Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 307 Ravenclaw's Diadem

Since the last incident, Harry has been looking forward to having one or two flying spells.

Not the spells that Professor Snape or other Death Eaters use to turn themselves into a wisp of black mist, but the real, free-flying spells.

"On the third floor of the Museum, the third row of the fourth bookshelf from the left, "Studies on Flight." Muen's voice sounded faintly.

"Hey," Harry was a little embarrassed: "Okay. Uncle Muen, how did you see that? Or did you just take the opportunity to test my brain block?"

"Guessed." Muen answered casually.

He didn't show anything else, the only answer was this.

"All I have learned, except for biological alchemy and black magic, is in the Museum." He said: "But considering that you may not have time to read, you can come to me and ask which books can help you when you encounter problems."

"Okay." Harry nodded repeatedly.

Muen turned his eyes back and drew out his wand.

Wisps of mist spread out, and from his palm, patronuses gradually jumped out, stepping on the silver mist and spreading around.

"Don't play with vixen" He couldn't help but look at a fat cat.

This guy is not honest when he comes out, and runs to catch vixen to play with

This thing is equivalent to the rat in the wizarding world, it is everywhere, and it carries a lot of bacteria on its body, and there are many of them, which makes people very annoyed.

There is even a company specializing in cleaning vixen in Diagon Alley.


The fat cat whined at the vixen that ran into the gap between the garbage, and then began to sniff and search on the ground.

Seeing this, Harry no longer concealed it and drew out the golden snake staff.

"Expecto Patronus——"

A short-haired cat jumped out of the wand, with thick mist all over its body, as if it were a physical entity.

Obviously, his Patronus Charm has made great progress.

However, this obviously cannot achieve the effect Harry wants.

Mu En in the sky noticed this. He directed the big cats to search around the wall. If there was any secret door here, they would probably find the joints on the surrounding walls first.

Or. Ceiling or floor secret door?

"Try to separate them, do two things at the same time, and separate the ability of two things at the same time into spellcasting, so that they can also [separate]." Mu En mentioned it casually, and then his mind sank, and he no longer saw the world around him.

He wanted to enter other worlds to observe this place.

Suddenly, the whole world in front of him changed color, and the piles of garbage disappeared in front of him. The foxes or mice did not have biological forms, but expressed their existence with a visible [wave].

A mixed smell entered the nose, the smell of stone, the smell of wood, and... dead frogs. No, to be precise, it should be the frog mummy that has been placed here for hundreds of years. The nutrient solution in the jar used for preservation gradually dried up over time, and the bacteria inside died completely.

Damn, all the garbage is put here

He ignored these messy perceptions and focused his thinking on the spatial structure itself. Waves began to spread outward from his brain.

But nothing was found.

The spatial structure here is extremely stable, and there is no so-called invisible spatial door.

"At least it is considered to be a check."

By the way, his perception passed through these garbage mountains and explored the ground.

There was nothing to gain.

After exiting this state, he glanced at the patronuses who were exploring and searching, and then he lowered his eyes again.

I saw Harry waving his wand and chanting spells.

However, the patronus is difficult to form. Two groups of mist are differentiated. When they condense and form, they always disintegrate uncontrollably.

He slowly lowered his body and explained: "Don't be obsessed with these things."

"This is a very powerful skill." Harry explained why he wanted to try this.

At the same time, he did not insist on differentiating the patronus, but simply released a kitten and let it go.

"Is it amazing? It is." Mu En nodded: "But it's not quite what you think. This skill actually doesn't need practice."


"Yeah." Mu En sat down casually on a sofa.

"In fact, in most fields, skills are just the most basic things. After mastering the most basic skills, what needs to be improved is cognition and foundation.

When these things are sufficient, the so-called [advanced skills] will naturally be mastered."

"Is that so?"

"Just like as you grow up, you will naturally learn to run." He spread his hands.

"Or to put it another way, the so-called [advanced techniques] you see now are actually things that people in high positions can do at will.

In fact, no one, including me and Dumbledore, has ever studied these so-called techniques. These things are just some of the growth in other fields that are involved as the fields we explore become more and more in-depth.

If you go far enough on the road of biological alchemy, your logical thinking ability will definitely increase with your ability to create human alchemy.

When you look back one day and suddenly want to release the Patronus Charm, maybe this [advanced technique] will be mastered naturally."

Harry listened to Moon's words and leaned on an old clock, supporting his chin with his hand, thinking deeply.

"Uncle Mu En, can I understand it as - focusing on a certain field?"

"To be precise, it's mutual." Mu En put it another way.

“If you want to go deeper in a certain field, you will naturally be exposed to other fields either actively or passively. For example, studying history will definitely improve your corresponding understanding of society, economy, religion, and philosophy.

Because the world is a whole.

If you study biological alchemy, you will inevitably gradually master mechanical alchemy, formations, creatures, and ancient magic texts. At the same time, your skills in magic control and multi-tasking will also inevitably increase.

These are mutual. "

"Then what level can be regarded as the threshold for [deep field]?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"The contents of the seventh grade of Hogwarts can only be regarded as the basics." Mu En waved his hand casually and said with a smile: "You don't think that NETWs advanced classes are higher education, do you?"

Harry also laughed and shook his head: "If I hadn't seen Uncle Moon take action, maybe I would have thought so."

When Mu En heard this, he thought about it for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment."

As he said this, something suddenly hit his mind.

"Strange." He stood up.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Mu En shook his head: "That's the strange thing. Nothing was found."

"Could it be—" Harry was about to speak, when suddenly an inexplicable scene flashed before his eyes.

It was like a sudden blackout.

He shook his head and patted his head.

"What?" It was Mu En's turn to look at him.

"I was in a trance just now." Harry said with some surprise, what was really a momentary scene.

If it were anyone else, they might even wonder if they were lost in thought.

However, he felt that there was no reason for him to be distracted for no reason. He was not the type to spread his thoughts.

Then, a new touching feeling appeared in my mind.

"My patron saint has gained something!" he said somewhat absurdly.

Uncle Mu En's patron saint didn't find anything, but now his own patron saint actually? ?

"Where is it? What instructions did you give him?" Mu En asked.

Harry was very happy that Uncle Moon did not take his words seriously but asked seriously.

"It's right over here," Harry said, taking the lead and leading the way.

After passing a giant monster specimen, walking through two garbage mountains, and following two garbage paths, Harry soon saw his patron saint, a short-haired cat.

Its true color should be as black as Harry's Animagus, but the Patronuses are all silver.


The kitten meowed, motioning Harry to look in front of him.

The old cabinet had a blistered surface, and on the top of the cabinet was a bust of a wizard covered in pits, wearing a dusty old hairband, and an old faded crown-like thing.

"What's this?"

However, just when he was doubtful, a big hand took the lead.

"Are you kidding?!" Moon's voice sounded in Harry's ears.

Facing Harry's doubtful gaze, Moon also turned her head and stayed on Harry, or the lightning-shaped scar on his head for a long time.

‘Is that the reason? ’

"Uncle Moon?" Harry asked doubtfully.

Mu En just waved the small crown in his hand.

"I didn't expect to be here and see that this is the answer the Room of Requirement gave us," he said.

"This?" Harry looked at Moon's hand. It was a golden crown, but now it was so dim that it exuded an old copper crown. The crown was very thin and had a gemstone in the middle. It was more like what a lady would wear on important occasions. Headgear worn.

Among them, there is also a line of small characters that are almost imperceptible.

Harry gently tapped his fingers on the temples of his glasses, and the picture in front of him began to zoom in and out at will.

"Extraordinary wealth is..." As the small words were gradually seen clearly, his face gradually became unbelievable.

"This is Ravenclaw's diadem?! For thousands of years, it has been like this-"

Harry found it hard to accept this answer.

"It's not a thousand years." Mu En shook his head: "It seems that one of Riddle's servants hid him here. It's really interesting.

Hidden in Hogwarts, according to his habit of handing over Horcruxes to servants for preservation. Maybe he gave them to Snape, and then Snape placed them here and had the relevant memories deleted? "

Well, Moon had to admit that this conjecture was a bit too much about Dumbledore being a fool.

But the fact that this thing can appear here is enough to prove that the old guy is a fool.

Harry saw the disdainful expression on Moon's lips, and guessed very subjectively and accurately that Uncle Moon was slandering Dumbledore.

"But why can my Patronus find it, but yours, Uncle Moon, can't?" Harry asked instead.

"This answer may be because of the mysterious connection between you and Voldemort." Mu En said.

"What?" Harry was confused: "Isn't this Ravenclaw's diadem?"

"Yes, but it is also Voldemort's Horcrux." Moon said as she put on the crown.

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