Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 87 The Twins' Room (EDG is awesome!)

Molly looked at George and the others with a smile and said,

"Okay, Feeny has helped you finish your work, you can go play today."

George and Fred immediately jumped up with joy and said to Feeney,

"Let's take you to our bedroom and show you our latest invention."

At this time Mrs. Weasley yelled at the two of them,

"You two, stop making that mess of yours in the room!"

George and Fred said in unison,

"Got it, Mom!"

Then he whispered to Feeney,

"Mum, she thinks all our inventions are incorrect. She wants us to work in the Ministry of Magic after graduation,"

"Only Percy would like the work of the Ministry of Magic. He will be the Minister of Magic in the future."

Feeney followed the two of them through the living room to the stairs.

Before ascending the stairs, Finny noticed the Weasley's second piece of magic, which was different from the one in the kitchen.

There is a pointer on this piece, and there is a photo of each member of the Weasley family on the front of the pointer, which represents which person does not correspond to the pointer.

Like the one in the kitchen, there are no numbers on it, but the places where each family member may appear, including "home", "school", "prison", "missing", "Quidditch", etc. At 12 o'clock on an ordinary clock, there is even the word "fatal danger" engraved on it.

"That's a watch that has always been in our family, dating back to our grandfather's time."

George saw Feeney paying attention to their magic clock, so he explained,

Fred added.

"Every time a Weasley is born, a new pointer appears, and if any one dies, his pointer disappears."

Feeney nodded to express his understanding. He understood in his heart that this watch, like his family tree, was a magic item that was connected by blood to the family members.

If a new member of the family tree is born, his portrait will appear on the carpet. If he dies, the portrait will turn into black and white. It is very similar to the Weasley family's magic clock, except that one is to observe whether members of the family are Safety, and the other is to record the history of family members.

The stairs of the Weasley family are very strange, uneven, winding and intricate, and can even be compared with the stairs of Gryffindor Tower in Hogwarts Castle.

There are some platforms between the stairs, which can also be said to be floors. However, the Weasley family's house is not of a standard style, and there is no accurate way of saying which floors are on which floors.

To put it simply, there is a room on a platform on a certain floor. It is not very high up the stairs. It is another platform and there is still a room. The rooms are staggered. This results in that almost no rooms are on the same level. flat.

On the third landing, there is a door that is half open. The decoration inside shows that this is a little girl's room.

George smiled sheepishly and said,

"This is Ginny's room. This girl is used to being carefree."

Feeney said with a shrug.

"You brother and sister have a very good relationship."

Fred smiled and said,

"Of course, especially when you're teasing Ron,"

Hearing this, Feeney couldn't help rolling his eyes and complained,

"Ron is really unlucky to be your brother,"

George smiled and said,

"Don't worry, Ron really likes our pranks."

In response to this, Feeney could only say, just be happy.

Go up the stairs to a platform. There are these two doors. There is a small sign on the door.

One of them said Percy's room, the other George and Fred's room.

Fred pushed open the door to their room, revealing the room inside;

The room is large, of course, compared to other rooms, maybe because there are two people living here.

The room was filled with Gryffindor colors, and two single beds were placed on the left and right sides of the room.

There is also a wardrobe, a table and a bedside table with a lamp in the room, which seems to be shared by the two brothers.

The windows in the room are not big, and there is a vase of flowers on the table in front, which adds a touch of life to the room.

The wardrobe is large enough to hold all the clothes of the two brothers.

There are also several sealed cardboard boxes placed in the corner of the room. Not surprisingly, they are things that George and Fred have researched.

There was still a smell of gunpowder in the air, and even the fragrance of flowers couldn't cover it up. Feeney, who had just come in, frowned.

"I said, are you two developing explosives in the room?"

Fred was fine, but George was a little embarrassed.

"Last night the two of us were working hard on pulling out fireworks, so the smell of gunpowder was quite strong in the room."

Feeney looked at the two of them doubtfully and asked,

"Strongly pulling out fireworks? Have you researched anything?"

Fred shook his head and said,

"No, we haven't made much progress. There are indeed some traces of magic on the gunpowder, but those magics control the patterns and styles that appear after the fireworks explode,"

George added,

"We still haven't thought about why this thing can be ignited when it is wet. There is no trace of magic in terms of ignition, and it cannot be an alchemical product. At least simple alchemical creations that can be mass-produced do not have such an effect."

After hearing this, Feeney said,

"Man, don't be so absolute, otherwise how can the magic joke shop make money by jumping around and having fun? However, if you can't find a clue in the magic room, you can try the Muggle method."

George was stunned, and Fred said in surprise,

"Yes, there are Muggle ways,"

"Why didn't we think of that?"

George also looked at Feeney with some surprise.

"So, Finny, what good suggestions do you have?"

Feeney thought for a moment and said,

"As far as I know, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals will burn when they encounter water. Calcium carbide, sodium dithionite, and metal hydrides also have the same effect."

Fred and George were stunned when they heard Feeney's words, and asked after a moment,

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Feeney was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there is no chemistry in the magic world, they only have alchemy, and not everyone can do it.

After thinking about the wording carefully, he said,

"Well, to put it simply, they are some metals or substances that are not complicated to make. They can also be regarded as alchemical products, but they are just the alchemy method of Muggles."

George and Fred looked at each other and then said,

"But, we don't even know what you're talking about, let alone study our prank products."

EDG is awesome, here are five chapters! !

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