Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 158 The fight with Dumbledore (Part 1)

"I heard that you plan to drop out of school in third grade?" Dumbledore asked when he saw Lean fell silent.

"Yes." Rean didn't hide anything, and he had nothing to hide, and the application for leave of absence still required Dumbledore's signature in the end.

"Planning to go out and see the world? Time!"

Dumbledore sighed with emotion. Rean's high spirits reminded him of his youth. Back then, he embarked on an adventurous journey with such ambition, and also met Grindelwald Gaynut, the person he loved and hated at the same time.

"Sometimes, you really need to go out and know what you are missing." Dumbledore nodded.

Rean just nodded and said nothing because he was afraid that Dumbledore would start preaching mode again. And he was very curious about why Dumbledore called him out. He felt that it was definitely more than just preventing Lucius from taking action against him.

Dumbledore was also thinking in his mind at this time. Not many people knew about Rean's strength until now, but he knew that Rean's strength was definitely not low.

Therefore, Lien's suspension of school is absolutely beneficial to his savior training plan.

Without Rean as a huge variable, Dumbledore is sure to control everything.


Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Rean, feeling a little worried again.

"Let's go, I want to see your strength. If your strength is not up to par, I won't let you die in vain. The outside world is not like the trivial fights in school. There are dozens of wizards who break arms and legs every year. There are quite a few missing."

Dumbledore said with a serious face.

Lean understood what Dumbledore meant.

With the current level of treatment in the magic world, anyone can basically recover as long as they are not hit by a curse. Then there is only one possibility for the broken arms and legs mentioned by Dumbledore, and that is that they were all injured by black magic.

And missing, to put it nicely, means missing, to put it worse, it means to be dead.

Rean just nodded, and then followed Dumbledore without saying a word. After Dumbledore received Rean's response, he kept walking forward.

The two of them walked further and further, and finally came to the oil painting on the eighth floor of a giant monster beating Barnabas with a club.

When the troll in the painting saw someone coming, he immediately swung the wooden stick in his hand and hit the wizard named Barnabas. Barnabas opened his mouth suddenly, but no sound came. It must have been too loud, and the magic painting automatically blocked it.

Dumbledore walked around the opposite side of the magic painting three times, and a door suddenly appeared on the wall.

"The Room of Requirement, a very magical place, said to be left by Lady Ravenclaw."

Dumbledore winked at Rean and continued: "This room can be transformed into the room that the wizard desires most. For example, this time, I want a room that can be used for duels."

Rean's eyes widened.

Damn it, I actually forgot about the Room of Requirement. There is a Horcrux in it! Rean yelled in his mind.

Dumbledore just thought that Rean had never seen such a magical house before, and he was also shocked when he came there.

Pulling the handle on the door, Dumbledore opened the door and prepared to walk in.

"Um, Professor Dumbledore, don't you think this door looks familiar?"


"If I remember correctly, this should be the door to the duel hall on the first floor."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, opened the door, looked inside twice, and then closed the door gently. Then he walked back and forth in front of the door three times again, and this time an old wooden door appeared.

"Okay, there should be no problem this time." Dumbledore said with a smile, then opened the door and walked in.

After Lien walked in, he found that the space inside was wider than he had imagined. A huge ball above his head was emitting soft light, illuminating the entire room. Surrounding the room are various protective gears, targets, rest chairs and the like, neatly arranged, but the dust on them proves that no one has been here for a long time.

In the middle of the room is a huge platform with runes flashing around it. It seems to be a protective spell.

"A magical place, isn't it?" Dumbledore asked.

Lean nodded. The moment he entered, he felt a hint of space shift, which proved that this room was not in the same space as the corridor outside, but connected the two spaces through the door.

And judging from the dust on the tables and chairs, no one has been here for hundreds of years, but there is no sign of damage to protective gear and other items.

Restoration spell? Or is there a spell about time? Ryan suddenly didn't want to go out and wander around so early.

"Okay, Rean, come on." Dumbledore changed his clothes at this time. Instead of the original loose wizard robe, he was wearing a tight armor suit.

His chest and waist were filled with potion bottles, and in Lean's magic vision, Dumbledore had almost a dozen lights belonging to alchemy items on his body.

Lean swallowed. The greatest wizard of the 20th century was not Dumbledore's self-proclaimed one, but a man who was shot with real swords and guns.

"Then you have to be careful, Professor." Rean decided to show some real skills, so as to see how far behind he was from the top group of wizards.

"Space Distortion"

In the eyes of Rean and Dumbledore, each other was folded. This was just because the space between them was distorted, so the light was also distorted when it spread to this part of the space.

Dumbledore's expression remained unchanged. He picked up the Elder Wand and cast two disarming spells. However, when the spell came into contact with the twisted space, it was instantly resolved without any ripples.

"Gravity comes from"

Rean once again cast a spell on himself. The function of this spell was to allow him to freely control his own gravity.

Next, Rean clapped his hands, and three or four earth thorns sprang up from Dumbledore's feet without any warning, but Dumbledore dodged them.

"In the first lesson, the enemy will not just stand there and wait for you to attack, so prediction is very important." Dumbledore dodged easily, and even taught Rean in kung fu.


Rean clasped his hands together even more forcefully this time.

"Swish, swish, swish"

Twenty or thirty earth thorns suddenly shot up from the ground again at a distance of twenty centimeters each.

"A large-scale attack can indeed be effective, but the action of your spell casting will already allow people to determine what spell you are going to cast next, especially if you have cast it once before."

Dumbledore said while floating in the air.

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