Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 25 Additional Tasks

Inside the academy chest are gems, library passes, and some magic. Of course, the specifics are random.

Feeney has not drawn magic during this period, but has saved up all the passes.

As a European, he felt that if he continued to smoke for ten consecutive times, he might be more European.

During this time, the academy treasure chest not only gave Finny a lot of passes and gems, but also gave him an extra mission.

"There is a very obvious difference between the magic in the wizarding world today and ancient magic. As the four powerful wizards who created Hogwarts, the earliest magic school in Europe, there is no doubt about their power. So these four powerful wizards Did the wizard leave some legacy of ancient magic? Side mission, find and inherit the legacy left by the four legendary wizards (the first stage rewards designated magic/skill talent +1)."

This mission has been given by Feeney for a long time, but he still has no clue.

In fact, it is wrong to say that he has no clue. At least he has some general ideas about the inheritance of Slytherin.

The Chamber of Secrets, opened by Harry in his second year in the original book, contains a thousand-year-old basilisk.

As a secret room left behind by Slytherin, it is a bit wrong to say that there is only one basilisk in it. After all, a legendary wizard should not only leave behind some magic items, but also leave some magic inheritance.

Therefore, the legacy left by Slytherin is most likely in the Chamber of Secrets.

Feeney didn't remember the secret room very clearly. He only remembered that it was in a bathroom, and that he needed Snake's voice to open it.

Although he didn't remember how Harry got in in the end, Finny was not in a hurry about the Slytherin inheritance. If nothing else, he wanted to keep this inheritance for the end. The two days before Harry entered the school Year, he planned to find the inheritance of the other three people first.

It’s not that Feeney has no clue about the inheritance of these three people.

Speaking of Ravenclaw, Feeney's first thought was the Room of Requirement. This wonderful room was built by Ravenclaw.

Hufflepuff is the kitchen. After all, this is a wizard who invented a lot of life spells and is proficient in making food. Similarly, Hufflepuff is also the favorite house to eat.

As for Gryffindor, Feeney was a little confused. He didn't leave much behind. He only had a Sorting Hat that he once owned, and there was a sword in the hat. The sword couldn't be his inheritance, right?

If that's the case, Feeney doesn't think he can pull it out. Even if he can pull it out, Feeney doesn't think he has a chance to touch the Sorting Hat.

When his affairs spread throughout the castle overnight, Finny knew very well that Dumbledore didn't want to care about these little things of his own. The act of giving the pendant to him in the first place allowed him to help cast the Loyalty Charm and continue to do so over the years. It was enough to talk about some magical knowledge through correspondence. Trivial matters such as his situation at Hogwarts were obviously not what the greatest white wizard needed to pay attention to.

In the end, Feeney decided to look for Ravenclaw's treasure first. After all, he was living in the Room of Requirement at this time, so he stood up from the sofa, opened the door and walked out.

"I need Ravenclaw's treasure,,,"

Finney recited this sentence silently and walked in front of the tapestry on the eighth floor three times. No corresponding door appeared on the wall.

Isn't the Ravenclaw heritage here? Or is there something I didn't expect?

Feeney was not surprised by this result.

After all, he was definitely not the first person to think of the fact that four legendary wizards could leave a legacy, and he was definitely not the first person to conduct experiments to find out.

If it were really that easy to find, it wouldn't be his turn.

Whether he is looking for the inheritance left by the four Gryffindors or the treasures left by others, in the final analysis it is a matter of history and legend.

It is essential to inquire the corresponding information and necessary opportunities.

There is no better place to look up information than the Hogwarts library.

However, Feeney cannot study in the library now, and he cannot borrow too many books at one time, which is very inconvenient for searching information.

However, Feeney didn't have to look up information in the library. After all, he was a Blake.

So, the little wizards who were dining in the auditorium the next morning saw such a scene that shocked them.

Every morning at breakfast at Hogwarts, it is time for the owls to deliver packages, letters, magazines, and newspapers.

Therefore, every morning, many owls appear in groups in the auditorium.

However, this morning, the scene in the auditorium was different.

Those owls can no longer be described as swarming, they can only be described as covering the sky and covering the earth.

A large number of owls flew into the auditorium carrying packages, found Feeney, dropped the packages, and then left.

They don't even have time to rest, because there are too many compatriots with the same purpose,

Therefore, after the breakfast where owls kept delivering packages, the little wizards never saw the mountains of packages piled up next to Feeney.

What’s even more shocking is that there are far more owls than those seen in the morning, and they don’t only come to deliver packages in the morning.

Feeney spent the next day picking up packages.

The next few days were the same, which shocked many professors.

Feeney's packages are almost all books and information, which the little wizards don't understand, but the professors, as adults, know very well how expensive these things are.

You know, the most expensive things in the world are life and knowledge. In many cases, the price of knowledge is much higher than life.

At this moment, everyone clearly felt how rich the richest family in the magic world was.

This was Feeney's second method. Since he couldn't get into the library, he found Mrs. Pince and asked for a library book list, and bought back all the books in it that could be bought outside.

Just like "Elementary Curse", Feeney bought several versions, abridged, unabridged, corrected, and original. There were even some original copies of the classics that Feeney spent a lot of money to buy from other people.

In a family like Weasley, there is really no clear book passed down. It can be seen that the gold Galleons are useful. Moreover, what Feeney wants is not the original. He only needs copies of many books. Of course. , if he is willing to sell the original to him, he can pay more money,

This caused many wizarding families to sell some of their books to Feeney.

In the end, with the help of Kreacher and other elves, Feeney's box was completely transformed into a private library. Except for books like "Decryption of Advanced Dark Arts" that had been deliberately erased, the magical world at this time He has almost all the books he owns.

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