Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 136 Patronus Spell

After a while, he left here, leaving only the open box, the empty throne, a dark crucible in the corner that was thrown aside as garbage, and the viscous liquid in the crucible.

Because of the appearance of the crucible and the unknown liquid inside, the four people naturally ignored it.

When Feeney returned to Hogwarts, the first thing he did was to say goodbye to George and the others. He still went to the Room of Requirement to check his system panel.

Sure enough, the mission inherited by the four founders has completed another stage.

There is a very obvious difference between the magic in the wizarding world today and ancient magic. As the four powerful wizards who created Hogwarts, the earliest magic school in Europe, there is no doubt about their power. So these four powerful wizards Is there any legacy of ancient magic left behind? Side mission to find and inherit the legacy left by the four legendary wizards. (The second stage of the task is completed, and the patron saint spell is fully leveled. The third stage of the task is now started, and the proficiency level of the disembodiment spell is rewarded)

In addition to this task, the task of exploring Hogwarts has also been changed: Explore Hogwarts: Visit all places in Hogwarts (except *****), including common classrooms, corridors, stairs, etc. (Completed) The common room of the four major houses (completed by Slytherin and Ravenclaw), the professor's office (completed), the kitchen, the Room of Requirement, the secret passage (completed by the Room of Requirement) and the inherited treasures of the four founders (completed by Ravenclaw and Gryffindor). more completed)

Unlock hidden achievements, 'Exploring Hogwarts' currently progresses to 65%, you will get rewards after reaching 100%, Fiery Mastery (including counterspells)

It can be said that Finny has definitely gained a lot from this exploration of Gryffindor's treasure.

The progress of the two large-scale missions has been advanced a lot, not to mention the reward of the Patronus Charm reaching full level.

Finny has never taken the initiative to learn the powerful spell of the Patronus Charm, not because this spell is not powerful, on the contrary, this spell is very useful. When you know what will happen in the future, the Patronus Charm is necessary. To learn, after all, the dementors will come out of Azkaban in the future,

But Feeney still didn't study. The magic power required for the Patronus Charm is actually not very large. The magic power of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old wizard is completely sufficient. However, the reason why this magic spell is classified as an advanced magic spell is because using it requires the use of emotions. .

But any spell involving emotions is not simple, and they are all considered to be in the ranks of advanced spells.

Everyone thinks that the conditions for the use of the guardian spell are happy memories and emotions. However, Feeney knows very well that this is actually inaccurate.

I don’t know how these wizards did it. The name of the Patronus Charm is clearly placed here, but I still can’t imagine that the most important thing about the Patronus Charm is never the magic power, not the memory of joy, but the emotion of protection. The emotion of protecting what is most important to you is the most critical thing in using a powerful Patronus Spell.

There are rumors that dark wizards cannot use the Patronus Charm because their souls are contaminated. In fact, this is not the case. The Patronus Charm may involve the soul, but it is definitely not deep. As long as the soul is intact, there is nothing that cannot be used. possible.

The reason why dark wizards are useless is because the moment they become dark wizards, they completely abandon their humanity. Without humanity, there is no way to protect them.

Finny doesn't have much sense of belonging in this world. At least for now, there is nothing that he values ​​​​and works hard to protect.

He knows that the people around him are flesh and blood, but he still doesn't pay attention to it. It's more about profit. This is why he is different from other families.

Other pure-blood families put more emphasis on blood, but Feeney focused on profit.

There was nothing he valued, or Fini had no anchor in this world at this time. This made him clear from the beginning that even if he tried to learn the Patronus Charm, he would not be able to cast it.

It's not enough. Now this problem has been perfectly solved. He can use the Patronus Charm at will. He doesn't even need the so-called emotions, as long as he provides the necessary magic power. This is where the system is powerful.

Finny raised his wand and whispered softly,

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Silvery white smoke appeared at the tip of the wand, and gradually floated out to form a cloud in the sky. Gradually, this cloud of mist changed.

It turned into a silver-white kitten, and then the mist began to solidify, and the kitten began to become more agile, running and jumping in the air around Fini without stopping for a moment.

Looking at the form of his patron saint, Feeney nodded. It was indeed as he had guessed. The patron saint was to some extent the same as the Animagus, both involving the form of part of the soul.

Thinking of this, Feeney suddenly remembered that although many people in the magic world knew about the connection between the Patronus and the Animagus, no one had ever officially published an article on the relevant content.

There are very few wizards who can use the Patronus Charm, and there are even fewer Animagus, let alone those who can master both.

Just when Feeney was thinking about these things, the system once again came out to refresh the sense of presence.

‘How can a host who wants to become the most powerful wizard not achieve anything in academic research? Published five academic articles in the wizarding world and been recognized by corresponding authoritative wizards. Mission reward: Legilimency and Occlumency. ’

Looking at the new tasks that popped up, Finney sighed helplessly. He now seriously suspected that the tasks popped up by the system were all because he wanted to do so or had certain ideas.

The founder's inheritance task was like this, so was the exploration of Hogwarts, and the tasks of escaping from the vampire castle and avenging the vampire clan were also like this.

However, it was precisely because of this that Finney was much more confident in his system. After all, as a time traveler, how could he not have read the trend of online literature before traveling?

He also read a lot of novels about systems being the masterminds behind the scenes. It was normal to be wary and reject systems with self-awareness.

However, it now seems that his strongest wizard system can almost be said to have no self-awareness, and is more of a modular system template.

As long as Finny wants to do something, the system will provide certain tasks. He will not show his presence at ordinary times. The spell rewards and spells he draws are not completely dependent on the system to be cast. In the few nights after receiving these rewards, Finny will gain some relevant knowledge in his dreams.

System panel: Name: Little Phineas Walburga Black

College: None

Enrollment date: September 1, 1989

Health value: 3000 (normal human is 2000)

Magic value: 500 (100 for young wizards of the same age and 500 for adults)

Luck value: ***

Exploration attribute: 30%

Bloodline: 50%

Echo: Jonathan (purple 450/15)

Equipment: Magic gloves

Spells owned: Common spells, Animagus (cat), Shadowless, Unforgivable Curse, Patronus spell

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