Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 63 Blood Array

Dumbledore nodded and said,

"However, there are still some problems with the improvement of this spell. It can only locate the target's position when the spell is cast. If the target moves, it won't work."

While Dumbledore was explaining, Snape had already put the potion in the crucible into bottles and distributed it to everyone.

"As long as you drink this potion, you can know where Blake was taken."

Everyone looked at each other and took the potion.

The quantity of potions is limited, so naturally it is impossible for everyone present to look for Feeney.

After some deliberations, Dumbledore, Snape, Moody and Arthur went to find Feeney, while the others returned to their posts and continued to hide.

Voldemort has not completely returned yet, and now is not the time for the Order of the Phoenix to be exposed.

Apparition is prohibited in Hogwarts Castle. Of course, Dumbledore can temporarily lift this restriction.

However, at this time, they just wanted to go out to find Finny's whereabouts, and there was no need to lift this restriction. After all, this restriction was also one of the protective measures of Hogwarts Castle.

The four of them arrived at the Forbidden Forest. This was no longer within the scope of the castle and they could use phantom.

After drinking the magic potion, a strange place appeared in several people's minds, which was the specific coordinates of the dungeon where Feeney was.

Because this is a base camp for vampires, vampires come and leave from time to time, so it is not protected by the Loyalty Curse. Otherwise, even with the magic potion of the locating curse ritual, there is no way to find such clear location coordinates.

After determining the specific location, several people apparated to this place.

This is also a castle, but unlike Hogwarts, the castle here is much smaller and has some different styles.

Hogwarts has many towers and main buildings, but here there are not so many towers, only one main building.

Dumbledore stood in front of everyone with his wand in hand, taking the lead in walking towards the vampire's castle.

The wand was waved, and the protective measures set up by the vampire castle were as useless as a blank sheet of paper in front of Dumbledore's hundreds of years of accumulation and powerful strength.

The four of them were ready for a fight, but they made it all the way to the underground of the castle smoothly without encountering any enemies.

It wasn't until they walked down the stairs to the ground that they saw their enemies, but they were all dead enemies.

The death appearances of these vampires are different. Some die directly without any trauma, while some actually have their heads dislocated and their bodies are covered with scars.

"It was the Killing Curse."

Moody looked at a completed corpse and said in a deep voice,

"There are also traces of cutting and blasting spells."

Snape's expression was also very solemn,

The four of them felt a little unsure at this time, because the current situation seemed as if someone else had arrived here first and probably took Feeney away.

"Keep going down and see if you can find any clues about Blake."

Dumbledore made the final decision on the next task.

The four of them continued to walk forward. In addition to vampire corpses, Muggle and wizard corpses began to appear on the ground. They were all bitten and pulled to death by vampires.

"This was a very tragic battle."

Arthur said with emotion, holding the wand in his hand tighter.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Dumbledore also frowned and became very solemn.

"Alastor, Severus, Arthur, let's go separately to check the situation here. The truth may be different from what we think. This place has not been attacked."

Snape nodded and walked towards the direction they came from, which was towards the castle.

Arthur took a look and walked up. Unlike Snape's plan to search the upstairs, he planned to look around the castle to see if there were any signs of attack or escape.

Moody walked towards the bottom level, which was the dungeon where Feeney and the others escaped.

Dumbledore walked towards the innermost part of this layer, where there were the most dead bodies.

As Dumbledore walked deeper and deeper, there were more and more corpses on the ground. Finally, he came to the outside of a room, which was also the place with the most corpses. It was also the only place where there were only high-level vampires. A place with corpses and wizard corpses but no low-level vampire corpses or Muggle corpses.

The most important thing is that the corpses on the ground have wands in their hands, while the corpses before did not have wands in their hands.

Pushing open the unclosed door, the scene inside was beyond Dumbledore's imagination.

There was only blood but no bodies.

"Albus, there are three vampire corpses in the dungeon below, as well as some Muggle corpses. Black's was not found."

Moody's voice came from outside, and at the same time there was the click of his steel left foot landing.

"here it is?"

Moody pushed the door that Dumbledore had not fully pushed open completely, looked at the room in front of him and asked doubtfully,

"A room where a magic ritual has been arranged. Judging from the broken magic array, it should be a teleportation array. It is just a one-time use. The blood here is the material that makes up this magic ritual."

"There are no traces of habitation here, only some traces of life. These vampires probably did not stay here for long, but came here in a hurry."

"The surrounding areas of the castle are clean. There are no signs of escape or pursuit."

At this time, Arthur and Snape also walked in one after another, and were stunned for a moment when they saw the blood-filled ritual circle in the room.

"This is,,,,,"

Arthur was a little speechless. As the head of the Weasley family with a family heritage, he knew very well what the magic circle in front of him was used for. After all, the Weasley family's livestock heritage was in alchemy.

"Is this a blood directional teleportation array?"

Moody looked at Arthur and asked,

"Arthur, what is this thing for?"

Arthur sighed and said,

"I also saw it from a notebook at home. This is a magic circle used by vampires. Its function is to teleport vampires to other locations. Because vampires themselves are a type of magical creatures, normal teleportation The magic circle is ineffective against them. In addition, this magic circle can also transmit magic items carried by vampires. However, opening it requires a lot of blood, whether it is Muggle or wizard, as long as it is human blood. "

Dumbledore's eyes were sharp,

"Yes, this magic circle was very popular in the dark ages thousands of years ago. At that time, Muggles persecuted wizards, so wizards had no scruples about taking action against Muggles,"

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