Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 161 Course Selection

After Lean came out of the principal's office, he went directly to class, carrying all his books in his pocket.

However, when I walked to the classroom, I found that no one was in the classroom. After asking a passing little wizard, I found out that what Lucius announced at noon today was so exciting that the entire school, from teachers to students, was Discuss this matter.

At that time, Dumbledore was fighting with Rean in the Room of Requirement, and no one could be found at all, so Professor McGonagall decided to give the students a holiday.

By the way, I would like to distribute the course selection list so that students can make good use of these few days to think about their future paths.

"Lean, would you like us to introduce you to the professors who are taking the course?"

As soon as Lean stepped through the door of the Slytherin common room, he was pulled over by X.

"As payment, all you have to do is tell me what Headmaster Dumbledore said when he pulled you out."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Zell. The two of them only took two courses, and the information they can tell you is limited. I have organized an introductory meeting to introduce you to the main content of each course and the seriousness of the professors. In terms of their level and preferences, they are all seniors in the sixth and seventh grade, and there are at least three people in each class."

Having said this, Senior Gemma paused for a moment, then showed an awkward smile and continued: "Ahem, except for Muggle Studies. Don't worry about this, we will arrange for more than three students to introduce each class, okay Let you consider it comprehensively.”

"It will be here at eight o'clock tonight, don't forget, otherwise you will have to work hard to collect information by yourself."

After saying that, Senior Gemma patted Lien on the shoulder, and then went to inform the next person.

"Hey, Lean, come and take the divination class with us. It's very easy to pass the exam." Beaver said excitedly.

Kes picked up the cup and drank the coffee inside. Then he looked at it pretentiously and said in a pretentious tone:

"Ah, Bifur, you have to be careful next time. Look at this black cat. It can see disasters. It seems that you have been uneasy recently. But there is a sword here. You should be able to It’s okay, but it’s also a bit dangerous.”

Then Kes burst out laughing: "Hahaha, you just need to say that and you can pass. Getting an A is not a problem."

"Ah, look at this black dog, you may have suffered a bloody disaster recently, so be careful." Bifur also pretended to be on the side, "This kind can get an E."

"As for O, I don't recommend that you pursue it." After saying that, Beaver patted Lean on the shoulder, "You have to tell yourself that you will die in the next second, and die miserably."

"To be honest, except for Professor Trelawney who always has a strong smell of alcohol, everything else is pretty good. Divination class can be said to be the easiest class in Hogwarts."

"But I don't recommend choosing Muggle Studies." Kes came over and said, "First of all, Slytherin did not choose this course. Secondly, this is the most important thing. I heard that several young people of Muggle origin Wizards went to class and went crazy.”

"Why?" Rean became curious.

"For example, a vending machine. I heard from Muggle wizards that it can vend automatically, but Professor Bubbaji thinks there is actually a person working inside." Beaver shrugged and said helplessly.

"A young wizard once corrected him, but Professor Bubbaji always believed that there was a person inside. This caused the young Muggle wizards to go back and ask their parents during the holidays if there was anyone in the vending machine."

"I heard that the castle's owls never rested in those days."

Chris said something funny.

"That's really..."

"Very old-fashioned, isn't it?" Beaver said. "Generally speaking, Muggle wizards don't get high marks in Muggle Studies because their answers are always different from the standard answers."

Really arrogant. Lien thought in his heart.

What makes a difference is that they are completely unwilling to acknowledge the development of Muggles. They still view Muggles from the perspective of the Middle Ages.

Even if the International Wizards Protection Act protects, it only isolates them.

"Actually, I don't need to choose a class."

Lean smiled and handed the declaration of suspension of study to the two of them. The two looked at each other curiously, and then each took it from Lean's hand.

After looking carefully, the two looked at each other in surprise again, then turned to look at Lien with the eyes of a panda.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Hell, Principal Dumbledore actually approved it?" Kes said in surprise.

"It's true. I thought you were joking on the train." Beaver was also surprised.

But when I thought about it, I felt relieved. With Li En's current strength, he really didn't need to continue studying in school.

"Okay, there is no need to publicize this matter to the outside world."

What Lien thought was that it would be better to do less than to do more, and avoid being looked at like a gorilla while walking in the corridor.

"Cuckoo." Pais flew in, dropped a note, and flew away again in the blink of an eye.

Lean caught the note floating down from the air, and then glanced at Pais's flying back strangely.

Something's wrong with this bird today. Normally it would have to eat at least one nut before it would leave. Lean thought.

"Is this the note from Miss Granger?" Beaver said.

Rean opened the note and took a look. It was indeed from Hermione, who wanted to ask him to go to the library.

"Beaver, Chris, I'm leaving first." Ryan. After saying hello, he stood up from the sofa and walked out.

"Go ahead, go ahead, ah, I'm so envious."

After Lean left, the sofa became empty, and Kes lay down on it: "Now the only way I can get some comfort is by lying flat on my back."

Beaver waved to Lean, then picked up a book next to him and started reading.

Lean came out of the basement and walked up. The surrounding corridors were filled with young wizards discussing course selections. Painters and ghosts occasionally participated in the discussion.

All the way to the library, Hermione was standing there waiting.

"You are really slow." Hermione said with some displeasure.

"I'm already very fast." Rean said, pushing open the library door.

"If you want to discuss course selection, please keep your voice down, or I'll ask you to go to the corridor!"

As soon as she entered the door, Mrs. Pingsi said coldly without raising her head. But listen to this, Mrs. Pince should say this every year.

"Hermione, I have to tell you something. Professor Dumbledore has agreed to my suspension of study application."

Rean pulled Hermione to a seat by the window, and then said the words Hermione least wanted to hear.

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