Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 95 Lucius’s Target

After saying goodbye to Hermione, Lean went directly to Snape's office.

"Dong dong"

Rean knocked on the door, and Snape's voice soon came from inside.

"Come in."

Rean pushed the door open and walked in. Snape was handling potions on the console. A refreshing aroma filled Snape's office.

"You're here." Snape glanced at Rean from the corner of his eye and said coldly.

Snape did not stop what he was doing because of Rean's arrival.

Three minutes later, Snape squeezed out the juice from the potion in his hand and sealed the small bottle containing the juice. The aroma in the entire room immediately disappeared.

"Did you go out and cause big trouble today?" Snape walked to the sink and washed his hands, walked behind the desk and sat down, and said slowly.

"No." Ryan replied without hesitation.

"The Aurors in the Ministry of Magic who are on vacation were notified today that their vacation was cancelled, and according to the Muggle government, a mysterious man attacked a small town in the north this morning. And you just took my batch this morning It's hard not to think about it when I'm out of school." Snape picked up his quill and began to correct his homework.

"I didn't call you here to blame you, but I wanted to tell you that sometimes, a bridge is often destroyed on a piece of rotten wood. I believe that in a few days Malfoy will know the news about you going out today. And maybe I'll use some excuse to check your wand. Have you ever heard of the flashback spell?"

Snape frowned, looked at an assignment and shook his head, then put a big "D" on it, then turned to another assignment, read the beginning, and then put a big "D" on it. T".

"In general, as long as your wand has cast spells, they can be detected with the flashback spell, so don't take any chances. If you are really found out, Professor Dumbledore will not be able to protect you," Snape said. The two assignments were taken out separately and set aside, and then the next assignment was marked with an "O".

Hermione Granger.

Lean glanced furtively.

So Li En immediately knew who the two previous assignments were.

"If you have nothing else to do, please leave. The stench on your body will destroy the quality of my Moon Spirit Grass juice."

Snape said suddenly after finishing correcting the next assignment.

The juice of Moon Grass is the bottle that Snape squeezed just now.

Rean nodded and didn't say anything. He just kept Snape's words in mind.

He heard clearly that Snape had said that Malfoy might come to trouble him.

As for Snape saying that Malfoy would know about his going out, Lean didn't doubt that Snape was the one who tipped him off.

Because it was unnecessary, telling Malfoy about Lean would not do Snape any good.

Lean guessed that it was probably because of Malfoy's status as school director.

The identity of the school director must have some effect, otherwise there would definitely not be so many pure-blood families wanting a seat on the school director.

Maybe they have certain school authority. After all, Lien needs to pass through the school gate when he leaves the school, and the two stone statues at the school gate obviously existed when the school was founded.

Rean thought as he walked, and soon came to the Slytherin common room.

However, Lien didn't care at all about this matter. He had long known that the Ministry of Magic would be aware of it.

If the Ministry of Magic hadn't noticed such a big movement, Lean felt that Fudge probably thought his talents were insignificant and didn't want to work anymore.

In order to cope with the current situation, Lien deliberately went without a wand.

However, Snape was still wrong.

Early the next morning, Malfoy and two Aurors strutted into Hogwarts under the watchful eyes of all the young wizards.

"I don't think it's necessary, Lucius. A first-year wizard attacked and destroyed a Muggle town. The current Ministry of Magic is so incompetent that they believe such lies?" Dumbledore sat behind the table, His eyes were a little sharp.

Lucius came to Hogwarts again and again to trouble a young wizard, which made Dumbledore very unhappy.

But Lucius didn't think so. He still remembered Lean's face when he took away an extra plantation from him that day. He, Lucius, had never fallen so hard on such a small baby in his life.

This time, he must let Lien know what the twenty-eight pure-blooded sacred tribes are.

"No, we are just checking his wand. You must know that according to the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act", minor wizards have no right to cast spells outside of school. We are just doing it as a matter of routine." Lucius smiled He said, completely ignoring Dumbledore's sharp eyes.

This time, he had done enough homework, and he was accompanied by two Aurors, which had a different meaning. He came here to represent the Ministry of Magic.

So no matter how reluctant Dumbledore was, he couldn't be too partial to Rean.

"Okay, Albus, you see, these two and I are very pressed for time, and we have been in school for such a long time, which has caused a lot of panic to the students, so isn't it time to call the wizard? . Please rest assured that these two are experienced Aurors and there will never be any misjudgment."

That's weird. Lucius secretly added two words in his mind.

He had already planned it, and when the time comes, as long as this kid used a magic spell yesterday, he would do it harshly. He still doesn't believe it. Yesterday he went out and there was no magic at all.

Dumbledore took a deep look at Lucius and asked Fawkes to go find Rean.

He also knew that Lucius was taking the opportunity to retaliate, but there was nothing he could do about it. Lucius's excuse was just and fair, and there was no fault in it.

Soon, Lean arrived at the principal's office.

"Oh my God, it's been so long since I last saw you. I feel like you've grown taller."

When he saw Lean, Lucius was very enthusiastic and stepped forward to talk to Lean.

"Since I have grown taller, it means that you have grown older again, Lord Lucius."

Lean shot back without thinking.

"Yes, people will always grow old, but some people can't help but recall the stupid things they have done when they get older, because they have ruined their lives because of these things. I hope you are not like this Stupid man." Lucius said to Rean with a smile.

"Lord Lucius, this is not what you asked me to come here to say, right? Now that I have finished listening, can I leave?"

"Of course not. A small town in the Muggle world was attacked by wizards yesterday, and you happened to be out yesterday, so the Ministry of Magic suspects that you are most likely related to what happened yesterday."

Lucius paused and continued: "Of course, the Ministry of Magic will not wrongly accuse a good person, so we need to check your wand to prove your innocence."

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