Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 159: Searching for Nott

However, the actual situation is that Sakaski is not a wizard who graduated from Hogwarts. Like other wizards from Skull, his name will not appear on the map at all.

As the name does not appear on the map, it will naturally not appear in the control center at this time.

Although this had no impact, after all, Nott also disappeared, indicating that Sakaski had indeed disappeared at this time, but this made Feeney begin to doubt his previous inference that Sakaski's target was the blood of the ancestor. of accuracy.

After all, the premises of this inference are all wrong, and it is too rare for the result to be correct.

If Finny wants to remove his connection with the castle, he can only find a way to remove the ritual magic.

With Finny's current level, it can be said to be wishful thinking to remove the ritual magic that even existed on Dumbledore. He didn't believe that Dumbledore would not think of his worries. However, Dumbledore was still not that confident. , this shows that the function of this ritual magic is not only to monitor oneself, but also probably to protect and other functions.

Since it can't be a radical cure, then a temporary treatment is also possible. At least, at this time, Dumbledore would not undo it even if he found out what he had done.

"Hidden figure,"

Finny waved his wand and whispered.

Concealment spell. The purpose of Finny casting this spell is to hide himself in the crystal ball of the control center so as not to be discovered by others.

Of course, this spell alone is not enough. As this spell came into effect, Feeney also recited the second spell,


Yes, it's the Confusion Spell, and its purpose is easy to guess, which is to confuse the crystal ball with other targets, so that even if someone unlocks the Concealment Spell, they will still see other people's names.

With the success of Finny's spell, his name began to fade and then disappear on the time-sensitive Marauder's Map he had made not long ago.

This shows that the spell was successful and he hid himself from the surveillance equipment of Hogwarts.

Finny, who had done all these things, once again looked at the model of the castle. He saw that Professor Dumbledore was no longer in the castle, while Professor McGonagall and the others were wandering around the castle, as if they were looking for something. What.

This made Finny realize that perhaps Dumbledore and the others found something in Sakaski's office and found clues to his current location, so Dumbledore left Hogwarts to find him.

And Nott was probably still in the castle, so Professor McGonagall and the others were searching aimlessly.

Thinking of this, Feeney suddenly became happy. If it were any other time, Professor McGonagall and the others would be the best way to search like this. However, now, at this time, now, he is here at the control center, holding a card in his hand. Marauder's Map,

Finding the whereabouts of a person in Hogwarts Castle is not easy when that person is still connected to the castle.

Thinking of this, his eyes began to wander around the castle, including the secret rooms and secret passages shown in the model.

Sure enough, not long after, he found Nott's name behind a corridor on the fourth floor of the castle.

It was a secret room, or a basement more appropriately, because its entrance was not a very secret one, but a very obvious trap door.

Feeney frowned and looked at the room in the model. He always felt that it was too familiar, as if he had been there before.

However, he didn't think too much, turned around and left the principal's office, and walked towards the corridor on the fourth floor.

He had no intention of calling Professor McGonagall and the others. First of all, Dumbledore leaving the castle meant that he had found where Ritchie was. In other words, Ritchie was not in the castle at this time, so there was no need to go to the castle for safety reasons. worry.

Secondly, if he can rescue Nott before everyone else, especially if this Nott is a direct descendant of the Nott family, this will definitely win the favor of the Nott family for the Black family and relieve him of many pressures in the future. .

You know, the Nott family, as the family that writes the pure-blood directory, how rich their family’s heritage is is completely unknown to the magic world.

There is a rumor in the wizarding world. Who knows how many secrets Nott, who wrote the "Pure Blood Directory", mastered in the wizarding world?

Yes, what the Nott family is most famous for in the magical world is not their background, but what the directory shows. The Nott family has mastered many secrets of pure-blood family blood inheritance relationships. Since they can handle such relationship secrets, If they have enough knowledge, it is not surprising that they hold some other secrets.

Just like the descendants of a pure-blood wizard recorded in the directory, in addition to the accidents well known to the wizarding world, Nott also wrote about several of his illegitimate children that are unknown to others. He even wrote down who their mother was.

If it weren't for the fact that the Nott family was also a contracted family of the Presbyterian Church and was protected by the Presbyterian Church, they would have been exterminated long ago if they had so many secrets.

Only the dead can keep secrets best.

Therefore, Feeney believes that the favor of the Nott family is worth fighting for.

Thinking like this, he came to the end of the corridor on the fourth floor. Looking at the dilapidated door in front of him, Feeney suddenly realized why he felt this place was familiar.

"The Alajo Cave is open,"

As the unlocking spell opened the door, Finny was more certain of his idea when he saw the trapdoor on the floor in the middle of the room.

After opening the trapdoor, Finny cast a lightness spell on himself and jumped down.

It was indeed a huge space below, just as Finny thought.

This was indeed the place where Dumbledore and many professors set up traps and hid the secret room of the history of magic in the first story of the original book.

However, this was just an abandoned secret room at this time. It was covered with dust, and there were only some recent footprints on the ground.

"It seems that this is really where Sakaski was when he did something unknown."

He quickly stepped forward and pushed open the door to the next room.

This was the room with the flying keys in the original book, and it was still empty at this time.

Next is the huge chessboard room. Professor McGonagall, like Professor Flitwick, loves them and has not set any magic traps.

Next is the troll room and the potion room, which are still empty.

Finally, it is Finny's destination, which is also the room where the Mirror of Erised is located in the original book, and the room where the Philosopher's Stone is hidden.

At this time, it is indeed the room where Nott is imprisoned.

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