Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 68 Soviet Union?

However, now it's good. Finny got this magic directly through the task. Now he only needs to use it successfully once to master it.

This time, the reward needs to be used successfully once to master it. Finny also understands it.

After all, the magic of Animagus is different from other magic. It is too dangerous. There is no way to recover after the magic goes wrong. This is why the most famous hospital in the magic world, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases, has set up a department to deal with the consequences of this spell.

It is also very troublesome to become an Animagus. It may take several years to succeed. It can make people become the most suitable animal for themselves, but it is also possible to fail, so transformation also requires courage.

Even now, there are only seven Animagus recorded by the Ministry of Magic.

Practicing Animagus requires a single leaf of Mandrake to be kept in the mouth for a whole month (from full moon to full moon). The leaf cannot be swallowed or taken out of the mouth at any time. If the leaf leaves the mouth, the whole process must be restarted. And this is just the first step.

Then you need to take the leaf out when the moon is full, fill a crystal vial with saliva, and soak the leaf in it, letting it receive pure moonlight (if it is cloudy that night, you will have to find a new Mandrake leaf and start over). Add a strand of your hair and a silver teaspoon of dew, which must have been collected from a place without sunlight or human contact for seven full days, to the moonlit crystal vial. Finally, add a pupa of a grimace moth. Keep this mixture in a quiet, dark place, and do not look at or disturb it until the next thunderstorm.

The preparations are now complete, and then comes the practice of Animagus. The following actions should be performed every sunrise and sunset: point the tip of the wand to the heart and chant the spell: "Amado, Animado, Animagus, Animagus.

Until you continue to chant the spell repeatedly at sunrise and sunset, there will be a moment when the tip of the wand touches your chest, and you will feel a second heartbeat, sometimes stronger than the original heartbeat, sometimes weaker. This is the beginning.

After that, you need to refine the potion, which is the potion composed of saliva, mandrake leaves and other substances prepared in advance.

At the moment when lightning breaks through the sky, immediately go to the place where you buried the crystal vial. If you complete all the above steps correctly, you will find a mouthful of blood-red potion inside.

After that, you need to immediately set off to a large and safe place to ensure that the transformation process will not attract attention or put your body in danger. Point the tip of your wand to your heart and chant the spell " "Amado, Animado, Animagus, Animagus" and then drink the potion.

If everything goes well, you will feel intense pain and two intense heartbeats. The creature you are about to transform into will appear in your mind. You must show no fear, it is too late to escape the change you promised.

This is only half done, until you adapt to the transformed creature and clearly imagine your human form to successfully return to human form. It is considered successful, and then you just need to practice continuously until you can switch between animal and human forms at will.

So, Finny would be so excited to get the Animagus reward for a task, and this reward saved him a lot of things and troubles.

Of course, what he needs at this time is not to be excited about this reward, nor to find a place to practice this spell, but to find a way to return to London. Only when he returns to London can he return to the house at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, and then let the elf take him back to Hogwarts.

"Hello, how do I get to London? "

Finny grabbed a person on the side of the road and asked again.

Luckily, the person Finny caught this time knew English.

"London? You need to take a plane, or you can take a train, so you can experience the beautiful scenery of the Soviet Union."

Hearing this, Finny was stunned at first, and then asked,

"Is this the Soviet Union?"

The passerby was obviously confused by Finny's question. There was actually someone who didn't know where he was.

Looking at the passerby in front of him who looked at him like a madman, Finny said helplessly,

"I don't know how I got here. I woke up here after sleeping in London."

Finny's words, coupled with his current age, obviously gave passersby the illusion that he was kidnapped.

"Oh, that's it, poor child, yes, this is a small county town in the Kaliningrad region of the Soviet Union. Although I don't know how you got here, if you want to go back to London, you need to go to the city and buy a plane or train ticket. "

Finny nodded, indicating that he understood.

However, it would be impossible to return to London according to the Muggle method of this passerby. You know, Finny did not come here through the normal channels of wizards or Muggles. He was smuggled here and there was no way to return to London legally.

So, what he needed was to find a way to contact the professors of Hogwarts or the elves at home.

This requires an owl. And if you want an owl, you need to find a gathering place or hiding place for wizards.

Through the Confusion Spell, Finny came to the city of Kaliningrad, and what he didn't expect the most was that the wizard shop here was so openly displayed in the open,

After asking, Finney learned that the magic world in the Soviet Union was also hidden in the Muggle world. However, they were different from other countries. Their hiding meant putting it in the open, which made it look like a wonderful store selling strange things. In addition, the high price reduced a lot of trouble.

This country is one of the few countries where wizards need to follow the Muggle way to rank their status.

The entire European magic world uses gold galleons, which saves Finney a lot of trouble.

After buying an owl, Finney sent a letter to Dumbledore, stating his current situation and location, and looking forward to Dumbledore coming to rescue him.

The reason why he gave it to Dumbledore instead of Professor McGonagall was because he knew that it was the best choice for him to return to Hogwarts secretly, and only Dumbledore's phoenix could take him back without alerting the Ministry of Magic.

After sending the letter via owl, Finny found a place to wait quietly. He believed that as long as Dumbledore received the letter, he would come to pick him up. After all, he was still a little wizard in Hogwarts.

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