Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 203 A day in the old revolutionary base

Lean stood in the crowd and listened to this guy sing a song. I have to say that this young man can sing very well, and most importantly, he is also handsome. Especially his eyes, which seemed to have an irreversible melancholy, made the women onlookers involuntarily throw two coins into the piano case in front of him.

Lean also stepped forward and threw away two francs. He had saved a lot of currencies from various countries in his pocket for travel. It's a pity that the euro will not be born until 1999. Otherwise, we will not have to carry so many different currencies.

After listening to the little brother sing two songs, Lean felt a little hungry, so he started walking on the street. Paris is indeed a world-famous metropolis. The streets are full of young people wearing fashionable clothes, and there are also many tourists who you can tell at a glance are visiting.

However, Lean's first stop was still the Eiffel Tower, which is the symbol of Paris. Well, there’s also the Louvre.

Standing under the tower, Lean picked up his camera and took two photos, then put away the camera and went up to the tower.

But after playing for a while, Rean came down. In fact, the scenery on the tower is just like that. As long as Lien is willing, he can fly to the sky and overlook the entire old revolutionary area.

Looking up at the sun that was already at its peak, Lien sighed, walked to the nearby store and bought a meat roll to fill his stomach, and then started looking for a hotel.

It was impossible for him to take out a tent to live in the city, nor could he summon Liszt's hut in the city, and he also wanted to visit the night market.

After searching for a while, Lean walked into a hotel that looked good. The main reason is that other hotels are already full. God knows why there are still so many people since the summer vacation has passed.

A single room was seventy francs a night, and Lean paid seventy-two francs. Two francs are city tax, which is a tax that everyone staying in a hotel needs to pay.

After paying the money, Lean took the room card and entered his room.

After a while, the waiter rang the doorbell. This was a meal that Lien had ordered when he was at the front desk, and it was a gift from the hotel.

"Sir, do you need any more services?"

The waiter wearing a white shirt and black vest said with a smile.

Lean shook his head, took out a franc, put it on the table, and said, "Thank you, I don't need it for the time being."

"I wish you a pleasant meal. Call the front desk after you finish your meal and I will come back to clean up."

After saying that, the waiter took the tip given by Li En and left Li En's room.

The reason why he gave a tip was because Lien discovered that the waiter actually spoke English and had a Cockney accent.

It seems that he is an international student. Li En looked at the dishes on the table and thought silently.

Since it is a free meal, don’t expect too much about the taste and quantity. But Lean still felt that the hotel was treating him like a monkey.

A small plate of tasteless green vegetables cooked in plain water, a piece of fried steak that was slightly burnt, and a bowl of thick soup. Other than that, there was nothing else.

Ryan tasted the steak. To be honest, it was a bit difficult to cut it, and the taste of the soup was not beautiful.

Sighing, Lien called the front desk and asked the waiter to clean up the mess.

Soon, the waiter who had just served Li En his meal appeared in Li En's sight again. But looking at him, he seemed to have expected this scene.

"Sir, if you are still hungry, I can recommend a store. Turn right when you go out of the hotel, walk about three hundred meters, then turn left into an alley, and the first store is there. When you get there, just say yes Little Bill recommended it, and Old Bill will give you a discount.”

"Your name is Bill?"

Li En raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"Yes, my name is Bill, and that store is also owned by my current host family. Unfortunately, his family also has a Bill."

Bill shrugged, half-jokingly, and walked away with the food cart.

Lean sat on a chair and looked at the scenery outside the window. After thinking for a while, he decided to go out to eat.

Following the route given by Little Bill, Lean arrived at the door of the store. This is a shop that specializes in fried food. You can smell the strong smell of oil and fried food when you stand at the door.

Opening the door, a thin middle-aged man wearing an apron and rubber gloves was staring at something frying in the oil pan. Probably hearing the sound of Lean pushing the door open, Old Bill said:

"Welcome, what would you like to eat?"

"Just grab something. By the way, Little Bill recommended it to me."

"Okay, okay, you're another poor guy who got tricked by the hotel. I'll give you a 10% discount."

As Old Bill spoke, he kept stirring the food in the pan with a slotted spoon.

"How about fried mushrooms and fried chicken nuggets? By the way, you can also have some fried fish, it's delicious. For drinks, I recommend lemon juice. It tastes best with fried food."

Old Bill said.

"Just make arrangements."

Old Bill nodded and started blowing things up.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a plate of golden-fried food with a little bit of oil on it was served. Then there was a large glass full of lemon juice, with ice cubes in it, and a layer of small water droplets condensed on the outer wall of the glass.

Rean picked up a piece from the plate with his hand and put it into his mouth.

"I mixed fried mushrooms and fried chicken nuggets so you never know what you're going to get in the next bite. What do you think, that's a good idea, isn't it?"

Old Bill also brought the fried fish and said with a smile as he watched Lien pick up the food.

It has the taste of Bibi's multi-flavor beans.

Lien chewed and thought silently.

What he ate just now was a piece of fried mushroom, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which was better than the chicken nuggets he was eating in this bite. After eating too much fried food, Lien felt a little tired of it, so he took a small sip of lemon juice.

A sour taste immediately burst out from the tip of Li En's tongue, making Li En's whole body tremble twice.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Old Bill's hearty laughter came from behind the stage.

"Although it is sour, it can relieve tiredness. This is a fine drink, little brother."

Seeing Lean looking over, Old Bill gave Lean a thumbs up.

After Rion finished eating all the fried food, more than half of the lemon juice was left in the cup. Ryan doubted whether this glass of lemon juice was really juice squeezed out of lemons.

If true, that would be terrifying.

After lunch, Lean went shopping in various streets and bought a lot of clothes for Hermione based on the data in Lean's memory. Of course, there is no shortage of cosmetics and various perfumes.

Little girls at this age have actually begun to learn how to put on makeup.

When the lights came on, Li En dragged his tired body back to the hotel. Shopping was still a bit difficult for Li En, who had stayed at home for many years.

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