Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 218 He likes your mother

Monday, the second week of exams!

A front-page headline quickly ignited the entire magical world.

Also coming out were four wanted posters.

"I remember some time ago, didn't Azkaban just declare that there were criminals trying to escape? At that time, Mr. Fudge banned all affairs between Azkaban and the outside world?!"

"How come after he made some adjustments, someone actually managed to escape from prison this time?!"

"I don't know how to evaluate it, but I always feel that this is quite unacceptable."

In fact, it's not just the little wizards who think so.

Others in the wizarding world have the same problem.

The difference between them and children is that they don't hold it back.

They directly questioned Fudge on public platforms such as the Daily Prophet, asking him what measures he had taken regarding prisons a few days ago, and why someone actually escaped from prison after the new measures were implemented!

Fudge was so angry that he kept smashing the table in the office!

He has a shitty move.

Of course, he just found an excuse to prohibit Dumbledore from spying on Azkaban.

In order to avoid worsening the scandal caused by the secret room incident.

Just like Dumbledore did not report the duel competition to the Department of Sports and Activities Management, our Mr. Fudge also regarded Azkaban's rejection as a warning!

"On Hagrid's case, I have already made a concession! It's time to give up!"

At least, that's how Mr. Fudge understood his actions.

I just didn't expect that the Hogwarts family didn't care at all.

It was also the day the jailbreak news was published.

In the evening, after dinner, Harry took the meal to the fifth floor of the West Tower!

Sirius had already changed into a green blouse.

Presumably it was the house elf who found it for him.

Except that he is still as thin as a skeleton, he currently looks no different from a normal person!


Sirius smiled, but it was obviously a bit awkward.

He didn't know how to face this child.

He wanted to be friendly, but he inevitably felt strange.

"Good evening, sir!" Harry nodded and placed the lunch box on the wooden desk: "I brought you some meals."

"Oh, thank you." Sirius felt a little happy, but a little sad about such polite words.

He looks very different from James

"I've actually eaten it." Facing Harry's burning eyes, Sirius' hand let go of the lunch box.

"So, let's get down to business, I won't hide anything."

"Okay." Harry nodded eagerly.

"What is the relationship between Professor Snape, my father, and you guys?!" Harry asked.

After various collections, he really discovered that Snape seemed to play a crucial role in his father's era.

"Ah, we are sworn enemies." Sirius thought for a while and said: Because of many things, in short, Snape has always hated your father.

Correspondingly, neither your father nor we like him! "

"The hatred from the student days lasted for so long?!" Harry was a little confused.

Hmm. Well, although this may be a bit of a chicken-hearted behavior, it is indeed more in line with the glory of Professor Snape's role in his heart.

But it's still a bit outrageous.

"Because of a joke?!" Sirius said with some uncertainty.

Then, he stood up and walked to the balcony.

Harry followed him.

On the balcony, the sky was dark, and with the clear and bright moonlight from Su Gaodao, Sirius pointed at the silhouette of a house.

"That's the Screaming Shack, do you know this?"

Harry stared for a moment, then he pushed up his glasses: "Um, I don't know, I only know that there is one of the entrances to Uncle Moon's house."

"Ah?!" Sirius didn't understand.

"Who is Uncle Mu En?!"

"Moon Jones, Professor Jones of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Captain!" Harry continued.

"Oh!" Sirius nodded: "He lives there now, right. Well, I never thought that someone would choose to live there.

After all, weird stories about that house have been circulating here long after we graduated! "

"After you graduate?!" Harry did not explain that Uncle Moon did not live there, but he did catch something strange in Sirius's words.

"Ah, yes! Us!"

"James, me, Peter - that beast! And Lupin."

"Well, I've seen a picture of you together, in one of my father's pictures after winning Quidditch!" Harry nodded.

"It's good that you know, then I'll tell you directly, well, my old friend won't mind me telling this story to James's children.

But if possible, please don’t tell others, such as your friends! "

"Okay." Harry nodded solemnly.

"The four of us were the best at the time. We even gave ourselves a name, 'Predator Squad.' And among them, everyone had a corresponding code name.

For example, you know the mouse, Peter, his name is Wormtail.

And your father is called Prongs! My name is Padfoot! "

As he spoke, he looked at Harry, as if he was expecting the other party to answer and understand the meaning of these code names.

Harry just tilted his head

"Okay, it's our Animagus form!" Sirius realized that he was asking for trouble.

"I'm a dog and your father is an elk!"

Harry nodded: "The moony face of Mr. Lupin is a wolf?!"

"To be precise. Werewolf!"

He was very young when he was bitten. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to come to Hogwarts. No parent is willing to let his children come into contact with werewolves!

But then Dumbledore became the headmaster and he was very sympathetic. He said that as long as certain precautions were taken, there was no reason why Lupine should not be allowed to come to the school. "

As he said that, Sirius showed a smile: "This is Mr. Dumbledore, he will always be like this!"

Then, he looked down again and stretched out his hand to point to a willow tree.

"The whomping willow was planted the year we arrived at Hogwarts. In fact, it was planted for Lupin to come to Hogwarts. That house..." His fingers followed the path, and then fell to the tip. Call the shed. "There is a tunnel under the Whomping Willow that connects to the shack. It was dug for Lupin's use. Once a month, he is secretly sent out of the castle and sent to the Shrieking Shack to transform. Plant the tree at the entrance of the tunnel , is to prevent anyone from encountering him when he is dangerous to others!

Of course, later on the tunnel was not just for him to use! "

Harry listened carefully, his thoughts were like a kite, pulled back decades ago by the string formed by Sirius' words.

“Now that you’ve entered school, it’s natural that you should make friends!

However, Lu Ping was very distant from others at the beginning. We thought he looked down on us at first, but it was not until we got along later that we gradually became warm to him!

Your father is very keen. He was the first to discover Lupine's anomaly just like he noticed the golden snitch easily in the sky!

In the beginning, this guy made up all kinds of stories for us. Said his mother was sick and he had to go home to see her or something.

Lupine told us later that it was actually because he was worried that we would ignore him once we found out he was a werewolf. But, of course, we found out the truth easily, so - for friends - for brothers!

We all learned about the animagus! "

"It seems that the professors don't know about this?!" Harry said, and a series of previous things about Peter seemed to be evidence for this statement!

"Yes, it is true." Sirius nodded: "But we are not as good as you. It took us nearly three years to do this. We only learned to transform when we were in fifth grade. Everyone They can all transform into different animals at will.”

The way he looked at Harry was like looking at a pervert!

"Werewolves are only dangerous to humans, so later on, we wore James' invisibility cloak and slipped out of the castle once a month, then transformed to find Lupin. We soon left the Shrieking Shack and went to the school grounds and the village at night. James and I are both very large animals and can intimidate werewolves. I don't think there are any students at Hogwarts who know the grounds of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade as well as we do, so we also do I got a Marauder’s Map, which is our supreme creation, and I don’t know where it is now!”

Harry completely ignored the following words. He nodded and said, "This looks like something someone would do when drunk. Can you cast spells after turning into animals?!"

If not, then Harry felt from the bottom of his heart that running away on the night he turned into a werewolf was really not a wise move.

"Ah" Sirius turned his head. He thought that at Harry's age, he should pay more attention to the "peculiar" attribute of this story, feeling the rebellion in it, the youth in it, etc.

"Well, it is true that these actions seem stupid now. I often miss them, but I am also always glad that they did not lead to any bad consequences. We were young and ignorant at the time, so we were just proud of our cleverness!"

With that said, the topic seemed to finally return.

"Except Severus."

The background story is finally introduced

"Severus is particularly interested in where Lupine goes every month." Sirius told Harry: "As mentioned earlier, he particularly dislikes James. Jealousy, I think, jealousy that James is playing Quidditch. Fantastic talent on the field!”

Harry questioned this, as Snape seemed completely uninterested in Quidditch.

If it weren't for the honor bonus, perhaps Snape wouldn't have too few critical comments about this sport!

"Anyway, Severus saw Lupine walking across the grounds with Madam Pomfrey one evening as she led him through the Whomping Willow to transform.

Then, just as I was about to follow him to the Shrieking Shack, I bumped into him sneaking outside the Whomping Willow.

Then I told Severus: Just touch the knot on the trunk with a long stick and you can follow Lupine into the tree hole. "

"He really did this?!" Harry asked nervously.

"Yes, yes! He was eager to find out what we were going to do when we left school!

Seize us and report us so that we can all get out of school!

Your dad found him, followed him, and saved his life. "

As he said that, Sirius waved his hands helplessly: "But Severus still knew about it, and just like that, he hated us even more."

"They?!" Harry chewed the word carefully.

"Oh, you mean, you lied to him! And my father saved him at the last minute.

But - in the eyes of Professor Snape, he saved him at the last moment, but he happened to be frightened by Mr. Lupine's transformation -

There is no such coincidence in this world.

He thinks this is a huge, four of you teaming up to tease him? ! "

"Yes!" Sirius thought for a moment, then nodded, confirming Harry's statement.

"It seems like he hates you so much," Harry said, "Are there any other stories between you two?!"

Sirius turned his head and said several more things, such as hanging the other person upside down, or raising a gust of wind to blow his robe away, laughing at the other person for not washing his hair, etc.

Harry's expression gradually became strange.

Inexplicably, the image of his father in the photo gradually overlapped with Dudley's fleshy face.

Feeling Harry's increasingly strange expression, Sirius added another sentence: "Your father is not a bad person, it's just that our relationship with Severus was inappropriate for various reasons!

It’s been bad since the first day of school in first grade! At that time, he often came to see your mother. A Slytherin came to the team here, and then we started to quarrel. "

"It sounds like you were the first to speak. After all, he was looking for my mother."


Sirius looked embarrassed: "Oh, yes. Okay, it's our choice."

"We were indeed, at least to Severus, bullies."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. Maybe we are not the kind of good people you think."

Harry spread his hands: "Professor Snape is not a good person. I will not make a biased conclusion in my mind just because of your one-sided words, sir!"

Sirius was stunned in place, he didn't expect this twelve-year-old child to say such words.

Then, he forced a smile and nodded.

"Thank you, kid. You're as smart as your mother.

If we could be like Lily back then and be less prejudiced, maybe things would be different! "

Harry's mouth twitched, he wasn't sure if it was a nice thing to say.

And even if they really don't have Gryffindor's prejudice against Slytherin.

Don't worry, Snape is still there!

This is why Harry is reluctant to comment on things from their time.

Just like Draco now, him, Gemma Farley, and everything that happened in the lounge back then!

Just cut out a certain paragraph and tell it to one person!

He must have either scolded Harry or the Slytherins!

This is not good.

In addition, in comparison, Harry's focus is now on another matter.

"First year, first night of school—Professor Snape, looking for my mother?!"

He said every word, obviously not a little bit unbelievable!

Sirius nodded.

"Well, the whole school knew that they played well together. Slytherin and Gryffindor, this friendly combination was very eye-catching.

But as someone who knows Severus well enough, I can tell you this."

"Severus likes Lily."

Harry was stunned, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop twitching, and his face was in a stiff and peaceful state.

After a moment, he slowly spoke.


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