Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 73 Transition to Daily Life

Since Halloween, everyone has noticed that Max and Beaver have become different people. They seemed to grow up overnight, they began to focus on magic and stopped causing trouble. They began to be polite to people, even their former enemies.

Everyone looked at him with admiration, and even Snape was more gentle and thoughtful when he taught them a lesson.

Juana also clearly rejected the fifth-grade senior's confession. Later, she heard from Max that Juana had secretly started an underground affair with Beaver.

It seems that everything is developing for the better.

Lean also received a letter from Diagon Alley at the beginning of November. In the letter, the three brothers praised Lean in every possible way and expressed their loyalty to him.

"...Dear master, we are always your eyes and ears. Everything you need can be left to us..."

After reading it, Lien burned the entire letter and smiled disdainfully.

He believed that if it weren't for the enslavement spell, if it weren't for the spell he gave them, would these three brothers still be so obedient?

He asked Pais to come over and deliver a letter to the three. The letter affirmed the loyalty of the three people and urged them to practice the spell as soon as possible because of the situation mentioned in their letter.

In the letter, they told everything in detail about the last time they were ordered by the Corey family.

The Corey family is not one of the twenty-eight holy families. It is a wizard family that has only emerged in recent decades. For these families, a plantation is already a good asset.

Lean also has reason to believe that his situation must have been reported to the Corey family by the three brothers.

And the spell given by Li En must also be placed on the desk of the leader of the Corey family. If Chief Corey is smart and rational enough, he will definitely be able to see that there must be some hidden dangers in this spell.

But unfortunately, although there are many smart people in the entire magic world, Chief Corey is definitely not one of them. This can be seen from the fact that the Malfoy family sent someone out as soon as the plantation was handed over to Rean.

If the Malfoy family was forced to hand over the plantation to Lean, it means that Lean has the strength to make the Malfoy family surrender, or that Lean has the Malfoy family's handle; if the Malfoy family voluntarily handed over the plantation to The garden was handed over to Lean, which means that Lean and Malfoy have a good relationship.

No matter what the situation is, it is definitely unwise to send people to rob it immediately, as it may force the Malfoy family out.

All the major families are waiting, waiting for the emergence of the outstanding bird. But to the surprise of all the major families, the winner came so early.

Lean handed the letter to Pais and looked out the window, dazed.

He is looking forward to the performance of the Corey family more and more.

"But you must take care of the family, Chief Corey." Lien murmured.

This spell is very addictive. Once it has devoured another person's soul once, it will never stop. The final result is that under the urging of desire, the soul is constantly devoured and eventually becomes crazy.

At this time, Lean will step forward and use the power of thunder to eliminate the entire Corey family, harvesting those fallen souls and the Corey family's book treasures. In the entire wizarding world, Lean will be regarded as the savior who averted a disaster and won huge reputation.

Hermione is also seizing every minute and every second to improve her strength. Rean has already told her about the Deathly Hallows.

At that time, Hermione's eyes widened, and her expression of disbelief really amused Lean.

After learning about this, Hermione became more and more obsessed with magic because the Resurrection Stone was real.

The little girl also believes that there must be many wizards in the world who want to know the whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone. She was a little scared because she was the insider. But she has no regrets, because it was her own choice. All she can do now is work hard to improve herself and make herself worthy of this secret.

So for a period of time, Hermione always had a straight face, much like Snape, which was a manifestation of Occlumency operating to its extreme. However, the little girl later noticed after Li En reminded her that running Occlumency all the time seemed to mean that there was no silver in this place, and it became normal.

At the same time, our savior, Mr. Harry Potter, is also training in Quidditch. He became more and more obsessed with the feeling of riding a broom chasing the Golden Snitch, the feeling of strong wind blowing by his face, and the feeling of everything in the world receding rapidly before his eyes.

Because of Quidditch training, he had a lot of homework after school, so Lean could always see Harry and Ron in the library on the eve of handing in their homework, constantly flipping through books.

And without Hermione to check their homework, the quality of their homework after class would be much worse than the original work.

"Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley, I have always felt that there are no identical creatures in the world. I remember Mr. Ollivander said something similar when you were buying wands. But I think this theory may be true today. To be overturned, because I was surprised to find that you seem to have exactly the same brain."

During Friday's Potions class, Snape looked at Harry and Ron with a cold expression. The little wizards below all covered their mouths and laughed secretly, especially Malfoy.

"What a great discovery. Maybe you can become a new species in the magical world. Maybe the Ministry of Magic will set up a liaison office for you."

Without waiting for either of them to answer, Snape continued.

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes, knowing that the points would be deducted next.

"Gryffindor loses five points for this."

Harry and Ron breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to be deducted five points. It was something they were used to.

"Everyone." Snape's mouth curled up, as if he was mocking Harry, "I will also inform Professor McGonagall about this matter. I hope she can discipline you well."

Harry and Ron suddenly felt like eggplants beaten by frost.

"Class now." Snape turned around and began to explain the knowledge of potions.

Time slips away bit by bit, regardless of human will.

It was a Saturday in November, and early in the morning, the whole restaurant was filled with little wizards.

The freshmen looked at all this curiously. They had never seen so many little wizards gathered together so early in the morning.

At the Gryffindor table, Ron kept putting food on Harry's plate, while Harry kept refusing.

In the end, Harry ate something and then followed Wood to the pre-game preparation room. The little wizards also came to the auditorium and took their seats, quietly waiting for the game to start.

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