


"[Boulder Awakening Rock Giant's Fist]!"

In the sound of spells, Hermione suddenly let out a special spell, and as soon as he said it, the stone slab in front of the huge basilisk that was about to rush in front of him in the next moment broke in an instant.

The next moment.


A huge rock fist with a diameter of at least three meters rushed out in an instant, and with a precise boom, it smashed into the opponent's huge snake head in the wail of the basilisk.

The hideous sharp teeth were all broken at this moment.

However, other than that, the basilisk itself did not take much damage.

Hermione's eyes were tightly closed, and she completely relied on her spirit to perceive everything around her, which made the strength of the little wizards present, whether it was [Golden Leo] or [Pure-Blood Serpent], greatly limited.

However, the basilisk's terrifying gaze and death ability made some of the little wizards present even the spell be crooked.25 At this moment, they didn't dare to show even a trace of a gap in their eyes.

"Harry! Hurry up and use your Parseltongue! You've got to get ahead of that Malfoy guy before you control this basilisk! "

Hermione shouted, and the Weasley twins behind her followed in Hermione's footsteps.

With a wave of his wand, he unleashed two modified versions of the spell taught by Professor Flitwick.

"[Flying Curse Rushing Waterfall]!"

"[Anti-Levitation Spell Gravity Reinforcement]!"

Suddenly, the surrounding basilisk was in a mess, and all kinds of rubble and floor fragments flew up one after another, forming a storm around the basilisk.

And as the George Weasley wand trembled, it pressed down frantically.

The basilisk's body was also visibly pressed against the other party, and in the muffled voice, the basilisk roared angrily.

Looking at the storm of sharp stones wrapped in it, while initially restricting its movements, it also reduced the strength of the basilisk's struggle through gravity blessings.

Such a keen spell method attracted the appreciation of Snape, who was responsible for suppressing the formation and protecting the little wizards on the side of the [Pure-Blood Serpent].

I saw that his eyes were closed, but his eyebrows were slightly raised, and I have to say that after the reform of Luo Meng's teaching, and the baptism of the [Wizard Canyon] duel, the little wizards are obviously much more mature than before.

Especially in terms of wizard combat, that kind of sharp thinking made Snape can't help but praise the little wizards like Gryffindor in his heart.

Of course, it's only in my heart.


"Malfoy, what are you waiting for?!"

With Snape's reminder, Draco, who was still a little at a loss, instantly noticed Harry Potter who was already walking quickly in the direction of the basilisk.

With his eyes closed, he gritted his teeth and immediately ran towards that side.

At the same time, the command in the Parseltongue in his mouth was also issued from his mouth in a targeted manner, heading towards the basilisk that was temporarily suppressed not far away.

Harry Potter: "Surrender to me... (Parseltongue)"

Draco Malfoy: "Surrender to me... (Parseltongue)"

The same Parseltongue command, which was barely audible even in pitch and timbre, entered the Basilisk's brain, and suddenly, the Basilisk, who was originally angry and struggling, was obviously agitated and confused.

Seeing this, the parseltongue in the mouths of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy became even more energetic.

"Sure enough, a fake parseltongue like me can't compare to Malfoy in terms of effect..."

Standing not far away, with his eyes closed, he had been paying attention to Ron, his brows were furrowed, judging from the current situation, although this basilisk was powerful, it was suppressed by so many people, especially in the presence of two true parseltongues.

The strength of resistance cannot be compared to when he tamed the other party at that time.

At that time, the other party had no way to let the person who possessed him, Mr. Dark Lord, and Voldemort.

At the scene, the other [Pure-Blood Serpent] and [Golden Leo] little wizards, after noticing this scene, joined in the suppression of the basilisk.

And with a series of restrictive spells, it acts on the basilisk's body.

The basilisk has also completely lost the possibility of escaping.

The Basilisk ultimately fell to Harry and Draco Malfoy, the Parseltongue.

The Parseltongue on both sides obviously became more and more urgent, however, under everyone's "gaze", the head of the basilisk was slowly shifting in the direction of Harry Potter.

Seeing this, Snape frowned.

And Draco himself's expression changed drastically, as if he had thought of something and gritted his teeth.

The Okadis venomous python in the wizard's robe snaked out, and without anyone expecting it, it rushed into it towards the crazy spinning stone tornado.

There was no accident at all, and it was cut and torn into more than a dozen pieces on the spot.

However, most of his body also successfully fell into the storm and rolled down on the basilisk.

The next moment.

"[Shapeshifting Snake Double]"


When he disappeared again, Draco was already shaky, standing at the center of the storm, above the basilisk's head. 447

Forcibly cast, his own imperfect spell, the discomfort it brings, and the crazy rocks around him, made Draco's handsome face distorted at the moment.

"Surrender to me!! (Parseltongue)"

The parseltongue was more intense, however, the basilisk's reaction was still mediocre, seeing that the other party was about to surrender to his sworn enemy Harry Potter, at this moment.

Draco gritted his teeth, and the wand in his hand suddenly swung downward.

"[Soul Curse Undead Torture Whip]!"

The outlet of the spell bestowed by Romon is known as the "Fourth Unforgivable Curse".

In an instant, in the midst of a terrible howl, the basilisk in the chaos roared hideously, and while his body twitched in pain, he finally had a hesitant reaction to Draco.

And at this time, Ron, who had been standing not far away, saw Draco, who was almost one step away from success, as if he had finally made a decision.

Suddenly, he stepped forward, and under Snape's horrified attention, a pair of scarlet eyes opened, and he roared as he rushed towards Draco.

"Brute! Look me in the face! "

The basilisk's huge eyes flickered, and the four eyes met each other instantly.

"[Soul Curse, Pain Curse]!"


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