Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 22 Discoveries and unexpected gains

Jonathan's responsibilities as a professor still make him want to fight for it.

"Dumbledore, are we just going to watch like this? I don't think you don't know what that child's talent is. As long as he grows up, his performance will far exceed that of your crazy student, and let him remain Growing up in such an environment, he may become a more terrifying existence than that Tom. "

Dumbledore sighed and said,

"I know, but we can't do anything now, at least not now,"

When Jonathan heard this, he took a deep look at Dumbledore,

"You don't believe him, you don't believe an eleven-year-old child. You are testing him. You want to know how he will react in such an environment?"

Dumbledore nodded and said,

"Jonathan, I am not you, I will grow old and die, and I am very old now, so old that I have become scum. I need to deal with Tom's affairs before I leave. At the same time, I can't give anything to future generations. They leave behind another Dark Lord."

When Jonathan heard this, he became angry. He jumped up from his chair, pointed at Dumbledore's nose and said,

"So? So you don't trust an eleven-year-old child, and you even deliberately leave him in a bad situation, just to know whether he will become another Dark Lord? Dumbledore, you don't Do you think you were the so-called most powerful white wizard from the beginning? People in the magic world didn’t know you, but I didn’t know that you were the one who found the title of Saint together. My sleeping place knows me, but it’s because your sister’s death changed you that you became the so-called white wizard you are today!”

Jonathan took a deep breath, looked at Dumbledore, and said sarcastically,

"Do those who regard you as the savior of the magical world and the most powerful white wizard know that you are actually best at black magic? Even now you no longer need to use black magic to fight."

Dumbledore looked a little embarrassed. If he was in front of someone else at this time, he might not be like this. However, as Jonathan said, when he met him, he and Gellert were looking for the Deathly Hallows together. , Arianna's death woke him up, but even so, he still turned a blind eye to some of his actions with Gellert, until in the end, there was no other way, and he had to deal with Gellert this time. Lett duel.

Under Jonathan's roar, both of them fell silent. No one was talking about Finny, because they knew that it was not easy to solve Finny's matter, even with Dumbledore's intervention.

Because of Dumbledore's previous deliberate negligence, Finny's incident has spread throughout Hogwarts. This is an unchangeable fact. All the two of them can do at this time is to see how Finny resolves the matter. , helped when necessary.


The next day, Slytherin had no classes all morning, and Finny also took a rare nap.

The current situation of being isolated from everyone also gave him a headache.

The reason why he chose Hogwarts instead of Skull in the first place was because he was more familiar with it, and also because he knew very well that here he could gain the friendship of other young wizards. Friendships made in the same year lasted almost a lifetime in the wizarding world. friendship, but reality dealt him a heavy blow, and he now urgently needs a way to break the situation.

Slytherin's only lesson today is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration.

Students in grades one through five are required to take Transfiguration courses, while students who obtain a certain score in the O.W.L. exam can continue studying Transfiguration N.E.W.T. courses in grades six and seven.

Professor McGonagall is a very strict person. She said before the class started,

"Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous spells you will learn at Hogwarts."

And this may be the main reason why she is so strict,

"Anyone who wants to mess around in my class should leave immediately and never come back again. Let's talk ugly first."

With Professor McGonagall's warning and a magic demonstration of turning a table into a pig and back again, the first Transfiguration lesson started.

As a result of years of practice and the gains from drawing cards, Finny quickly completed Professor McGonagall's task.

Turn a match into a needle.

"Very well, our Mr. Black has completed this magic, for which I will reward Slytherin with five points!"

This is the first time that Finny has added points. As Professor McGonagall finished speaking, the progress of the Academy Treasure Box in Finny's system interface also jumped by 20%. Obviously, the full 100 points in the Academy Treasure Box are not the same as the real score. It is not universal. Judging from the current situation, it may be one to four. In other words, Feeney only needs to add twenty-five points to open an academy treasure chest. This is the best news that Feeney has received in the past few days.

At the same time, Feeney also discovered that there was another task in his task system, named to explore the secrets of Hogwarts.

This mission is divided into four stages, but at this time, Feeney has not unlocked any stage.

Wednesday is the busiest day in Slytherin. There are two herbal medicine classes in the morning.

The professor of Herbology is Pomona Sprout, the headmistress of Hufflepuff. She is a very good person, kind, kind, always smiling, and very patient with the little wizards.

Herbology is also a course in the O.W.L exam. It is a compulsory course for Hogwarts wizards from grade one to grade five. Of course, if you want, you can choose an advanced course in herbology in grade six, but you need to have good or excellent grades before. Then take the more advanced N.E.W.T exam.

Students will learn different kinds of magical plants in class. As they learn more, they will also come into contact with more complex and dangerous plants. The main content of the first grade is dittany and devil's snare.

Professor McGonagall's extra points in the Transfiguration class and Finney's gains made him very serious in the Herbology class. The reading and accumulation in the first few years of entering Hogwarts made it easy for him to get extra points in Herbology.

In the subsequent Charms class, Professor Filius Flitwick, who had to stand on a pile of books to see his desk during class, also praised Finney's talent and progress in Charms, which naturally brought another extra point.

After confirming that the progress of the academy treasure chest would increase after adding points, Finny went deeper and deeper on the road of trying to add points, and it could even be described as crazy.

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