Whisper the incantation,

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus!"

As Feeney finished reciting the spell, he clearly felt a sharp pain, and there were two very obvious heartbeats in his chest, and his mind went blank.

With the severe pain in his body, Finny felt that everything around him was getting bigger. No, he was actually getting smaller. Hair appeared on the surface of his body, his hands turned into claws, and the wand fell to the ground due to the change in his palms. ,

Finally, when the pain completely stopped, everything around him had become extremely tall, and Finny had turned into a mammal lying on all fours.

Looking at the furry hands, the plum blossom-shaped claws, and the long tail behind him, Finny had some preliminary ideas about his Animagus form.

However, this can only be confirmed after looking in the mirror.

He moved his limbs and came to the mirror prepared in advance.

I saw a black cat that looked very similar to chocolate appearing in the mirror.

The Linqing lion cat is Finny's Animagus form, which is somewhat beyond his initial expectations. As a member of the Black family, the Animagus form is more normal, at least in the family. According to internal records, the Animagus forms of the Black family members are almost all canine, most of them are dogs, and some powerful people are wolves. Although the breeds are different, they are all dogs.

When we arrived at Fini, the canine family turned into a cat family. If this matter were revealed to the reclusive elders of the family, they would not know how to laugh at Fini.

The first Animagus transformation requires a lot of magic power. Adult wizards are unable to have enough magic power to transform back immediately after completing the transformation for the first time, and Fini is no exception.

After a semester of growth, Finny's magic value is now 350 points, which is very close to the 500 for an adult wizard. However, an Animagus transformation still completely cleared his magic value.

In other words, this is the Room of Requirement, which is very safe, otherwise Finny would have to return to the house in Grimmauld Place to use this magic.

He curled up into a small ball and closed his eyes slightly.

After a while, a slight snoring sound came from the mouth of the kitten that Feeney had transformed into, resounding throughout the Room of Requirement.

The night passed so peacefully,

The next morning, Finny woke up from the ground in the form of animagus. He subconsciously stretched his body, and the raised tail reminded him that he was still a cat at this time.

After feeling it for a while, the magic power in my body had almost recovered at this time, so I began to imagine what I looked like as a human in my mind, as clearly and clearly as possible,

The severe pain in my body appeared again, even more severe than the time when I turned into a cat.

Feeney felt that his body was constantly being torn and restored. His whole body was slowly getting bigger due to the constant pulling, and everything around him also returned to its original size.

And Finny had just returned to human form for the first time. The severe pain before and the magic power that the Animagus needed to consume for the first time made Finny feel exhausted.

He had just woken up and could no longer open his eyes.

However, fortunately, after completing the transformation of Animagus, all the rewards from the previous system were distributed at once. A large amount of experience was added to the entire magic of Animagus, directly increasing it to the level of proficiency.

This allows Finny to use the Animagus as soon as he thinks about it, and vice versa.

Even if Professor McGonagall uses Animagus at this time, she still needs to imagine what her Animagus looks like before she can use it, while Finny only needs to think about how I want to use Animagus. ,

And the magic power consumed is also lower. You only need to consume the magic power to transform the body.

This is the power of the spell mastery level. If you change it to ordinary spells, it would be a level where you can cast spells without a wand, without sound, or even with just a thought.

With the distribution of system rewards, the magic power that Feeney had consumed gradually recovered. After resting for a while in the Room of Requirement, he began to study the notes in the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets.

This is the most valuable knowledge he has gained now. After all, these things will not only open the door to ancient magic for Finny, but also allow him to learn about alchemy, a magic that has almost no information in Hogwarts. branch.

Everything is calm, the holidays are approaching, and all the little wizards don't want to cause trouble at this time,

Two days later, the results came out. To Finny's surprise, he was second in age. The one before him was not a little wizard from Ravenclaw, but a little badger, Cedric Diggory. .

Moreover, the Weasley twins' grades were also among the top, which was not only beyond Finny's expectation, but also beyond Professor McGonagall's expectation. You must know that although the twin brothers are very talented in class, they are too naughty. I don't know how to study seriously at all.

Who would have thought that this kind of student who doesn't study at all and just plays around would be a top student?

George and Fred are not doing any involution. These two people really did this based on their own talents.

It’s not that difficult to understand if you think about it carefully. The five Weasleys who have entered Hogwarts are all very talented.

Bill Weasley is very talented in Charms and Potions, and he has also taught himself the alchemy inherited from his family. He is now a curse breaker at Gringotts.

The so-called curse breaker is not a safe position. They have to adventure around the world, explore ancient ruins to find treasures, and remove the curses, spells, and various seals on them. Then hand them over to Gringotts and get rewards.

Charlie Weasley is very talented in magical animals and transfiguration. Now he raises fire dragons in Romania. This is not a job that ordinary wizards can do. It requires a very strong and good Transfiguration.

Percy Weasley, who is still in school, is also a talented little wizard. He is not only a member of the Transfiguration Club, but also a member of the Charms Club. His grades are also very good. If nothing unexpected happens, he will become the head of Gryffindor in the fifth grade.

Although the Weasley twins are a little naughty, the two have been able to develop some joke products at this time, and even applied some simple alchemy knowledge, which is enough to show how superb their talent in alchemy is.

So it is understandable that they can achieve such good results.

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