Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 19 A difficult situation

Because Finny used the Disillusionment Curse, he was not discovered by Filch. However, it is obviously not the time to return to the common room. After all, Filch is still patrolling the corridor. Once Slytherin's rest is started, The door of the room will definitely be discovered.

However, waiting here to maintain the Disillusionment Curse is not a wise choice. After all, Feeney is only a young wizard now, and even an adult wizard cannot maintain the Disillusionment Curse for several hours.

Filch was still searching in the library, as if he had an obsession to catch Finny.

Seeing this, Feeney did not dare to stay in the library anymore, so he carefully walked out of the library door that Filch had not completely closed.

Feeney came to the corridor and let out a sigh of relief. Although Filch was a squib, he couldn't be underestimated. You know, he had been the keykeeper at Hogwarts for many years, at least in childhood. Sirius had been doing this for many years when he was in school;

Having been the administrator of a group of little wizards who know magic for so many years, and being able to manage whether the little wizards go out in the middle of the night, it is enough to show Filch's ability.

If he is not a squib, then he must be a powerful wizard.

It's a pity that he is a squib, which makes him even more extreme. As a member of a pure-blood family, he is a squib without magic. It is impossible to know how much Filch's desire for magic is.

Hogwarts was very quiet at night, which was in sharp contrast to the bustle at the end of the previous dinner.

The characters on the portraits on the wall also fell into a deep sleep. Feeney did not light up his wand, but just walked through the castle in the moonlight.

Even so, I would occasionally wake up the person in the portrait accidentally.

I stumbled to the eighth floor of the castle, where the principal's office is located.

Of course, Feeney's target is not the principal's office, but the tapestry in the corridor on the eighth floor showing Silly Barnabas teaching the troll to dance ballet.

Even young wizards who have been studying at Hogwarts for many years do not know that there is a secret room in this place, and the entrance is behind this tapestry.

If you want to enter this secret room, you need to concentrate on thinking about the location you need. After walking through that wall three times, a very smooth door will appear on the wall. Just open the door and walk in.

This room can be said to be a very secretive existence. As mentioned before, few people know about it. Of course, this is rarely mentioned at the same time. In fact, Hogwarts has discovered this room for thousands of years. There are many wizards in the room. As far as Finny knows, Voldemort knows the location of this room and hid Ravenclaw's diadem here.

However, Feeney didn't intend to touch it at this time. He couldn't put all the chips on the gambling table at once, otherwise, he would lose everything. He needed to leave some backup in case of unforeseen circumstances.

However, as a time traveler, Feeney must know that the Room of Requirement is a place he wanted to visit in his previous life. It is said that different rooms can appear here according to the needs of the user.

I thought silently in my mind that I need a room to rest, and walked three times in front of the tapestry. Sure enough, a smooth second-generation door appeared on the wall next to the tapestry.

Feeney opened the door and walked in. What he saw was an extremely luxurious lounge. Without further delay, he lay down on this luxurious bed and fell asleep.

In the early morning, a harsh sound woke Finny up from his deep sleep.

It was the sound of the magic pocket watch in his arms, which was also a collection of the Black family. It was a pocket watch that had been enchanted and could detect whether there were evil spells in the surroundings, as well as the effect of the alarm clock.

Therefore, Feeney always carried it with him. In his situation, no one could be too careful.

Today is the weekend, but the class schedule for this semester will be distributed in the cafeteria in the morning, so Feeny still has to go to the cafeteria, otherwise he will ask Kreacher to prepare food for him alone.

Hogwarts in the morning is completely different from the castle at night. Many sleeping things have woken up, and the breath of magic spreads throughout the castle.

There are a total of one hundred and forty-two stairs in the castle, and these stairs are different. Some of them are spacious and clean, while others are not only narrow, but also wobbling. Some may even suddenly lead to a different place at a certain time. Some stairs also like to hide or disappear, so the little wizards have to jump up to go up.

Signs of magic aren't just on the stairs, but also on the doors here.

Some won't turn on unless you ask them politely or scratch them in the right places. Some doors are not doors at all, but are camouflaged by solid walls. And because they move on their own, they can't remember it all clearly. The characters on the wall portraits also like to visit each other and change places. The armors in some corridors are also movable, and the statues cannot become markers of memory.

These novel things and sights shocked Feeney a lot. Compared with Hogwarts Castle, No. 12 Grimmauld Place, London, was just an ordinary small house with no characteristics at all.

After breakfast, Feeney originally planned to take a good look around the castle. Unfortunately, he still underestimated his current situation.

Originally, only some young wizards living in the magical world knew about him, and only they would reject him.

However, one night passed, and the four colleges naturally had young wizards who grew up in the wizarding world. Chatting with each other completely exposed Fini's identity and spread it throughout the castle.

After all, Feeney was the only unpopular little wizard at the sorting ceremony, and everyone would be curious to ask what was going on with the people around him.

Therefore, Feeney is not only isolated by his own college, but also by the entire school.

When eating breakfast, there were no little wizards around. Even the tables in other colleges behind him were empty. Everyone was avoiding him.

After coming out of the auditorium, the little wizard who saw him would pause for a moment, then turn around and leave, as if it was a sin to be in the same space as him and to breathe the same air.

No matter where he went, Feeney could feel the strange looks in other people's eyes and the whispers behind their backs, which made Feeney feel very irritated. Maybe Hogwarts was not as good as he thought. Le is the right choice. It's a pity that everything is already like this, the dust has settled, and Skuller and Feeney have no longer had any relationship.

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