Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 333 331 Stalemate

"Congratulations, Feeney, you are now a legendary wizard,"

Although Dumbledore was very surprised, he still congratulated Finny calmly.

"Thank you."

Finny nodded to Dumbledore,

From a logical point of view, Dumbledore can be regarded as Finny's teacher, but Finny is already a legend. Legendary wizards cannot salute any wizard. This is the law of the magic world. In this way, this kind of protection of the soul is sublimated. Friendship and a nod are enough.

Although Dumbledore was very surprised and confused as to why Finny's cautious legendary soul strength was already comparable to his own, he also understood that this was Finny's own secret and would not ask.

Dumbledore, who was originally relied upon by Finney as a trump card against other families, has now become a being on the same level as Finney.

And Feeney, who was originally suspected by Dumbledore many times, can no longer be suspected and targeted.

As long as the process of becoming a legend is successfully passed, your life, social status, and even interpersonal relationships will change.

Without demigods, legends are the pinnacle of the magic world.

After becoming a legend, Finny no longer needs to stay in Nico's manor, and even all the forces of the Black family no longer need to hide.

The Selwyn family and the Lestrange family also have legends. The reason why they need to avoid the law enforcement team is because their legends will not interfere with this matter.

The Rich family can go to war with the Presbyterian Church because their legend is willing to support Kuzan's decision.

But Blake's situation was completely different from theirs,

The target of the Presbyterian Church has always been Feeney, and Black is just a couple. However, now that the legendary Feeney does not need to avoid the law enforcement team, then Black does not need to avoid it. ,

One day later, Lisa Manor,

Feeney squatted in front of Lisa's grave, placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums on the ground, and cleared the weeds on the ground.

Standing behind him were Damon, brother Stefan, and the heads of the Asia and Africa branches,

"Damon, how many of our people are still here?"

Feeney asked without thinking,

When Damon heard this, he bent slightly and answered.

"Master, eight layers of our people have now arrived in the UK, and the remaining two layers have also arrived in Europe."

Feeney nodded slightly, stood up and turned back to several people and said,

"I'm asking you once. This time, I have no way out, but you still have it. I can give you this choice and take your people back to the place where you were originally responsible. I can pretend that I have never controlled it. , once my decision is made, you will have no way out,"

Damon and others looked at each other, and then bowed to Feeney.

"Thanks to the young master for not giving up, he once saved our lives and gave us the meaning of life. The young master never gave up on us. We should be grateful to the young master for his heart-breaking work and we will not hesitate to do so."

Feeney sighed and said,

"Very well, then, declare it to the world, to all wizards, and let everyone in the world know clearly that I, Phineas Walburga Black, officially declare that the Black family and its affiliates, Officially withdraw from the Presbyterian Church, and at the same time, formally declare war on the Presbyterian Church and all its subordinates!”


As everyone responded, bursts of smoke and the sound of phantoms resounded throughout the manor.

All of Finny's deployments left Lisa Manor, announcing to the magical world their master, the youngest legendary wizard of the Black family and even the magical world, the head of the Black family, Phineas Walburga Black to the Presbyterian Church The decision to declare war.


When news of Feeney reached the Presbyterian Church headquarters under the Vatican,

The elders held an internal meeting,

One of the ordinary elders shouted angrily.

"How dare he!"

The second elder snorted disdainfully,

"Why wouldn't he dare? He is already a legend. A legendary wizard, especially one so young deserves our attention."

The three elders nodded in agreement,

"That's true. A legendary wizard in his teenage years. This feat can only be accomplished by the legendary Merlin."

The chief elder shook his head and said,

"No, as far as I know, Wizard Merlin only became a legend when he was middle-aged,"

The words of the three seat elders made the ordinary elder who spoke angrily at first turn pale and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the Third Elder continued,

"Even if we admit that his talent is amazing, we cannot tolerate his declaration of war against the Presbyterian Church. This is contempt for the Presbyterian Church!"

The second elder shook his head slightly and said,

"In fact, there is no need to start a war. We sent an envoy to tell Phineas Black that as long as he makes the Black family disappear completely and admits his mistakes to the magic world, we will allow him to join the Council of Elders and even give him a seat. The position of elder,"

The chief elder heard the words of the second elder, pondered for a moment, nodded and said,

"That's fine. Doesn't Phineas Black want to become a god? Then tell him that as long as he joins the group of elders, he will definitely be the one to become a god in the next era!"



"So be it!"

With the decision of the chief elder, the other elders agreed and stopped talking.

With the departure of the ordinary elders, only three elders were left in the dark meeting room where faces could not be seen.

"Chief, second elder, why did you decide this way? Phineas Black's previous actions showed that he would not give up so easily,"

The second elder smiled slightly and said,

"Third elder, the reason why we decided this way is because the chief has reached the realm of demigod,"

"What? Chief?"

The third elder looked at the chief elder in shock.

The chief elder nodded slightly,

"Yes, I am already a demigod. At the same time, I also know the number of people who can become gods in this era,"

"How many?"

"Only two!"

"What? So few?"

The three elders were completely shocked this time. You know, the number of elders in the elder council is often the number of people who can become gods in that era. This is calculated based on the number of people who can become gods in the previous era. Generally, there will be no mistakes. Moreover, in previous eras, there are often one or two more people who can become gods than seats, and there has never been a situation where there are only two.

This number is too small.

In addition to the elders who are watching this position,

many wizards who have lived for several eras in the magic world are also watching, such as the four giants who are hiding somewhere unknown.

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