Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 47 Ravenclaw's Ring (Part 1)

Even if you know that this kind of writing is very useful if you study it in depth, whether it is some magic that can only be used through runes, or doing alchemy, you need to learn this kind of writing,

However, Feeney still didn't study because he didn't have a clue, or for the same reason.

Although I don’t know why, it is obvious that there is a very obvious fault in the inheritance of the magic world. In fact, this fault will not be too long from now.

But it is this fault that not only caused many powerful war magics to be lost, but also made the ancient magic texts, which were not very perfect, become headless and tailless, making it impossible to learn by oneself.

Therefore, Finny did not know any runes, and his action of making Puff appear and flip the table now seemed to indicate that he knew a lot. At least, he did not need to spend time to inquire about the meaning and reconciliation of this rune. Open the way,

As for Puff, as a house elf who is considered young now, it is impossible for her to know the meaning of runes. Feeny just asked casually and stopped paying attention.

In addition to stopping Puff from punishing himself for not knowing.

What he paid more attention to was the closed groove on the wall.

Obviously, the mysterious pattern outside the groove is a magic ritual, and the groove in the middle is a key. However, now, Feeney has no clue what the key looks like and where it is.

"Puff, search this room to see if there are any items that match this groove, or any relevant information."

After Feeney gave the order, he found a fairly comfortable place to lie down.

After all his troubles before, it was already time to go to bed.

Although he didn't need to go back to Slytherin's dormitory to rest, he still needed to sleep.

Feeney himself never thought that such a shelf and wall would delay him for a whole day.

However, thinking about it, it was a good thing for the people in Slytherin that they were missing for a whole day. They might even expect that they would die outside.

Feeney, who laughed at himself, slowly closed his eyes, and poor Little Puff began to clean up the laboratory under Feeney's instructions.

And she didn't dare to make any noise, because it was against the rules of the elf, and it was not good to disturb her master's sleep.

The items floated into the air under Puff's command, and then silently piled up together.

The items in the cabinets, boxes, and tables were also taken out by Puff and placed in categories.

I don’t know how long it took before Feeney woke up from his deep sleep.

What I saw was an extremely spacious alchemy laboratory that had been tidied up. Many useless cabinets, boxes, and tables were piled up in a corner.

The experimental table is placed in an obvious corner, surrounded by usable alchemy tools, including knives, crucibles, test tubes, and places like the rune table specially used for carving runes.

In another corner of the room, there are alchemy products that have lost their effectiveness. It can be said that it is a garbage pile that can be reused.

And not far from this garbage dump are some useful things,

"Puff, did you find anything?"

Feeney asked,

Puff appeared next to Feeney, handed a dinner plate to Feeney and said,

"Master, this is today's breakfast. In addition, while cleaning up here, Puff only discovered that the pattern on a small box has some connection with the dents,"

After Finny took a simple bite of breakfast, he picked up the box and inspected it briefly.

Indeed, the surface of the box is engraved with a pattern similar to that on the wall, as well as a relief in the style of the groove.

The box itself has no lock and can be easily opened.

But it can be said that there are no useful items inside, and there is only a blueprint.

It was a drawing of a ring, and the pattern on the ring was the groove on the wall. The drawing also detailed the function of the ring and the runes that needed to be engraved on it. In addition to not having a production method, this was simply Instructions for this ring,

Feeney frowned. It seemed that the way Ravenclaw chose his successor was through alchemy. This ring was obviously an alchemy item, and it would also be a symbol of Ravenclaw's heir.

Moreover, Feeney clearly felt that the pattern of this ring was very familiar, as familiar as he had only seen it not long ago.

But where had he seen it?

It's the kind of ring that is very familiar and can be seen often. Someone around you should have this ring.

After shaking his head, Feeney decided not to think about where he saw the ring. Instead, he handed the piece of paper to Puff and said,

"Puff, you cast a spell on this thing that prohibits copying, and then go to Kreacher and ask him to find someone to build the thing on it,"

Puff nodded, although she didn't quite understand who could create this ring, but the quality of the house elf prevented her from asking questions.

Feeney looked at the disappearing Puff and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Ravenclaw would never have imagined that the inheritance she left behind could actually be opened in such a way.

There is no need to learn these complicated knowledge and skills by yourself, which may even take many years to learn. As long as you have enough gold galleons, it will be enough.

Just like asking Puff to open the shelf before, Feeney's action is undoubtedly flipping the table.

As for letting Kreacher forge this ring, Finny also had his own plan.

There are very few famous alchemists in the magic world nowadays. Although this ring can be said to be an entry-level work, there are still a few people who can forge it.

And Finny happened to know one, Ignatia Wildsmith, the inventor of Floo Powder.

Of course, as the inventor of Floo Powder in the 13th century, she has long passed away. However, the reason why Floo Powder has been operating all the time also makes many people suspect that the inventor is not dead,

because in the magic world, there is no one from the Wildsmith family except her.

People in the magic world don’t know that Ignatia actually has descendants, but her descendants are all named Black.

Yes, it is Black where Finny is. However, that branch did not choose to go to magic schools such as Sguller or Hogwarts like other members of the Black family, but chose to study within the family.

The cause and effect passed down from generation to generation also made this branch a unique existence in the Black family. They are not good at using magic, but they are all masters of alchemy.

Thanks to the monthly ticket of Red Plate

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