to replenish his vitality, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the potential of this young wizard may be greatly reduced after he wakes up.

"I really don't know who the murderer is, how vicious he is." Kes slapped the table and said angrily.

"I think Mr. Potter is very suspicious. First, it's Slytherin's unique Parseltongue, and then it's petrification. I specifically checked the information and found that it's petrified, and it's a snake. The only one who can petrify is the basilisk. Planted. And if you calculate it, the lifespan of the basilisk is also very long. Some predictions say it can last for thousands of years."

"So, if the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, then Mr. Potter is most likely the murderer."

Beaver sat aside and said silently.

"But wouldn't you die immediately if you saw the basilisk's eyes?" Hermione exclaimed.

"According to a book in my family, if you indirectly see the eyes of a basilisk through a mirror, water, etc., you will not die directly, but will become petrified."

Beaver shrugged. Children of pure-blood families always have access to knowledge that Muggle wizards cannot.

"Dong dong dong"

"Children, would you like something?" the salesperson knocked on the glass door of the compartment and asked with a smile.

"Two licorice magic wands, two boxes of Bibi's multi-flavor beans, thank you." Ryan took the money and handed it to the salesperson.

"Okay kid, this is your thing."

Hermione, Chris and Beaver each bought a little. After all, it would be really boring to just sit in a cubicle all afternoon and grind your teeth without finding something.

"How about it, do you want to have a big adventure?" Beaver picked up the box of Bibi's multi-flavor beans he bought, kept throwing them up, and then caught them.

"Ah, of course you can."

“Every taste is a great adventure.”

"sounds good."

Three people agreed.

"Cherry flavor."


"Hiss~chili flavor, hell, what kind of chili is this, why is it so spicy!" Kes picked up the pumpkin juice next to him and drank it in a gulp.

"Hiss~ Why is it getting hotter and hotter, and why is there no relief at all?" Kes stuck out his tongue, and then kept fanning his tongue with his hands.

"Let me see." Beaver picked up the box of multi-flavor beans doubtfully, "To make the adventure more exciting, our company has recently added new flavors-Indian Devil Chili Flavor and Indian Ganges River Water Flavor."

"Deviled pepper?"

"Ganges water?"

Hermione and Ryan screamed together.

"Is there any problem?" Beaver looked curious.

"It's a big problem, but let's drink an ice cream soda first."

Ryan said, taking out a bottle of dark blue soda from his pocket, pouring a little into the disposable cup, and pushing it in front of Chris.

Ice soda is a drink that makes people feel like they are in a world of ice and snow. It is usually used for adventure. However, Lean didn't drink enough at the moment, so he could only freeze his mouth.

"Huh, it's much better. I thought I was going to die." Kes breathed a sigh of relief and smacked his mouth.

"The devil's pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world. Eating too much can kill people. But I don't think I put too many beans in it, so it won't be life-threatening. But the smell of Ganges water... ·”

"What's wrong with the smell of Ganges River water? It says that Indian wizards like it very much. I heard that eating it can enhance your magic power."

Beaver looked at Lean curiously. He only knew that the Ganges was the holy river in India. But since it is a holy river, it must be somewhat mysterious.

"Ah, really, okay, I won't go into details." Rean was silent.

"Okay, let's continue?"

The continuation Beaver meant was the continuation of the adventure, but this time Kes poured a glass of ice cream soda with experience and put it next to it in case of emergency.

"Peach flavor."

"Ugh, it tastes like liver." This was Hermione. The little girl stuck out her tongue, frowned, and quickly drank several sips of the orange juice she brought before she recovered.

"Banana flavor."

"Spinach flavor."

"Huh? What a strange taste. Why have I never tasted this before?" Beaver said doubtfully.

"Is it the least smelly of earwax?" Kes became interested.

"No, I have tasted the smell of earwax."

"Isn't it the newly added smell of Ganges River water?" Lien raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief.

"Ugh." Hermione retched.

"What's wrong? Is the liver taste still lingering in your mouth?" Beaver asked doubtfully while chewing the multi-flavor beans in his mouth.

Hermione suppressed her laughter and waved her hands quickly: "No, it's just... let's continue."

Although Beaver was curious, he didn't care too much. Several people ate several rounds in a row, and then Kes and Beaver realized that something was wrong.

"Lean, why are you eating all fruit-flavored food and not a single bad bean?" Just when Lean once again reported that what he was eating was peach-flavored, Kes couldn't help but speak.

Bad beans are beans that taste strange.

"Divination, this way you will know what the beans will taste like next time. If the beans taste good, take them. If they don't taste good, change them to the next beans that taste better."

Lean's words shocked Chris and Beaver.

"Hell, it's just a small game and you have to use divination to cheat."

"You are only in the second grade now, how come you know divination? Isn't that an elective course for the third grade?"

"Course selection? Can you tell me more about it?" Hermione became interested.

"Generally speaking, elective courses are chosen based on your own interests, but I strongly recommend choosing Divination. Of course, if you are born Muggles, you can also choose Muggle Studies. This will save you a lot of effort during the final exam. .Schools generally do not require the number of elective courses for each little wizard, so you can choose all of them, or just two or three."

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