Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 90 Lovegood House

But in fact, it was Finny who came up with many of his ideas that were played by the twins and Ginny.

But he didn't do it himself,

"Are you leaving today?"

Ginny looked at Finny with some reluctance and asked,

Feeney smiled and said to the little girl,

"Yeah, I'm leaving today,"

Arthur looked at Feeney and asked,

"What are your plans next? Your vacation is only a month away!"

Feeney nodded and said,

"I have some plans. Next, I plan to visit the Lovegood family who live not far from here. I have some things to do, and then I plan to ask Professor Dumbledore to help me contact some people,"

Speaking of this, Feeney glanced at George and the others beside him, leaned next to Arthur, and whispered,

"After all, those things not only attacked me, but also attacked Hogwarts. I don't think even a great man like Dumbledore would have endured it."

Arthur frowned and said,

"Finney, maybe you are exposed to many things because of your family, but don't forget that you are just a child,"

Feeney shook his head, waved his hands and said indifferently,

"Although I am still a child, I am not someone who refuses to fight back when being bullied. And, as I said, Dumbledore will also take action. At most, I am just a support, providing some information or funds. ”

Feeney and Arthur's conversation was very low, like a whisper. Molly, George and his family were very confused when they saw it. The brothers George and Fred were also very curious and came over and put their arms around Feeney's neck.

"Finney, what did you say to our father?"

"You still have to avoid us?"

Feeney smiled and did not answer, but waved his hand to Molly and said,

"Mrs. Weasley, I'm going to leave now and come back to visit you next time."

Molly nodded and said,

"welcome any time,"

Then Feeney nodded to the others before calling out.


With a snap, Puff, who had been paying attention to Finny, appeared next to him, took Finny's hand, and led him away from the Weasley family's burrow.

Feeney and Puff didn't leave far, but came to the top of a mountain not far from the Burrow.

Looking at the Burrow not far behind him, Feeney always felt that he had forgotten something very important during his visit. However, since it can be forgotten, it means that it is not a particularly important matter, and we will talk about it later. He turned around and started looking for the location of his Lovegood home.

He only knew that Lovegood's house was near the Burrow, but he didn't know exactly where it was.

And just like when going to the Burrow, it would be disrespectful to the host to directly apparate into someone else's home for the first official visit. If you know the fireplace, you can go there through the fireplace.

However, he voluntarily disconnected the connection between Feeney's fireplace and the Floo Network because the house was guarded by the Loyalty Charm, and linking to the Floo Network carried the risk of exposure.

On the top of a hill not far to the north of the Burrow, Feeney saw the Lovegood house. It was a huge black cylindrical house, like a huge stone, like in chess. The same as the car.

Feeney walked towards the house.

After walking a certain distance, Feeney confirmed that this was indeed the Lovegood house, because there were three hand-painted signs hanging on the somewhat dilapidated courtyard door outside the house.

Block One: "The Quibbler" Editor-in-Chief: X. Lovegood

Everyone knows that the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler" is Shane Lovegood, but he still uses this pseudonym to sell the magazine.

Block 2: Please choose your own bouquet of mistletoe

This is a very old legend. It is said that mistletoe can prevent witches from coming to your door, and can also ward off bad luck and witchcraft. When visiting other people's homes at certain times, bringing a bunch of mistletoe means that you are yourself and not being attracted by other things. Control, or something else fake.

Of course, this is just an old legend. Almost no one in the Muggle world would do this, and the same is true in the magical world.

For mistletoe, people's impression is more related to love and romance. Just like the well-known saying, there is no happiness without mistletoe.

And the third piece: Don’t touch the airship Li

This is a mere warning. It is a plant with upside-down fruit that resembles a turnip that grows in Lovegood's yard. Some herbalists in the magical world believe that this plant can improve the ability to accept abnormal things. But the number of herbalists is very good, even negligible compared to the mainstream.

The courtyard door creaked open as Feeney pushed it open. The various strange plants on both sides of the winding path were not just airship plums.

The airship plum is just a fruit on a bush, and there is also a knotweed vine here.

On both sides of the door there are two old crabapple trees bent by the wind, as well as small red fruits growing on them, and a large mistletoe corolla decorated with white beads.

Feeney gently broke off a bunch of mistletoe, took it in his hand, and continued walking forward.

It didn't take long before I arrived in front of the black building. I gently knocked three times with the eagle-shaped knocker on the heavy door.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and a man with marshmallow-like white hair hanging on his shoulders came out, slightly misogynistic.

The man wore a hat with tassels that went vertically to his nose, an egg-yellow robe, and was barefoot. He looked at Finny in confusion.

However, none of these attracted Finny's attention as much as the necklace on his neck at this time.

It was a golden necklace, the mark of the Deathly Hallows.

"Who are you?"

The man looked at Finny in confusion.

Finny bowed to the man and said,

"Hello, Mr. Xeno Lovegood, I am Phineas Black, and I am here to visit the lady, Ms. Pandora Lovegood."

Xeno frowned and asked,

"I don't remember that my wife knows anyone from the Black family."

Looking at Mr. Lovegood who was a little wary, Finny smiled slightly, expressing his understanding.

Indeed, his reputation in the magic world is not very good now. Dumbledore's faction and the neutral faction all suspected that he had some relationship with the mysterious man and was a member of the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters, that is, most of the pure-blood families, believed that he was a traitor and a member of Dumbledore's faction.

Therefore, for the neutral, even somewhat isolated and secluded Lovegood family, Finny's arrival was not such a good thing.

Finny smiled, stretched out his right hand, let Sheno see the ring on his hand and said,

"I think Ms. Lovegood also has a similar ring. If you are not sure, you can ask Ms. Lovegood. I don't mind waiting here for a while."

Sheno frowned and stared at Finny's eyes for a while.

After confirming that Finny would not leave without seeing his wife, or his wife would not leave without clearly stating that she did not want to see him, he turned and walked into the house.

(The original book only mentioned that Pandora died when Luna was nine years old, without an exact date, and Wikipedia said it was a day around 1990. For some considerations, the book set the time of Pandora's death at the end of 1990, before Luna's birthday on February 13, 1991.)

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