Helena's body trembled when she heard this, and she asked in a trembling voice,

"Mother, did she... really forgive me?"

Feeney shook his head and said,

"Maybe she never blamed you."

Hearing these words from Feeney again, Helena couldn't bear it anymore and began to collapse.

This ghost that has existed for thousands of years is like a little girl in her late teens, holding her legs, suspended in the air, crying bitterly.

Feeney could feel that this was not a cry of sadness, but a cry of relief and relief, as if a big stone that had been floating in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Helena Feeney, who looked completely relieved, shook her head, turned around and walked down the Ravenclaw tower.

At this time, the sky had darkened, and there were no little wizards walking around in the corridors of the castle. The quiet environment made Finny feel uneasy.

The constantly moving stairs, the armors standing on both sides of the corridor, the stone statues on the walls and on both sides of the door, the portraits and photos hanging around, all of this,

The deep and huge castle and the magical atmosphere floating in the surrounding air only deepened this uneasiness.

It was as if there was a hidden beast in front of Feeney, waiting for the opportunity to prey at any time.

For the first time, Feeney felt that this castle might not be what he imagined. It was not only the safest castle in the magical world, but also the most dangerous castle in the magical world.

Perhaps part of the reason why Voldemort didn't take action against Hogwarts was because of Dumbledore's presence, but now Feeney doubted that it was because he knew what the castle was like.

Feeney shook his head and discarded all the messy thoughts in his mind.

At this time, all the little wizards should be sleeping, which means that Filch and his Mrs. Norris will start to come out of the cave to look for food, no, they will go out to patrol.

Feeney, who knew that he could not be deducted points, naturally would not stay in the corridor, and hurriedly thought about running to the eighth floor of the castle.

As mentioned before, Feeney has regarded the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor as his second dormitory, and it is also the place where he spends the longest time.

If you want to return to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle from Ravenclaw Tower, you need to pass by the office of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Jonathan, the office of Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration professor, and the principal's office.

Therefore, in order not to be discovered, Feeney deliberately kept himself silent and was very cautious.

It was this caution that allowed him to discover such a terrifying thing.

His Head of House, Potions Professor Snape, was talking to Jonathan in his office,

I don't know if it was because no one was walking around at this time, or because Snape and Jonathan were a little excited and ignored it.

In short, the door to Professor Jonathan's office was not tightly closed, which allowed Feeney to vaguely hear the sounds inside.

"Jonathan, I know what you are. Although I don't know why Dumbledore allowed you to come to Hogwarts to be a professor, I know very well what you are and how dangerous you are! So, don't let me find out anything about you. An attempt to attack students!"

Jonathan's sarcastic voice came from the office,

"Snape, Professor! Why didn't I know you would value the students in Hogwarts so much? Or are you worried about the one who will enroll in Hogwarts in two years?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Snape.

"Shut up, I'm not worried about him. I'm a professor, so I naturally care about the students in Hogwarts. Jonathan, don't think I don't know. You just went out not long ago, and I also know where you went. , what are you going there for, that’s good, don’t focus on the students.”

Jonathan laughed,

"So, it's not you who values ​​me, but Dumbledore who sent you to warn me, right? It's unimaginable that he, who was once a saint, would now worry about the safety of Muggles. Moreover, isn't he Forgot, it was he who asked me to wake up from my slumber.”

"Ha, so you are talking about your business and Dumbledore knows about it, right? I'm not here to deliver a message for Dumbledore, and naturally I don't care about those Muggles. I just want to tell you, don't do it in Hog Something happened inside Woz, especially after two years,,"

After saying this, Snape immediately stopped talking. However, it was obvious that Jonathan knew what Snape was going to say.

"So, you still do it because ha,,,,"


Snape interrupted Jonathan and roared around,

"Who's there? Come out!"

When he heard the conversation between the two, Feeney knew that he couldn't stay here any longer, otherwise something would happen.

Sure enough, he left, and Snape discovered that their conversation had been eavesdropped. Of course, in fact, the two of them did not say anything secret that could not be known to others.

If there is anything that really needs to be cautious, it is Jonathan's identity. However, no matter how much Snape warned Jonathan, he did not tell him about it. Obviously, he knew that even when there were only two of them, it would not be possible. It doesn't mean that he can tell such things. As a former Death Eater, he is the best at hiding himself.

After Feeney left the office door, he had been thinking about the conversation between Snape and Jonathan.

He knew the original book well, and knew that the professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course were not normal people. In other words, the professors of this course all had problems, such as Voldemort, liar, werewolf, and Death Eater.

He had doubts when he met Jonathan before, but Jonathan really taught things, not a liar, the kind of member of the Ministry of Magic, and was very kind to the students. There was nothing unusual, and he also taught during the full moon, so Finney thought that he might have thought too much.

But what he heard today told him that he didn't think too much. Professor Jonathan did have problems, otherwise Snape would not have warned him. Moreover, according to Snape, Professor Jonathan could have taught the Defense Against the Dark Arts course at Hogwarts for more than a year if he wanted to. This was completely inconsistent with the clues Finney knew.

You know, this course was cursed by Voldemort, and it was a curse that Dumbledore couldn't solve.

And Jonathan should be able to suppress the curse or simply be immune to the curse, which is not something that ordinary people can do.


Just as Finny was thinking, a cat's cry rang out at the corner of the corridor.

I read the comments and answered some questions. First of all, the situation and situation Finny faced was not loneliness, but a kind of targeting and exclusion, a kind of cold violence. Loneliness can be solved, but this kind of cold violence, even an adult, no matter how mentally competent, can't stand it. Specifically, you can imagine a couple's cold war hundreds of times.

Finny didn't do nothing before entering school. He did something, otherwise the prophet's advantage would be gone. Don't forget that he asked Kreacher to buy many elves back.

Finally, the reason why he attached too much importance to the inheritance treasure was because he needed to find a sustenance to let him ignore the exclusion of others. And the rewards are indeed rich. Not counting the inheritance itself, the reward of increasing talent is also worth his current efforts.

Finally, this is the first time I write HP fan fiction, and the rhythm is not well controlled. It is being gradually adjusted, so you can read it with confidence. There is an outline!

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