Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 308 306 Future Team

Unlike many pure-blood families, the British Ministry of Magic now has the intention to kill Finny.

This is already the second time!

This second time, he acted recklessly in the wizarding world regardless of the Muggle Statute of Secrecy, and did not give the Ministry of Magic any face.

When these officials from the Ministry of Magic were cursing Feeney and Black, they didn't pay attention. At this time, a group of fighting wizards from the Black family had gathered outside the Ministry of Magic. They would break through the Ministry of Magic's protection at any time and enter what they thought was a very dangerous place. safe place,

On Feeney's side, the engagement ceremony has reached the moment of exchanging rings.

The ring designed by Astoria and specially made by Feeney was exchanged by the two and placed on each other's hands.

Yes, this pair of rings was actually made by Feeney himself, not some so-called customization.

Originally, he was indeed preparing to customize it, but during this month, he could not show up openly and had nothing else to do, so he simply went to the manor left to him by Nico in France to make the ring.

With the help of Ravenclaw's alchemy heritage, the notes and books that Nico left to him, and the many alchemy puppets that Nico made during his lifetime, it took Finny a month to complete the pair of rings.

As expected, the ring has the effect of protection and positioning.

Even under Feeney's research, the ring was given a communication ability similar to that of a double-sided mirror.

A pattern of violets wraps around the ring's band, surrounding a central pale pink gemstone surrounded by tulips. In the center of the gemstone is the hidden carving of the Black family crest. This pair of rings replaces the Black ring to a certain extent, symbolizing their owner’s identity and status in the Black family.

The already slender fingers looked even more beautiful after wearing this ring. The pink gem also reflected the little girl's slightly red face, making it even more rosy and tender.

The marriage between the Black and Greengrass families left many people present with mixed emotions.

The Selwyn family, for example, is more depressed. They originally wanted to marry Black and Selwyn, which would not only strengthen the alliance between the two, but also give Selwyn some upper hand.

Don't think that there is no competition and opposition between allies. They just cooperate with each other when needed. When not needed, there are also some hostile situations between the two. Of course, both sides are very restrained and will not Internal friction occurs,

If Feeney really marries a girl of Selwyn's generation, then because Feeney has no parents, Selwyn can use this reason to interfere with some of Blake's properties.

However, they could only regret and be depressed at this time. They regretted not taking the initiative to discuss marriage with Feeney. They regretted not investing more in Sirna, who had a good relationship with Feeney, and finding a way to turn her from a squib into a wizard. , this is not impossible, just purify the blood, but this step requires too many resources, so they hesitated,

What's depressing is that the other girls in the family are so stupid that they haven't made any progress at all. Let Feeney choose a girl from a small family instead of them. This is tantamount to telling other people in the family that the eldest son of the Selwyn family has made no progress at all. Ladies, he, Feeney, didn't take his fancy.

"I have to teach those girls well when I go back. If they weren't so willful, maybe Phineas would have chosen to be one of them."

This was the common thought in the minds of the Selwyn brothers who attended Feeney and Leah's engagement ceremony at this time.

Different from Selwyn's depression, Malfoy, Weasley, Baronton and other families who stood behind Black are now more happy.

The Greengrass family, like them, is a family that has taken refuge in Black. Now that Feeney can choose the youngest daughter of the Greengrass family as his wife, it is equivalent to telling them that as long as they are loyal to Black, there is no chance of marrying Black in the future.

You know, taking refuge is just taking refuge after all, and only marriage can be considered an ally.

After the ceremony, there was a dance and banquet. The patriarchs and important personnel of each family gathered together in twos and threes to exchange information about this ceremony, or some recent news in the magical world, gossip, the latest order of the Council of Elders, the Ministry of Magic some policies, etc.

Finny pulled Leah to Sirius' side and asked with a smile,

"Sirius, it occurred to me just now that you didn't have a girl you liked when you were young?"

Sirius's originally smiling expression on this lovely pair suddenly froze, and he looked at Feeney very stiffly. He used his hands and feet and said to Feeney,

"No,,,,no, how could I have a girl I like? No, absolutely not!"

Eyes wandering, hands dancing, repeating sentences, emphasizing over and over again, this is lying.

Feeney sighed in his heart, and also thought about it. It seemed that Sirius once had his own love, but he didn't know who the other person was, how he was doing now, whether he was married, and if not, let Xiao It would be nice to marry Sirius happily,

Just now, when Feeney was exchanging rings with Leah, he suddenly noticed that there were many members of the Oath family of the Presbyterian Church attending the banquet, representing different branches.

Compared with them, Black is indeed much smaller now, especially in the direct line, there are only two people, Finny and Sirius. This is something very wrong. His goal in this life is to become a god, and with Leia One person as his wife is enough,

In this way, Sirius needs to work hard. He came to Sirius with the idea of ​​talking to Sirius about this matter. However, now it seems that he really needs to put in some effort.

I must ask Lupine about Sirius. He was engaged today and Lupine was also invited.

Although Lupine is just an ordinary employee of his, as a good friend of Sirius, Feeney will not easily put him in a dangerous position. He is only responsible for the business issues of a store in Hogsmeade.

But officially because of his relationship with Sirius, it was quite normal for Finny to invite him to his engagement ceremony.

However, before going to Lupin, Finny needs to deal with the other people he also invited over.

For example, Harry, Draco, and the Weasley twins,

And Hermione, of course,

In fact, Finny didn't know how to face Hermione. He had felt that Hermione liked him before, but whether it was for the future or the pressure from the family, it was impossible for him to choose Hermione. , once he chooses Hermione, it will be equivalent to standing on the opposite side of almost all pure-blood families in the UK, even far worse than Weasley's previous situation.

Weasley is close to Muggles, but their marriage partners will also choose wizards from wizarding families, at least the direct line, because this is protecting the bloodline of wizards, at least in the eyes of many families.

James Potter chose Muggle-born Lily Potter, so when the Potter family was attacked, no pure-blood wizard spoke up to ask Voldemort not to kill all the members of the Potter family. If the Potter family was attacked at that time, It was other families, and they would definitely be reminded of the birth. After all, Voldemort's purpose at that time was just to kill the Potters and their child, or just that child. There was no need for the rest of the Potter family.

However, now there is only Harry in the Potter family. This is the reality. No matter which family is close to Muggle wizards or not, they will not choose wizards of Muggle origin in the choice of direct line. However, some families do not Being so paranoid, marrying a Muggle wizard will result in being expelled from the family.

Speaking of this, Finny suddenly remembered that he also invited someone, Tonks, a newcomer working in the Auror Department of the Ministry of Magic. She was his and Sirius's niece, the daughter of their eldest cousin, and their A cousin was expelled from the family because she married a Muggle wizard.

Finny looked around among the crowd, and finally saw this natural disguisemagus with pink hair next to Lupine.

'It seems that even with their own influences, these two people are still connected, and I guess they will eventually become a couple. ’

Finny suddenly remembered the final ending of the couple in the original work. They both died fighting in Hogwarts, leaving their newborn child alone to be raised by Harry. Now that he is here, he will never let this happen. Tragedy happened,

After all, Voldemort is dead, although he may still be resurrected. After all, he still has two Horcruxes - Harry and the unknown Horcrux that kept him alive.

After shaking his head and reining in his divergent thoughts, Feeney came to Harry and his fellow Hogwarts classmates with wine glasses in hand.

"Long time no see, Harry, Draco, George, Fred, Lee, Neville, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna."

Feeney smiled and greeted several people. These people will also be the heirs of various families in the future and become his direct team members.

The twins smiled and squeezed out of Leah's position, came to Feeney's side, and put their arms around his shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Tell me quickly, where have you been during this time?"

"Suddenly disappearing and suddenly appearing, not to mention getting engaged directly. How did you catch up with our elementary school girl?"

The twins asked one sentence at a time,

Feeney smiled bitterly,

"Which one of you would you like me to answer first?"

Harry smiled and said,

"Back to Fred first, we are also curious about where you have been during this time?"

Feeney nodded, pointed to the table and chairs beside him and said,

"Let's sit down and talk slowly,"

After saying that, he turned around and reached out, took Lia's little hand and walked to the chair first to sit down.

After everyone else took their seats, Feeney smiled and said,

"In the beginning, I was really just in retreat. Well, you all know about my former assistant, Lisa. Because of her, I had some special insights, so the retreat came quite suddenly, without any contact with her. You said,"

Hermione was keenly aware of the meaning of Finny's words. After biting her lower lip, she asked,

"Then what happens next? You just said that it was a retreat at the beginning, so that means there was no retreat after that."

Feeney glanced at Hermione, who was not in a high mood, hoping she could come out, and then said,

"Yes, after the retreat, I did not go back to Hogwarts. Instead, I found Damon first. Oh, Damon was my assistant after Lisa. From him, I learned that during my retreat, the magical world It's not quiet in China, rumors about me are spreading, so,,,,"

"So, you're taking this opportunity to find some people who have ulterior motives, right?"

Hermione continued what Feeney said,

Although she was not in a very good mood at the moment, she still used her smart brain to roughly guess what Feeney was thinking.

Feeney nodded,

"Because of Lisa's incident, I led my men to ambush Voldemort and temporarily defeated him. Therefore, the magical world will be safe for a long time. Black will naturally restore this place to its original control,"

Unlike others, Harry only heard that Voldemort had been defeated. His eyes suddenly lit up and he opened his mouth to say something.

But was interrupted by Feeney,

"Harry, you need to think more. Voldemort is not completely dead. He is still coming back and will definitely find you again. Therefore, you cannot slack off just because I defeated him once. Don't forget, You still want to avenge your parents with your own hands,"

Harry nodded without saying anything.

Finny then looked at Draco and said,

"I think you have also heard about the Parkinson family. Remember to tell your father when you go back. Malfoy may need some changes."

Draco was a little confused, but he didn't ask. He just wanted to go back and tell his father this sentence,

"In addition, I need to tell you in advance that I probably won't go to Hogwarts again,"

Feeney continued, and this time his words shocked everyone including Leah,

"What? Finny, you're not going back to Hogwarts?"

Leah was even more shocked and asked,

This time everyone was even more surprised, because even Feeney’s fiancée Leah didn’t know Feeney’s plan.

Feeney smiled and patted Leah's hand to let her relax, and then said,

"To be precise, I will not go back to Hogwarts to go to school. After all, the school can teach me very little now. I am more suitable to study magic at home and find ways to improve my strength. I am telling you about this." The reason is, I also want to tell you that you have to be more careful in Hogwarts from now on,"

"After all, I guess there are still some people who have some special plans for Hogwarts. George, Fred, especially you, try not to go out at night. It is really dangerous at certain times. Li, you are staring at Focus on them, although it may not be of any use,"

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