Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 288 Dumbledore’s seriousness

Hogsmeade, in front of the Hogwarts train platform.

Looking at the train gradually moving away, Moon turned his head and focused his attention on Dumbledore.

"So what did you do to ensure you could keep an eye on him?"

Dumbledore showed a mysterious smile and replied: "Chocolate Frog's card."

chocolate frog

Well, what a fantastic choice.

"Also, Mu En, before you go back to spend Christmas Eve, there is one more thing I want to ask you for help with."

"Go ahead." Mu En looked at him.

"I want to re-check the security measures of the expo." Dumbledore said in a low voice: "After what happened yesterday, I don't want some unexpected surprises to happen.

I have to admit that I have overlooked some things before, whether it is Barty Jr.'s sneaking in or Mr. Weasley's unexpected state - these are things that I have ignored before.

But now, I want to prevent that situation from ever happening again. "

Mu En glanced at him. He thought it was a bit strange for this old guy to say such things.

"You were also replaced by Little Barty?" Mu En asked doubtfully, "When did you care about what your chess pieces think?"

Dumbledore smiled awkwardly: "Mo En, if I tell you the truth, what I said yesterday was not a pretense, but a deliberate change. After all, I am the principal of the children, right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"I can't stand this look in your eyes," Dumbledore said helplessly.

"Okay." Mu En nodded: "Actually, it has nothing to do with me. Since you want to see the exhibition hall in person, then go ahead."

With that said, the two came to the hall of the Anglo-Greek Expo.

The huge white wizard hat building has long been located on the top of the mountain. In addition to its magnificent appearance, it also has a three-story structure inside.

At this time, the exhibition hall was not empty. The house elves were cleaning, and the Aurors from Greece were making final arrangements and security tests on the second floor, the exhibition hall of ancient Greek history.

On the third floor, there is Moon's private library and some of the research done by Dumbledore and Nico Flamel, as well as the source of Nico's fame, which is the original version of "The Wonderful Book of Abraham the Jew".

This can be said to be one of the most valuable exhibits in the entire exhibition hall.

On the first floor, there are works by many scholars in the magical world, including Damocles, Snape, and Professor McGonagall.

Of course, the dragons from Norway are also on the first floor. They are in the center, with a wide area for these big guys to move around.

At this moment Hagrid was standing here.

"Oh, Moon, Professor Dumbledore." Hagrid greeted.

"Hagrid." Mu En smiled back. Then Hagrid came over and said, "Mu En, is it possible that the space given to the dragons is too small? I just took a look and it's probably not enough space for the babies to flap their wings."


Mu En took a look at the location designated for the fire dragons. It covered an area of ​​at least several hundred square meters.

"Maybe it's a good suggestion." Mu En smiled.

Although he had previously considered the safe distance between the fire dragons and the exhibitors, and had made many magic pattern arrays for the fire dragons including sound insulation, sensory blurring, etc., but...

"Perhaps it would be better to be wider. After all, Hagrid, you are a professional."

"Mu En, I knew you understood me." Hagrid happily took Mu En's hand and shook it.

swaying sleeves

"Mo En, you! Your hands!!"

"Oh, it's not a big deal, there is magic." Mu En waved his hand casually, took out the crow-headed wand, and began to lightly tap the ground around the middle of the hall on the first floor.

On the smooth stone tile floor, a circle of magic patterns appeared.

"Let me see, Hagrid, is it enough to increase the diameter of the twisted space by five meters?"

This is another big circle.

But in Hagrid's opinion.

"How about a little bigger?"

"It's okay." Mu En smiled, but it was a bit troublesome.

Then, he began to modify the magic circle. At the same time, Dumbledore was also observing carefully.

"Sound insulation, spatial distortion, and constant temperature."

Mu En also looked at Dumbledore: "Do you have any suggestions for revision?"

"I don't think so. Regarding the protection of fire dragons, it is basically perfect. An invisible but real isolation zone is formed between tourists and fire dragons through twisted space spells. This is something I could not have imagined." Lido smiled.

"That's good." Mu En nodded.

Then, Dumbledore tried to say: "Mo En, can you give me some permission to modify the magic circle?"

"For the fire dragon?"

"No, it's the entire exhibition hall." Dumbledore said, "I want to set up an anti-Apparition spell that can be activated instantly."

"Already have it." Mu En nodded.

"Where are the portkeys, and the goblins apparated, and the house elves apparated."

"Ah this." Mu En opened her mouth.

He was a little unsure whether Dumbledore had hyperthyroidism.

Then, Dumbledore looked at him sincerely.

"Okay, if you want." Mu En nodded, stamped his wand on the ground, and the entire expo formation emerged.

"You can do your own thing, but don't change the monitoring formation, and don't touch the magic line connected to the ground."

"That's--" Dumbledore took a closer look, followed the flow of magic power in the magic circle, and then suddenly discovered that there was a huge heart in the entire underground!

"Is this... alive?"

"Hmm." Mu En nodded casually and focused his attention on the fire dragon's protective formation again.

After arranging the fire dragon's protective formation and passing Hagrid's professional certification, Mu En looked at Dumbledore again.

The old guy was out of breath, his whole brain went to extremes, and his forehead was covered with sweat, but he still seemed to have no intention of stopping.

"You can't really have hyperthyroidism." Mu En muttered, then said goodbye to everyone and turned to leave.

Today is Christmas Eve.

In the evening, after sending Hermione home, Moon took Harry back to No. 13 Privet Drive.

"Are you going to see them?" Mu En asked.

Harry looked out the window for a moment, then shook his head: "No, I've already prepared a Christmas gift for Dudley."

"Yeah." Mu En nodded: "What do you want to eat tonight?"

This was the first time Harry heard Uncle Moon ask such a question.

He thought for a moment and then said: "Roast chicken? It's a very traditional choice. I feel you can't go wrong. If possible, there are also fish soup and roast lamb?"

"It feels good." Mu En nodded seriously, and then changed the subject: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Ah? Yes, I'm the one cooking."

"Brat." Mu En smiled and collapsed on the sofa.

"By the way, Uncle Moon." Harry suddenly remembered something: "Professor Dumbledore invited children from ordinary families who were at Hogwarts during Halloween to attend the British-Greek Magic Expo. Do you know about this?"

"Is there such a thing?" Mu En was a little confused, but then thought about it, it was normal.

Dumbledore is now much more serious than Moon in trying to let everyone in the ordinary world see the magical world.

If he was just idle and bored, he tried to do something like this.

Then Dumbledore seriously regarded this matter as a career.

"No wonder that guy took the security of the Expo so seriously after learning that Barty Jr. infiltrated Hogwarts... Well, of course, if he really wants to change his temper, maybe..."

Thinking about it, Mu En smiled: "Let me guess, our Mr. Longbottom became a tour guide. After all, he has a good relationship with those children."

"Yes." Harry nodded: "So we agreed to go to the fair together, the day after tomorrow, the second day of Christmas."

"Because it takes a day for those children to take the Hogwarts Express, right?" Moon said.

"Yes." Harry responded, then scratched his head: "So if Uncle Moon has any plans..."

"No, I don't have any plans." Mu En waved his hand: "But if you have nothing to do tomorrow, go to Godric's Hollow."

"Huh?" Harry didn't respond.

"Go and see your parents, right?" Mu En showed a gentle smile.

Harry reacted immediately, and then nodded solemnly.

"I see!"

Early the next morning, before the winter sun had risen, Harry got up early and took Meteor with him to Godric's Hollow.

In the cemetery, facing a ray of morning sun that barely penetrated the heavy leaden sky, he gently wiped the two tombstones clean with his hands and presented a flower to them.

"Mom and Dad, I'm living a good life now, don't worry." Harry said softly, and then he talked to himself about many trivial matters that happened in life and study. It was almost noon before he turned and left.

Back at No. 13 Privet Drive, as soon as he walked into the living room, he noticed the presents that almost drowned the entire Christmas tree.

"Uncle Moon, these gifts of yours" Harry was a little stunned.

"And yours, you have a lot of fans in Slytherin now." Mu En smiled: "Let's take it apart and take a look, and take it apart for me too."

"Okay." Harry put the shooting star down, and the little guy jumped up and down and walked to the Christmas tree with Harry.

"Oh, right." Harry looked at the old man next to him, first rummaged under the Christmas tree, and then found a gift the size of a suitcase.

Then, Harry showed the signature.

"To Shooting Star, my dear fellow."

Although Harry didn't know where Meteor's eyes were, it was visible to the naked eye that Meteor's entire body trembled, and then it suddenly flew across the living room.

Before Harry could react, he jumped up to his crotch and led him in a circle around the living room.

"This guy" Mu En smiled helplessly.

"You are so ridiculous, have you ever given me a Christmas gift?" Lucifer glanced at him, then sighed and shook his head: "Oh man, oh man."

Mu En's face suddenly froze in embarrassment, then her expression changed and she asked: "What, did you give me a Christmas gift?"

"Ho--" Lucifer's head suddenly rose.

"Isn't my appearance the biggest gift you have ever received in your life?"

? ?

"Maybe." Mu En chuckled: "If thinking this way makes you feel self-satisfied, then I won't refute you."


Lucifer was suddenly heartbroken and his face was filled with discomfort.

"That's too much. Where did you learn such words?"

"Fred and George, they are good at saying such mean things." Moon laughed.

Meanwhile, Harry was opening presents.

To be honest, he hadn't thought about the source of some of the presents.

For example, the sweater knitted by Mrs. Weasley.

They had only met at Regulus' funeral.

There were also many people in Slytherin who he only had an impression of, who sent him presents.

Looking back at himself, if Hermione hadn't said that to him last time, he would probably only remember to send Christmas presents to a few familiar friends.

"This." Harry held a package: "Isn't it from Professor Snape?"

"Maybe." Moon glanced at it.

Harry opened the package and found a bottle of potion in it.

"What is this?" Harry was a little confused, and then looked at the note.

It was indeed Professor Snape's handwriting.

"Angry Wolf Potion?"

"Blood Wolf Potion." Muen corrected: "Okay, Angry Wolf is the name Severus gave it, but I changed it after it was handed over to me. This name is really stupid."

Harry also nodded in approval. The Angry Wolf Potion is really a bit...

"Drinking the potion can strengthen the transformation of the werewolf, while ensuring the flow of magic power and a certain degree of rationality." Harry read out the effect of the potion: "How could Professor Snape think of giving me this thing."

Then, his eyes looked at the package again.

A manuscript was in it.

"Well, it seems that the formula of this potion is the professor's gift, and this bottle of potion is just a finished product for reference."

"Maybe after you succeed in refining it, you can give it to Lupin." Muen said.

"Yeah." Harry nodded. It seems that only Professor Lupin needs this around him.

Muen understands Severus's idea.

When Harry learns it, Severus can get rid of the job of brewing potions for Lupin.

After all, that guy really doesn't like Lupin and the others.

Soon, Harry also opened the package that Professor Snape gave to Uncle Moon.

It was also a recipe for the Blood Wolf Potion, but it was much more formal.

Harry searched around and couldn't find any connection between this thing and the gift.

Until he saw a Moon Jones in the name of the second author.

"It looks like this is the so-called Christmas gift that Severus gave me." Moon pouted.

"Well, this." Harry opened his mouth: "Uncle Moon, what gift did you give?"

"Me?" Moon looked up: "I didn't prepare a gift. I'm too lazy to make these things."

Then, he turned his attention to the book again.

Well, it seems that Hermione is right.

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