Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 85 The Burrow

Everyone in the magic world knows that the Gaunt family is the descendant of Slytherin, but they don’t know that Black and Slytherin also have some relatives.

The Black family genealogy recognized by the magic world today starts from Phineas Black I, but no one knows that Phineas Black I, the famous Slytherin Dean and Hogwarts Headmaster, his mother is actually from the Gaunt family, and is a direct bloodline.

It’s just that Phineas Black I was unlucky not to inherit the snake old voice, and then the bloodline became increasingly thin, and there was no one with this talent.

The topic is a bit far-fetched. In short, the Weasley family is underestimated by most pure-blood families. Their most valuable thing has always been their connections.

Not to mention that their family has a close relationship with Dumbledore and is one of the founders of the Order of the Phoenix. During the Second World War in the magic world, there were many Weasleys among the wizards who died. Even if they were not, most of them had relatives with the Weasley family. For example, the famous Prewett brothers are Molly Weasley’s brothers.

Therefore, Finny's visit to the Weasleys may have been intended to find allies for himself. It was just right to use his relationship with George and his brother to get closer to each other.

Perhaps because the Weasleys lived a certain distance from London, Popsicle came back in the evening after Finny had finished dinner.

It brought back a reply from George and Fred.

The letter agreed to visit the next day, and also wrote that Molly Weasley expressed her welcome to Finny's arrival.

The next day, Finny came to Ottery St. Catchpole, a village near the Weasleys, with the help of Puff.

This is a village where wizards and Muggles live together. After the signing and implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy in the 17th century, a special magic community was established.

There are many wizard families living nearby, including the Fawcetts, the Diggorys, the Lovegoods, and the Weasleys, Finny's target this time.

Out of respect for the pure-blood family, Finny did not go directly to the Weasley family with the help of Puff, but chose to come here and walk to the Weasley family.

After passing through the fields and trees, there was a bush and a forest.

The Weasley family was on the other side of the forest.

Finny tightened the cane in his hand. The cane, which was originally used for decoration, showed its original function for the first time, assisting walking and clearing weeds.

With the help of magic, Finny easily passed through the woods and saw the so-called Weasley family.

It was a somewhat shabby yard with a shabby garage and the Weasley family's house.

It seemed that this house used to be a large pigsty made of stone, and some rooms were added later. Now it has several floors, but it is crooked. If it were not for the magic, it would never be built.

Even if it was built, it would collapse quickly.

Four or five chimneys were exposed on the red roof. I don't know why so many chimneys are needed for these fireplaces.

There was a sign in front of the yard with the words "The Burrow" written on it.

It's so true, Finny sighed secretly.

When you walk into the yard, you can see the high-top leather boots thrown by the door, the rusty crucible and a few fat chickens pecking in the yard.

From the environment here, the chickens raised in the yard and the vegetables planted, you can see that the Weasley family is indeed different from other pure-blood families. They live a very bad life.

Like other pure-blood families, the Weasley family is just like an ordinary family, but this does not make Finny look down on this family.

He stood in front of the house, tidied his clothes, put the wand in his hand back into the cane, and gently knocked on the door of the Burrow.

After a while, a flustered footsteps came out of the house,

Then the door opened, and a lady with red hair, not tall, but a little fat stood inside and looked at Finny.

The slightly curly, red hair and the kindly smiling face all showed her identity, the mistress of the Weasley family. Molly Weasley, the cousin of Finny's in-law.

"You are Mrs. Weasley, right? I am Phineas Black. I received a letter yesterday about today's visit."

Finny took off his hat and made a gentleman's salute to Molly, introducing himself,

"Oh, Mr. Black, yes, I know you are coming to visit today, ah, please come in!"

Molly was also a little overwhelmed by Finny's respectful and formal words. It was not easy for the Weasley family to have visitors. Even if there were, they were their good friends, and there would be no such formal opening.

Finny's words made Molly ignore the fact that he was just a child of the same age as her fourth and fifth sons. Instead, she invited him in with words for people of the same age.

Finney said with a smile,

"Mrs. Weasley, just call me Finney. If we are to be honest, I would call you cousin."

Molly was stunned for a moment before she realized that the person in front of her was just a child.

"Ah, Finney, come in, let's talk inside."

Finney followed Molly into the house of the Burrow. Although the exterior of the house did not look very good, the interior was quite nice and warm, although it was not big.

The Weasley family's living room is very small, so Molly brought Finney to the dining room, which is relatively large.

Of course, the Weasley family's kitchen is still a bit crowded, with a very clean wooden table and chairs in the middle.

There is no family tree on the wall of the kitchen, but there is a magic wall clock. There is only one needle on the clock, and there are no numbers. Some of them are about Molly's daily work such as making tea, feeding chickens, and you are late.

There are three layers of books on the mantel next to the clock, but they are all daily magic books such as "The Magic of Baking Bread", not magic books. There is also a magic radio next to the sink. This is one of the few Muggle technology products that is sold publicly in the magic world, and the Ministry of Magic also has a magic radio station.

Gryffindor's George Lee's father is a staff member of the magic radio station.

"I'm sorry, Finny, I didn't expect you to come at this time. I'll be a little late and come directly instead of walking."

Molly looked at Finny and said apologetically,

Finny smiled and shook his head,

"It's my fault. I didn't inform you in advance before I came. As for walking here, it's because I think it's better to be formal for the first visit."

When I was writing a chapter, I curiously checked the Black family tree. There was no information about the parents of Phineas Black I, the headmaster, and there was no information above. So, the things about the Gaunt family are made up by me, don't take it seriously. In addition, in Wikipedia, Arthur is considered to be Sirius' uncle in the Black family tree, but in fact, Sirius once mentioned in the original book that Arthur was his great-uncle. Arthur is the great-grandson of Sirius Black. According to the Chinese kinship system after five generations, the uncle and grandfather are of the same generation, while the uncle and grandfather's grandson and Sirius are of the same generation. Therefore, Arthur is Sirius's nephew rather than his uncle. Because I was afraid that I had made a mistake in the relationship, I checked Arthur's mother's relationship and confirmed that this was the case. However, in the Black family tree, Arthur's mother and father were missing two generations of names. However, there was no problem with the relationship with Headmaster Phineas Black. Therefore, I seriously doubt whether Aunt Rowling made a mistake in the relationship between the characters that was not emphasized in the original work. Thinking of the settings that are full of loopholes such as the monetary system, financial system, Quidditch, etc., I think my suspicion may be correct. Just read it carefully according to the settings of this book.

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