Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 161 Angry Nott

But, is this becoming a god?

Although I don’t know what Nott’s arrangements and plans are, if even he, a little wizard, can become a god through some means, Feeney doesn’t believe that those old and immortal beings in the Presbyterian Church will not be able to become gods, so Nott was absolutely delusional at this time.

"Are you thinking that I'm delusional?"

While Finny was thinking this, he suddenly heard Nott say,

"Are you still thinking that even those old immortals in the Presbyterian Church can't become gods, but I say that I can become a god?"

Nog said this and laughed again.

"Phineas Black, you are really stupid. Since you believe that our Nott family is the descendant of the Goddess of Night, how could you not think that the Goddess would leave us some means to become gods? Not to mention the fact that the Nott family is the descendant of the Goddess of Night. , we will definitely hide this method until the day we succeed, and I will be the one to become a god!"

Looking at Nott who was already a little crazy at this time, Feeney understood that maybe he couldn't drag it out any longer. He had been talking to Nott before. In addition to trying to figure out the things he didn't know, he just wanted to wait until Mai Professor Ge and others come over,

It's not that Feeney is not confident, but that the feeling Nott gave him at this time was like the feeling his ancestors gave him when he went to Black Castle to sublimate his bloodline during the holidays.

However, at this time, Nott gave Feeney the impression of being irrational and extremely crazy.

"The flames are blazing!"

The wand was waved, and a ball of flame flew towards Nott.

This is naturally not an ordinary flame summoning spell, no, or rather, this is the most common flame summoning magic.

However, under Feeney's operation, it became less common.

Ever since Finny created the Soul Stone, he has always kept it on his body.

Compared with the magic in today's magic world, Feeney knows very well that combat magic is often not as useful as other magic.

For example, transfiguration, this series of magic can produce powerful effects unexpectedly during combat.

Using transformation, since Feini has the soul stone, he will naturally use it.

No, what he was doing at this time was something similar,

The flame summoned by the fire-making spell formed a huge fireball and flew towards Nott.

The moment Nott heard the spell, he reacted. He waved the spell lightly, and layers of iron armor spells appeared around him.

When the fireball was about to touch Noel, a change occurred. The huge fireball turned into a bird made entirely of fire. It kept flying around Noel, spraying flames to attack him from time to time.

This is of course Feini's masterpiece. With the addition of the soul stone, he cast a transformation spell on the fireball and then performed animation.

He didn't know if Nott couldn't attack at this time. Facing the firebirds that kept attacking him, all he could do was to use magic spells to spread or crush the fireballs.

Even in his free time, he did not attempt to attack Finny;

Of course, it's possible that he forgot.

However, just because he forgot, doesn't mean that Feeney forgot.

After releasing the plastic magic, he began to prepare other magic.

First, set up a shield for yourself, which is the Iron Armor Curse. Although this spell is equivalent to no spell in some cases, especially for the Unforgivable Curse, some ordinary combat magic can still resist it.

Then there is the transformation technique, which continuously transforms the objects around him into creatures with certain attack capabilities, and attacks Nott.

Finally, there was the disarming spell. He wanted to disarm Nott's wand and make him lose the ability to resist.

However, just when Finny was about to release the disarming spell, he noticed that a layer of thick smoke appeared around Nott Evil due to his battle with the Firebird, covering him, the Firebird, and many of the transformed products that rushed past. got up.

Naturally, there is no way to cast the disarming spell if it loses its target.

"Sudden whirlwind!"

In the face of thick fog, hurricane spell is the best way to use it.

As the hurricane that appeared at the tip of Feeney's wand blew away the thick smoke in front of him, he saw Nott, who had changed his appearance, and the situation on the battlefield.

His firebird and many products of plastic magic have been defeated and scattered on the ground. Sakaski is unconscious,

And Nott no longer has a wand in his hand. Maybe he doesn't need a wand at this time, because he is not a wizard at all now.

More like a demon,

Like a bat, the wings of the exoskeleton spread out behind him, revealing the purple and black scales on his upper back.

The two huge horns on his head curved upward, showing his identity at this time. It has the same vertical pupils as a cat, scattered scales on its face, protruding bone spurs and sharp claws on its body, and the black triangular-headed tail that is constantly swaying behind it.

It looks like the devil from hell in myths and legends, without any difference.

"You forced me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have used attack magic, and I wouldn't be like this!"

Nott looked at Feeney and growled in a low voice, his voice filled with irrepressible anger.

It can be seen that Nott did not use attack magic before to avoid this situation from happening.

"Because of you, I lost the opportunity to become a god. However, becoming a devil is not bad. Let you be the first life under my command."

Nott sneered at Feeney, put a little force on his feet, and disappeared.

Finny subconsciously looked to the side, and sure enough, Nott appeared on his left side, with his sharp and huge claws raised high, and then fell heavily, hitting Finny's body.

Finny felt like he was hit by a train, flying backwards,

falling to the ground, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Although injured, Finny was not killed by this blow,

This was thanks to his previous armor spell. It is estimated that few people in the magic world know that the armor spell not only prevents magical damage, but also physical damage.

Although he did not die, it was a bit difficult for Finny to get up and fight Nott again.

Nott saw that Finny was not dead, and shook his head in disappointment.

"It's still not enough power. It seems that a part of each student's soul can only make me reach this level."

This revealed the purpose of Sakaski's previous search for those students, which was to obtain a certain amount of soul from them. However, these soul fragments were very weak and small, so they would not affect the situation of those students, and would not be discovered by Dumbledore.

Therefore, Nott's purpose was related to those souls.

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