Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 2 The Book of All Laws

Lien had no way of knowing what happened to those two people, and he was currently checking his own condition.

There are many bruises and cuts on the body, all of which can be seen. As for the extent of damage to the bones and internal organs, Lien didn't know.

He is not a professional doctor and his medical knowledge is limited to common family illnesses.

When you live alone, you have to know something. If you are sick, there is no one to take care of you.

Lean was lying on the bed, wrapping his body tightly with the tattered quilt, shivering from time to time.

This is a symptom of excessive blood loss. People will feel a chill and can't help but want to sleep. In fact, this is the body's self-protection.

Li En understood that now was not the time to sleep. He had to deal with his injuries. Otherwise, he didn't have to wait until tomorrow. Whether he could survive tonight was still a question.

He concentrated on getting in touch with the book in his mind, regardless of the physical pain it caused.

Lean now understands that the only thing that can save him is the book in his mind, apart from hoping that a kind-hearted person will save him.

But in Clear Street, everyone is too busy taking care of themselves to have the energy to take care of others.

Just when Li En thought about the Book of Ten Thousand Dharmas, a stream of heat flowed through Li En's body, bringing a touch of warmth to him who was cold.

At the same time, a message about this book appeared in Rean's mind.

The Book of All Laws can be transformed into any book according to the controller's will, but the next transformation can only be carried out after the controller has read the contents of the book.

In other words, if you are too ambitious at the beginning and directly create a book that you can't understand at all, then you have to read the book seriously according to your temper to be considered complete.

The Book of Ten Thousand Dharmas can be taken out and read, or it can be read directly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

With a strong desire to survive, Lien began to weave in his mind the conditions that required changing the books.

The first thing is to make it simple, preferably something that novices can master.

The second is to have an effect on your own injuries at this stage, and finally it is best to use first aid.

Li En couldn't wait two or three months to master the medical skills. He was seizing the day now.

Soon, there were changes in the Book of Ten Thousand Dharmas.

"21st Century Medical Mage from Beginner to Master"

Without paying too much attention to the title of the book, Lien read it directly in his mind.

Fortunately, the first chapter introduces a spell called [Healing], which says it can cure all physical wounds on the body.

Lean has no time or energy to judge whether the content is correct. All he can do now is believe that this book will not harm him.

Following the method in the book, Lien began to transfer the power within his body. According to the book, it was magic.

Through magic, it promotes the rapid division of cells, thereby achieving the effect of replacing old cells with new cells in a short period of time.

The advantage of this method is that novices can get started directly without any entry barriers.

The disadvantage is also obvious. The number of human cell divisions is limited, which is equivalent to a disguised loss of life. In addition, although the energy for cell division comes from magic power, the required substances still need to be ingested, which requires the patient to consume a large amount of food.

Lean had no food to eat at this time. He was so hungry that he began to chew on the old, moldy straw mat under him.

Even so, his originally thin body without much flesh now only had a skeleton and a layer of skin left.

If anyone stepped into Lien's cellar at this time, they would definitely be shocked by this "skeleton".

Rean's internal organs and bones were almost repaired. As for the external wounds, they were not fatal, so Rean did not pay much attention to them.

Don't worry about it. Reen's body has reached its limit. There is only one end if it is repaired any longer - death.

Sitting on the bare floor, Rean took a short rest to regain some strength.

He needed to go out and find some food, but he couldn't be seen.

The Charlie Gang had just executed him this afternoon, and his death was witnessed by countless people.

If people knew that he was still alive, he believed that someone would be interested in this ability to bring the dead back to life.

By then, although he will have a chance to survive - at least he will not die until all the value in him is drained.

But what is also lost is freedom and autonomy.

Until then, he is just a white mouse in a cage, and he can be killed whenever others want; he can be experimented with whenever they want.

Night fell quietly, and Lean slowly pushed open the cellar flap.

The entrance to this cellar is located in a shadow in the deepest part of the alley. This is a place where sunlight cannot reach, and the entire cellar is filled with humid and turbid air.

Lien stumbled when he came out of the cellar and fell to the ground, making some noise.

Li En ignored the pain in his body and rolled directly to the dark place next to him.

He didn't dare to get up in the light for fear of being seen.

Clear Street at night is more dangerous than during the day, with all kinds of ferocious beasts and hunters hiding here.

A skinny mouse like him is everyone's favorite.

He pressed against the wall and moved to the entrance of the alley, then stuck his head out and looked around.

"Who's there! Haha, I see you, little snack."

The moment Lien poked his head out, a rough and malicious voice sounded, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Lean's heart suddenly trembled, and he suppressed the hunger in his belly and ran into the alley.

But he knew that he had to lure people away. This alley was a dead end, and his hiding place was still here, so the risk was too great.

However, there were walls more than two meters high on both sides of the alley. With Lien's physical strength at this time, it was impossible to climb over.

"You're a little rat in a stinking ditch, you must have been caught by me, hahaha."

At the entrance of the alley, a huge figure blocked the entry of streetlight light, and the entire alley became dark.

Lean is very anxious now. He knows that the current situation is very dangerous and he must find a way to escape from here.

Thanks to the City of London, which never paid attention to Clear Street, Clear Street has become very old and some vines have begun to climb the walls.

From the corner of his eye, Lien saw a withered vine that was almost tall enough for him to climb over the wall.

He ran over with all his strength and climbed up, not caring at all even if his palms were pricked by tiny thorns.

"Damn it, you bedbug, scum, garbage that has been born and has no one to feed you, come down here."

The big man grabbed Li En's left foot as he was about to climb over the wall. When Li En lowered his head, he saw a terrifying look in the big man's eyes.

Lean kicked the big man hard in the eye with his right foot. The man felt the pain and let go of his hand holding Lean's left foot. Lean used the strength to climb over the wall and then fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was grass growing on the ground and Lean was not seriously injured.

Listening to the curses on the other side of the wall, Lien quickly fled from this side.

"Woof woof woof~~"

A loud barking sound sounded, and Lien cursed quietly, then took off his legs and continued running away.

"Scorpius, what's the matter? What are you screaming about at night?"

The lights in this house turned on, and a deep male voice sounded.

The owner got up after hearing the barking of the dog, and Lean had to leave quickly.

Fortunately, the fence of this family is not high, and the wall of the alley should lead to his backyard.

After escaping, Lean continued to walk in the dark. He wanted to go to Charlie's gang's kitchen to get some more food.

Lean was familiar with the place because "Lean" had been there twice.

Cleverly avoiding the patrols of Charlie's gang, these all come from "Lean's" memory.

The Charlie Gang is also very caring, and the patrol time and route have not changed. Perhaps because they have held the title of the largest gang in Clear Street for a long time, the Charlie Gang is now a little arrogant.

We arrived at the kitchen of Charlie's gang with ease. There was a black German shepherd dog, which was the reason for Lean's previous two failures.

Lean hid in the grass in the dark, quietly watching the dog that was sleeping, thinking about how to pass safely.

His body could no longer bear another severe blow.

The aroma of food wafting from the kitchen continued to stimulate the secretion of his saliva, and his stomach began to growl.

Under the temptation of this aroma, Li En's brain began to urge Li En continuously.

"Go ahead and die. At least you can have enough to eat now. Smell the aroma, Charlie's gang should be having a barbecue party today. Don't you want to try it?"

Li En forced himself to resist the urge to rush out and waited quietly.

Suddenly, the black German Shepherd that Lean was observing raised its head from its paws and looked around.

This made Li En feel nervous, afraid of being exposed. But he soon discovered that the dog was not staring in his direction.

This made Lean sigh in relief, and then he continued to lurk.

After a while, two thin figures appeared in Lean's eyes. They had no idea that there was this dog in the kitchen of Charlie's gang.

After they luckily escaped the Charlie Gang's patrol, they rushed towards the Charlie Gang's kitchen like crazy.

Lien shook his head, secretly thinking that there were two more idiots who were blinded by hunger.

As Ryan expected, the German shepherd soon started barking.

In the silent night, the barking of the dogs was so obvious that the Charlie Gang quickly took action.

Thirty or forty rough men were naked, wearing only a pair of underpants, and rushed out with machetes, steel pipes, wooden maces filled with nails, etc.

The two figures were startled, then they took two pieces of barbecue from the kitchen and started running out, not forgetting to take two bites of the barbecue in their hands while running.

The German shepherd also chased out, and so did the Charlie gang.

good chance!

Li En shouted in his heart, and then Li En, who could no longer control his eating instinct, rushed to the kitchen.

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