Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 301 299 Temple of Aphia

However, it can also be said that it is fortunate that Phoebus did not have other thoughts and Blake would not target them.

At the same time, because of Astoria's relationship, the relationship between the Greengrass family and the Black family will also get closer.

"Father, Feeney said he would come over to discuss the engagement ceremony with you after a while,"

After Astoria briefly told Phoebus what she and Fini had said, she told Phoebus about the matter that mattered most to her.

Phoebus was stunned and asked,

"after a while?"

Astoria nodded and said,

"That's right, Feeney said he was going to disappear for a while..."

Before Astoria could finish what she said, Phoebus understood what Feeney meant and couldn't help but nod secretly. Even he had to admit that Feeney had done a good job as the leader of the Black family. No, it was true. Very good is more appropriate.

Thinking like this, Forbes couldn't help but look forward to the upcoming annual show due to Feeney's plan, but he didn't know how many clowns would appear on the stage this time.

His eyes returned to Feeney's side,

Because he wanted to create the illusion that he was missing in the magical world, he did not choose to leave Britain for Greece in the wizard's way.

Instead, he chose the Muggle way, taking a plane. In fact, for wizards, Muggle transportation is more suitable for international travel. After all, for wizards, Muggles travel so much. A whole set of review methods is in vain. As long as a confusion spell is used, it can be completely solved. Then just find a comfortable seat on the plane and quietly wait for the arrival of the destination.

The wizard's method of movement, after being reviewed by the Ministry of Magic, goes to the location of the fixed international door key, and then uses magic to travel across the country.

Although this will be faster, the sequelae of the Ministry of Magic are also very serious, such as dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting.

The modern architecture in Greece prefers a simple style. The blue and white houses make people look clean, simple and very comfortable.

Finney used magic to book a room in a hotel and rested.

He was waiting for Damon's letter to arrive,

He believed that after he and Damon said they were going to Greece, Damon would definitely inform his permanent staff in Greece about his coming.

So now he just needs to wait for his people to come over.

Although Feeney had requested the Blake family's tavern property in Greece from Damon before arriving, Feeney did not know the approximate location of the ruins of Hypol that Lisa had mentioned, and had no way to choose a suitable tavern. After resting, it is better to choose a nearby resting place, wait for your people to come over, ask for some information, and then change places.

Just as Feeney expected, after he left England, Damon's letters also arrived.

After learning that his young master had arrived, Wu Mingyi, the person in charge of the Greek side, hurriedly came to the hotel where Fini was staying and found Fini.


Nameless B knocked on Feeney's door, saluted and said hello to Feeney.

Feeney nodded,

"Are you the person in charge of Greece? I remember you used to be the person in charge of a magic items store here in the UK?"

As mentioned before, anyone who can be a responsible person must be loyal to Feeney, and Feeney naturally has a certain impression of these people. This Wuming B is an example.

When Wuming Yi saw that Feeney had recognized him, he was even more grateful. You must know that Feeney's little wizard wizards have as many as eight hundred if not one thousand. After all, they exist in all magic circles around the world.

With so many people not only saying that Feeney can name him, but even if he looks familiar and knows what he was responsible for before, it is already very difficult. You know, he can hand over his name and be very familiar with it. This is something that only the people in charge of all continents can do. treatment.

Feeney looked at Wu Mingyi who was very excited in front of him and frowned, but he didn't pay attention and opened his mouth to give instructions,

"First of all, you didn't tell anyone else about my coming to Greece, right?"

Wuming Yi shook his head hurriedly and said,

"No, no, Lord Damon's letter specifically stated that the young master's action this time was secretive and could not be known to anyone."

Feeney nodded,

"Very good, I have to keep this in the future. Unless I take the initiative to find you, don't let anyone know that I have come to Greece. If I go to you in the future, I will call you a member of the Black family, not Phineas." ·Black’s identity, do you understand?”

Wuming Yi nodded hurriedly, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"The second thing,"

Feeney continued,

Wuming Yi hurriedly posed and waited for Feeney's instructions.

"Lisa has told me before that you have discovered a ruins suspected to be related to Hypor in Greece. What is it like? Tell me its relevant information and its location."

Hearing this, Wuming Yi hurriedly took out a stack of parchment from the inside of his robe and handed it to Feeney, and said at the same time,

"Sir Damon's letter also mentioned that the young master came to Greece this time because of this matter, so I have brought all the written documents from that time over and asked the young master to read them."

Feeney took the parchment and nodded with satisfaction, but did not read it immediately but put it down again.

"Very good, I will look at these things later. Please tell me your memory of this matter first."

Wuming Yi nodded and slowly recounted what happened that year.

"It was about three or four years ago. At that time, I was the person in charge of a store in the UK. I chose to travel to Greece because of my vacation. The magic world in Greece is actually not as developed as in the UK. It is more like the back garden of the Selwyn family. , the magic world here is just a tool established by the Selwyn family to make it easier for them to rule and manage,"

"Therefore, in fact, the magic world here has no travel value, so I chose to explore independently in Greece and found some clues about ruins near the Aegean Sea. I reported this matter to Lisa at that time Your Excellency, he was promoted to the person in charge of the Greek side because of this,"

"After our investigation, we finally determined that the ruins are located deep in the Aegean Sea and have a certain connection with Hypor."

Feeney nodded and asked again,

"Where did you find the clues to the ruins?"

Wu Mingyi replied,

"In the ruins of a temple on the island of Aegina, I found that there were many traces of magic in the so-called Muggle temple, but it was different from the Parthenon, an officially recognized magic ruin in Greece. It was not classified as a magic relic, so I was very confused. After some inquiries, I found that this temple was guarded by a magic family. They would regularly cast magic in the temple to maintain the magic. The traces are used to confuse the original traces here,"

"If I hadn't specialized in magic traces and was also very interested in the history of magic, and I could tell that part of the magic traces in that temple came from modern times, while the other part had a history of at least a thousand years, I would have talked with The Greek Ministry of Magic was fooled as well,"

Feeney touched his chin thoughtfully.

A magical family belonging to Selwyn hides such a temple behind the Selwyn family's back. So what is the purpose?

Fini didn't believe that the family didn't know the clues about the magic traces in the temple, otherwise they wouldn't have hidden the temple.

Perhaps, this family is only superficially attached to the Selwyn family, but in fact it is just using Selwyn's power to hide the temple.

Thinking of this, Feeney's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that what he was thinking of was the truth!

Since this family has chosen to protect this temple,

Either they found the magical ruins pointed to by the clues about this temple, and chose to hide it in order not to share it with other families.

Either they exist to hide the temple, in other words, they have a direct connection with the magical ruins.

No matter what the real situation was, Feeney knew that he was going to Aegina Island.

Fortunately, he was in Athens at this time, and Aegina was the closest island to Athens.

Two thousand years ago, King Zeers of Persia led a huge navy to invade Greece. At that time, Greece was not as powerful as it is today, and Selwyn and other magic families did not choose to settle here. Faced with a fleet that covered the sky like locusts, The city of Athens is in danger,

At this critical moment, Themistocles, the then commander-in-chief of Greece, led his powerful navy to destroy three times his own warships in the Salamis waterway. This is Salamis, which made Aegina famous. naval battle.

It only takes an hour and a half to sail from Athens to the island of Aegina, where Muggle legend has it that Zeus's most beautiful mistress is hidden.

However, neither the history of Muggles nor the mythology of Muggles was the purpose of Finny's trip.

He has only one purpose, and that is the only temple ruins on the island, the Temple of Afia built in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC. This temple is said to be a temple of the goddess of light, but in Phine It seems that the person enshrined here may not have been this goddess, but the famous dark wizard Hybor in the magic world.

There are reasons for such a judgment. First of all, according to Wu Mingyi, they explored the undersea ruins and found many clues related to Hypor.

And this temple is the directional clue to that ruins,

Secondly, if the goddess of light worshiped here really would not need the protection and hiding of a magic family.

Of course, it is also possible that this place is a temple dedicated to the wizard who once defeated the evil Hybor, and that magic family is the descendant of this wizard, or the descendants of the people saved by this wizard.

Both of these situations have certain possibilities. Which one is ultimately determined depends on what the ruins on the seabed are.

If the ruins on the seabed are an existence related to Hypor, then the first option will be more likely.

If the ruins on the seabed are the remnants of a battle with Hybor, then it is obviously the second case.

Along with Fini's contemplation, the ship he was on had arrived at Aegina Island. After Fini landed on the island, he went directly to the temple without delay.

This scene was also seen by the family members responsible for protecting the temple on the island, and they took it seriously.

The Temple of Afia is a typical building of the late classical Greek era. The double-column architectural style makes this temple look very similar to the Parthenon of the same period.

However, unlike the well-preserved Parthenon, this temple can only be said to be a ruin now.

The building that was supposed to be intact now only has some stone pillars, steps, and porches due to unknown reasons.

It seems that there is absolutely no majesty and solemnity that temple buildings of this period should have.

As he approached the ruins of the temple, Fini could clearly feel the traces of magic.

I secretly sighed in my heart, no wonder Wu Mingyi and the others were able to find something wrong here. The traces of magic here were too heavy and too deliberate.

The reason why Finny can perceive everything here so keenly is because of the ability to perceive magic brought by the awakening of his bloodline. This ability allows him to learn magic, research magic, perceive magic, and even find magic that existed before in a place. All of great help.

Thinking of this, Feini immediately activated his magic vision, which was also a talent brought by his bloodline.

From the perspective of magic vision, Feeney discovered the magic traces from different periods mentioned by Wu Mingyi, the earliest of which turned out to be the magic traces left by the battle.

The remnants of combat magic inside are very obvious. Are they traces of ancient war magic, and traces of the Death Curse?

Death curse!

We already have war magic, but there are still traces of the Death Curse. Isn’t this downgraded?

War magic can easily destroy a city, but killing a wizard requires a lot of effort (you need to aim, and you need to be prepared for the almost non-existent backlash).

However, the situation here seems to be more likely than Feeney's previous speculation. This should be the place where a wizard once fought with Hybor because of this battle. Some people built this temple to commemorate it.

The traces and clues in the temple can provide Fini with these things.

However, the traces of war magic gave Fini some inspiration. Perhaps he could develop his own war magic through these traces.

However, there is no need. His plastic magic can completely achieve the effect of war magic.

When fighting against the vampire reformists, the fire phoenix he summoned could completely massacre a city.

Since there weren't many clues provided here, Feeney set his sights on the family guarding this place.

What a coincidence was that Finny's behavior of going directly to the temple after landing ashore attracted the family's attention.

Some members of the family are rushing to the temple in an attempt to control Finny.

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