Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 235 Christmas

In the evening, in the Granger family's dining room, four people were sitting at a dining table enjoying a luxurious dinner that took Mrs. Granger half a day to prepare.

It was a dining table for four, with Mr. and Mrs. Granger sitting on one side, and Rion and Hermione sitting in a row. What's more coincidental is that opposite Lean is Mr. Granger, and opposite Hermione is Mrs. Granger.

"Thank God, we finally got a more normal Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this semester. If this professor is still the same as the previous two years, I'm really worried about what to do with the O.W.L.s exam in fifth grade."

Hermione sat at the dining table, cut a piece of turkey and put it on her plate, and kept sharing things about the school with her parents and Ryan.

"But Professor Lupine disappears for a few days every month, which is very strange. During the time when Professor Lupine disappeared, Professor Snape came back to take over the class. He must be very happy. After all, he has wanted to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for a long time. ”

"But Professor Snape seems to have some conflicts with the new Professor Lupin. No matter what we have learned in class, he always skips and talks."

Every time at this time, the Grangers would smile and listen to Hermione's story. They also wanted to know more about the school Hermione went to, and they were also curious about magic.

"Is Professor Snape all talking about werewolves?" Lean asked with a smile.

"Huh? How do you know?" Hermione raised her head and turned to look at Lean, her wide eyes full of disbelief.

"Oh, I see, did Beaver and Kes tell you?" Then, Hermione said in realization.

Rean shook his head. In fact, all the students at Hogwarts knew about these things, so it was not a secret anymore. It's just that Snape is now a Hogwarts professor and Potions Master. Spreading Snape's dark history outside will not bring good results.

So everyone seemed to have collectively forgotten about that matter, and no one mentioned it.

"There is something hidden about this matter. I will tell you about it in a few days. Let me rest during this period. Half a year of traveling is really tiring."

Rean shook his head, took a chicken leg and put it on his plate. The chicken drumsticks made by Mrs. Granger are indeed delicious. They seem to have been deep-fried first, and the outside skin is very crispy. When you take a bite, it makes a "crunching" sound, and then a smell of chicken mixed with cumin and pepper instantly spreads on the tip of your tongue.

"Lean, Lean, tell me about what happened in the past six months. You always write unclearly in your letters."

Hermione sat next to him, looked at Rean, and said with some longing. She also wants to start her own journey one day.

"Actually, there's nothing to say. I've been doing pretty well during this period," Lean said.

"What about your food? What about the bad weather?" Mr. Granger asked. It could be seen that he seemed to be quite interested in these things.

"I have a traceless stretch bag, so I can store more food. And I have mastered apparation. If I get tired of eating dry food, I can go to the surrounding towns to eat some hot food. As for the bad weather, there are heat preservation spells, waterproof spells, etc. Yes, we can solve these problems.”

Rean said nonchalantly that after so many years, he has long been accustomed to using magic to make his daily life more convenient.

Mr. Granger shrugged, his thoughts about travel shattered by what Lean had said.

In his opinion, traveling in the wilderness is like carrying a bag on your back. Everywhere you go, you will find a place to set up camp, and then look for water sources to boil water and eat dry food.

Maybe sometimes you will encounter wild beasts and have an exciting chase battle with them.

Hearing Mr. Granger's description, Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

"Dad, how could this be possible? Not to mention other things, when you encounter a beast, you can use spells, such as repel spells, Muggle shielding spells, etc. If it doesn't work, you can also use the levitation spell to float to a tree and hide. Get up."

Mr. Granger touched the back of his head awkwardly and laughed twice. During the winter and summer vacations every year, Hermione never released any magic at home, which meant that Mr. Granger had not yet converted.

"Well, I've never seen you cast magic, so I almost forgot about it."

"The Ministry of Magic does not allow young wizards to use magic at home because..."

"Hermione, come and try this chicken nugget I fried. I learned this from the book, but I added some lemon juice."

Mrs. Granger quickly interrupted Hermione, forked a piece of chicken and put it on Hermione's plate.

"Actually, when it comes to beasts, that's not the case. To be honest, the magical world is not as safe as the world of ordinary people." Lean said slowly.

When the Granger family heard what Lean said, they all raised their ears quietly.

"Ah, by the way, Hermione, where's the little fox I gave you?"

Rean suddenly remembered that he should have given Hermione an ice blue fox before.

"Damn it! I forgot!" Hermione yelled, running down from the table and walking to her suitcase.

Opening the box, Hermione took out two small cages. This is a pet cage launched by the YilaLa Owl Store. It is airtight on all sides, but has a life-sustaining charm inside the cage, which allows the owner to stuff the pet into the box without having to carry it in his hands.

After releasing the two pets from the cage, Hermione sat on the dining table holding the ice blue fox. The remaining cat walked slowly to Hermione's feet, and then lay down quietly, looking extremely docile.

But Lean knew that this cat looked very docile, but in fact it was very lively and active.

"This is a cat I bought in a pet store. It has been in the pet store for a long time, but no one wants it."

Hermione bent down, picked up Crookshanks, and lifted him in front of Ryan.

"Ah, by the way, his name is Crookshanks. I heard from the store clerk that he seems to be part of the catnives, but since he hasn't been around for a long time, he sold it to me at the price of an ordinary cat. Dad said You are going to travel, and I will inevitably feel a little lonely when I go to school alone, so I bought this cat for me.”

When Hermione said this, her little face turned a little rosy.

Lean looked at Mr. Granger, who smiled at him.

Good father-in-law! Ryan silently gave Mr. Granger a thumbs up.


A cry suddenly appeared in the room.

"Ah! You are still so cute." Mrs. Granger held the little blue fox in her arms, then picked up a piece of chicken nugget and brought it to the little fox's mouth.

The little fox used its two front paws to protect the chicken nuggets, and then slowly ate them all. The whole process was extremely healing.

"Hmph, ever since you brought the fox here, my mother has been very fond of it."

"What's its name."

"Angel, I found out after looking up the book that this is a female fox."

"As long as you like it, you may not believe it when I tell you. This fox crawled into my arms when I was camping on the snow-capped mountains. Although it might just be greedy for the leftover barbecue I had eaten."

Lean shrugged, and then prepared to take a piece of fried meat to feed Crookshanks.

"Stop, don't feed these things to the cat. I bought cat food specially for it."

Hermione organized Lean's movements, Lean glanced at Crookshanks apologetically, and then stuffed the fried meat into his mouth.

"Okay, let's try this bottle of red wine. Today is a good day, everyone can have some." Mr. Granger took out the bottle of red wine that Lean brought.

The bottle of red wine has now been uncorked. It should have been opened by Mr. Granger before dinner. He was almost awake by now.

Mrs. Granger rarely retorted, but turned around and took out four goblets from the cabinet.

However, Mr. Granger didn't pour much to Lean and Hermione, just a shallow layer.

"Okay, let's toast on this day of reunion."

Mr. Granger raised his glass, and the other three also raised their glasses, clinked them together, and then sipped a little.

"It needs to wake up for a while before it tastes good." Mr. Granger slowly shook the red wine in the goblet, smacked his lips, and said with some regret.

After finishing his drink, Lean put down the glass. He had no taste at all for things like wine. He only has two perceptions of wine: whether it tastes good or not.

But Lien didn't say it without some sense.

After Hermione finished drinking, her face became even redder. The little head is moving little by little, and it looks like he can fall asleep at any time.

But think about it, first I took the train all afternoon, and when I came back, I had a big meal without rest. Now I drink some wine and I will naturally feel sleepy.

Looking at Hermione who was forcibly cheering up, both Ryan and the Grangers consciously sped up the process of the Christmas dinner - several people ate the last bit of tomato sauce noodles and that was the end of today's dinner.

"Ryan, just rest here tonight. There are still many rooms at home. I will take you out for some fun tomorrow. It is a rare holiday and it would be nice for everyone to go out and go shopping together."

Mr. Granger patted Lean on the shoulder and said.

Li En thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

The next morning, Lean woke up from his room. Mr. Granger brought him into this room yesterday, but judging from the decoration of the room, a lot of effort must have been put into it.

When they arrived at Granger's bathroom, there was already a tooth cup next to the washbasin with a toothbrush inserted in it. There was also an extra towel hanging next to it, with Lean's name specially written on it with a label to prevent Lean from admitting his mistake.

Rean laughed, then quickly washed up and came to the restaurant.

Mr. Granger was already sitting in his seat, holding this morning's newspaper and reading it.

"Ha, the newspaper office is getting better and better. Today's newspapers are all about the Queen's speech. Do they really have nothing to write?"

Mr. Granger said helplessly, and then he flipped through two more pages. After finding that there were still various speeches, he reluctantly put down the newspaper.

"How did you sleep?"

"Just like home."

"Good morning."

Hermione appeared at the door of the restaurant. The little girl was wearing milky white pajamas, her eyes were sleepy and she yawned.

"Good morning, my daughter. Go and wash up. A delicious breakfast is coming."

"Good morning, Hermione."

Hermione rubbed her eyes and turned to the bathroom to wash up.

After breakfast, everyone gathered under the Christmas tree in the living room, preparing to open gifts.

But what is a little embarrassing is that there are only three gifts from Rean, one from Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger, and Hermione.

"I think the gift should be under my Christmas tree."

As soon as Lean finished speaking, Pais appeared outside the window.

"Dong dong" Pais tapped the glass with his beak.

"Don't be anxious, come right now." Mrs. Granger trotted over and opened the window for Pais.

Pais spun around in the air and landed on the Christmas tree. A faint light flashed on the anklet, and many gifts immediately appeared under the tree.

The Grangers breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that Ryan would receive three gifts.

Next comes the much-loved part of opening gifts. This kind of pleasure, similar to opening a blind box and actually being able to open something, is really addictive.

Beaver gave a small bottle of magic potion, which was said to be obtained from the ruins; what Chris gave was still a magic book, but this magic book involved human anatomy.

The others were gifts from his subordinates, which were common but represented his sincerity.

Mr. Granger gave Lean a pen, Mrs. Granger gave Lean a gold-inlaid pocket watch, and Hermione gave Lean a brand new scarf with many patterns woven on it.

But after Lean took out the scarf, the little girl's face immediately turned red, and she suddenly realized that she was still at home.

Mr. Granger's eyes immediately turned into lemon shapes, and he was so sore at this time.

Lean gave Hermione a book of spells and gave each of the Grangers a bottle of youth potion. After hearing the effect of this potion, the Grangers laughed from ear to ear.

Especially Mrs. Granger, this magical potion is most suitable for her to use.

After packing up the gifts, the four of them drove to the commercial street.

There were a lot of people on the commercial street today, and there were far more vendors than usual on the street, pushing carts and selling various snacks.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Mr. Granger parked the car and turned around to ask.

Li En shook his head. He had spent a lot of money just the day before yesterday, and now there was nothing he was missing.

"I need to buy a new coat, a new pair of gloves, and a few T-shirts." Hermione counted them one by one on her fingers.

Mrs. Granger also needs to replenish some ingredients and various consumables.

"So let's go buy clothes first, then go to a restaurant for a meal, go to the zoo in the afternoon, and finally go back after buying ingredients, how about that?"

Mr. Granger quickly planned his plans for the day.

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