Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 178 Snow Tiger

Lean was wearing a black magic robe and walking on a huge snow-capped mountain. From a distance, it looked like there was a small black reptile on top of the pure white cloth.

Reen came to Iceland yesterday. After resting at the hotel in the evening, he started exploring the snow-capped mountains today.

Before leaving, Lean asked in detail about Andra's previous whereabouts in Iceland. This time Lean decided to follow Andra's whereabouts.

The previous exploration of the ruins left Lien with too many doubts, so he was eager to find out what the ruins were.

The magic perception has been turned on to the maximum, but after searching for so long, there is still no trace of the cave.

Li En was not in a hurry. He knew that this was not an easy task, so he thought of hunting two snow tigers.

On the one hand, you can get various materials by hunting the snow tiger. On the other hand, you can also take the two fangs from the snow tiger's mouth to the Ministry of Magic of Iceland in exchange for a bounty.

Yes, in order to curb the development of the Snow Tiger clan, the Icelandic Ministry of Magic even offered a bounty. But even so, few people are willing to come.

Hidden in the snowy mountains, the Snow Tiger is a thick-skinned assassin who is proficient in stealth. It takes a lot of effort to kill it.

If I have this time, wouldn't it be nice if I hunted some other magical animals?

However, today Lien was like a god of plague, retreating from all things. He had been walking for almost half a day, and he had not yet encountered a snow tiger or a cave.

"Isn't it true that there are so many snow tigers here that it's overwhelming? Why haven't I encountered one yet?"

Li En looked up at the big sun in the sky, tightened his clothes, sighed, and said, "Forget it, let's find a place to have lunch."

After some searching, Lien found a relatively stable place, and then took out the dry food he had stored previously from his pocket.

Water, some compressed biscuits and dried meat.

Although he could use magic to go to the nearest store for lunch, Lien still wanted to experience the adventurous life.

There should be scallion oil added to the compressed biscuits, which tastes quite fragrant. Especially after Lien drank a glass of water, he felt full in his stomach. The jerky is similar to the air-dried beef jerky distributed at Hogwarts before. It is very hard, but it tastes delicious.

After finishing lunch, Rean took a short rest and started on the journey again.

Looking at the endless white snow, Li En touched his temple, and the vision in front of him instantly became darker.

This is similar to wearing sunglasses and can prevent snow blindness.

After continuing to march on the snow-capped mountains for two or three hours, Lien became impatient. I looked at the sky and saw that the sun was still shining brightly.

At this time, in places at high latitudes like Iceland, the sunset is very late and the sunrise is very early, with almost twenty hours of sunshine a day.

"Forget it, let's set up camp."

Lien didn't want to continue anymore, so he simply set up camp and read the books about Egyptian magic circles that he had transformed in Egypt before, so that he could change to the next one.

Taking out the tent given to him by Fowo, Lien used magic to tidy up the ground a little, making it flat, and then opened the tent.

The magic tent does not require manpower to build at all. You only need to input magic power to let it build automatically.

After casting a few small warning spells around him, Rean got into the tent.

After the tent came into Lean's hands, Lean made some modifications to it. In addition to repairing the damaged magic, he also added a lot of practical magic.

Constant temperature spell, wind-fixing spell, light and dark spell, hardening spell, etc.

These would make Lean's little tent even more comfortable.

Lean was lying on a lounge chair in the tent. There was a small stove on his right, but the place where the fire was lit was changed by Lean to the alchemy items he had found in Gunter's old house. There is a teapot on the stove and a small tea can next to it. After the water is boiled, you can make a cup of fragrant black tea.

Although Lean does not have the habit of drinking afternoon tea every day, he will not refuse to make a cup of tea occasionally.

Taking out the Book of All Laws from his mind, Lien turned to the place where he saw it last time and continued reading.

About three or four minutes later, the teapot on hand made a sound, which was a sign that the water was ready.

There were no fancy tricks, no red tape, not even washing the tea. Lien poured hot water directly into the cup filled with tea leaves, then touched the cup with his finger, leaving a constant temperature spell, and then ignored it.

After flipping through a page, Lien estimated that the tea was almost brewed by now, so he put down the book in his hand and picked up the cup of brewed black tea.

At this time, the weather outside suddenly changed, and a strong wind roared in, rolling up the snow on the ground and forming bursts of white mist.


Li En took a sip of hot tea, and the sound of the howling wind outside could be heard in his ears. This feeling was very comfortable.

After drinking half of the tea, Rean filled the cup with water again, then put the cup down and continued reading.

Outside the tent, the wind was biting, but inside the tent, it was as warm as spring.

But there will always be people interrupting your leisurely time, but this time it’s not people.


A loud sound rang out, and the magic circle that Lien had released around the tent as a warning was quickly triggered.

"What the hell, what are you doing here now?"

Lien said helplessly that he had been looking for a long time in the morning but couldn't find it. I just wanted to be lazy in the afternoon, hide comfortably in the tent and read a book, but it came.

But don’t give up the gifts that come to your door in vain. What's more, Lien also had a headache when he looked at the complicated magic circle in the book.

After walking out of the tent, Lien tightened his cloak tightly. As soon as he entered the windy snow-capped mountains from the warm tent, the instantaneous temperature difference made Lien feel uncomfortable.

After casting a constant temperature spell on himself, Rean felt better.

The strong wind blew snowflakes, covering the world with a hazy layer of white sand. At this time, a sturdy snow tiger was slowly moving towards Lien's tent under the cover of the snowstorm.

This tiger is very strange. Normally, all it takes is a roar, and these two-legged beasts will run away like crazy. Why didn't this person leave after being yelled at today?

Snow tigers have an extremely developed sense of smell and can even smell prey five thousand meters away with the help of snowstorms. So at this point it was pretty sure that Lean was still standing.

And Lien could clearly see a blue magic source slowly approaching him in the magic vision.

So the visual obstruction caused by this huge snowstorm did not affect either party at all.

Li En raised his hands, and more than a dozen ice spikes shot up from the ground instantly. Snow Tiger was also alert and jumped away dangerously.

The snow tiger that had just landed knew that the enemy had discovered it, so it quickly left the place.

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